Xen Developer & Design Summit

This event has passed. View the upcoming Xen Events.



Questions? Please email the Xen events team at xenevents@linuxfoundation.org.

What is the format of Xen Developer & Design Summit 2021 and when will it take place?

Xen Developer & Design Summit 2021 is a virtual experience and will take place online May 25 – 28, 2021, Central European Summer Time (CEST), UTC +2. This virtual event will continue to deliver the same content you would have received in-person (keynotes, breakout, and design sessions) as well as interactive attendee collaboration and networking tools, and much more.

What are the benefits of attending the virtual Xen Developer & Design Summit?

Receive the same benefits you would have had at the face-to-face event, but access these from the comfort, safety, and convenience of your home via computer, tablet or phone – all you need is the internet and a web browser.

What is the cost for the new virtual format of Xen Developer & Design Summit and how do I register?

Registration is US$25. Register now!

What are the system requirements needed to participate in the virtual event?

We are using the BigBlueButton (BBB) virtual event platform for Xen Developer & Design Summit and this is an open source platform. BigBlueButton is an HTML5-based web application, it runs within your web browser. You click a link (such as in Greenlight), your browser runs BigBlueButton and prompts you to join the audio bridge. There is no plugin to download, no software to install. BigBlueButton provides high-quality audio, video, and screen sharing using the browser’s built-in support for web real-time communication (WebRTC) libraries. Learn more here.

Will the content be different in a virtual experience setting?

No! All of the sessions and content you would have had access to at a physical event will be included in the virtual event. While some of our onsite experiences aside from content, unfortunately, can’t be replicated online, we’re working on putting together alternate experiences that can, which will help provide attendees a fully immersive event experience. Stay tuned for more details! 

How will the virtual sessions work?

Sessions will take place at scheduled times just as they would at a face-to-face event. Speakers will be available for a live presentation and Q&A. And of course, all sessions will be recorded and available to attendees on-demand after the event.

Will all sessions be recorded?

Yes! Once the event ends, all attendees will be able to access the sessions and other content and resources from the event platform for one year. Additionally, all recorded sessions will be transferred to The Xen Project YouTube channel post event so they are freely accessible to anyone, anywhere.

I attend Xen Developer & Design Summit mainly for networking. How is that possible in a virtual event?

We know how invaluable face-to-face networking is at events and we purposefully chose a virtual event platform that we felt most closely replicated the real-world capabilities for attendee networking at an event. Attendees will be able to connect with speakers, sponsors, and experts through a “hallway track” with other attendees in group chats.

What timezone will Xen Developer & Design Summit be live in?

Central European Summer Time (CEST), UTC +2

How will the Event Code of Conduct be enforced in a virtual environment?

All participants must abide by the Linux Foundation Code of Conduct in virtual events just as they would at physical ones. We will be monitoring language and images throughout the platform to ensure there are no violations of the CoC, and quickly handle any that we might find. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns relating to harassment, please contact a member of the conference staff immediately through the Information desk in the event platform, or email the Event Manager, Deb Giles, at dgiles@linuxfoundation.org.

