CNCF is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events. Please take a few minutes to review our Code of Conduct.
Slack Attendee Communication:
Please use the CNCF Slack Workspace and connect on channel #3-kubernetes-edge-day.
Social Media:
Share your experience at Kubernetes on Edge Day by using the official hashtags #K8SEDGE + #K8SEDGEDAY
Check out the full schedule!
This co-located event will play in one continuous live-stream via the Meeting Play platform.
To review the full schedule and plan your experience – please visit the full co-located event schedule here:
All CNCF Hosted Co-Located Events are available for viewing via livestream on our virtual event platform, MeetingPlay.
You will need your email address and confirmation number to login to our virtual event platform, MeetingPlay. Please check your email for this information. NOTE: This is the same login information you will use for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe (to be shared 3-5 days prior to the event date).
The event platform opens early on Sunday, 15 May at 15:00 CEST.
Take advantage of this early access to become familiar with the platform, update your profile, and start networking! To access co-located event sessions, please select “Agenda” in the menu bar on the left side of your screen and search for the co-located event you wish to view! You can “star” your favorite session in order to quickly find them later.
Event Venue
Feria Valencia
Av. de les Fires, s/n, 46035 València, Spain
Co-located Event Location: Pavilion 4, Room C | Level 2 | Central Forum
Vaccine Verification + Badge Pickup
Location: Feria Valencia, Central Forum
Registration Opens on Sunday, 15 May at 14:00CEST | Registration Hours
Participants will need to show proof of vaccination and a government-issued photo ID to enter the event. The following are acceptable forms of proof of full vaccination:
– Government-issued or government-compliant digital vaccination verification app (such as Clear, VaxYes, or EU Digital COVID App)
– Physical (or digital photocopy of) COVID-19 vaccination card, record, or certificate issued by a government agency, public health agency, or other authorized vaccine provider (a photo will also suffice).
If proof of vaccination does not include a QR code then the record must show the name of the vaccinated individual along with one other personal identifier (such as date of birth or passport number), name of manufacturer for vaccine received, and date(s) of vaccination. It must also include the name of the official source issuing the record (e.g., public health agency, government agency, or other authorized vaccine provider).
You will be required to complete the vaccine verification, verbal daily health survey, and temperature check before entering the event to pick up your name badge and prior to entering the event each day.
Masks are required throughout the event venue except while actively eating or drinking, and attendees should come prepared with their own. 😷 KN95 or N95 masks are recommended. Cloth masks are acceptable. Bandanas, scarfs, and gators are not permitted to be used as masks.
Please review our onsite Health + Safety protocols prior to arrival.
Coffee/tea, morning + afternoon breaks, lunch, and an evening happy hour are included for all CNCF-hosted co-located event attendees.
- Tuesday Evening Happy Hour | 17:00 – 18:30 CEST
- Feria Valencia Plaza
Event Wi-Fi
SSID: CreateWithCisco
Password: cloudnative