CloudNativeSecurityCon North America

This event has passed. View the upcoming KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + other CNCF Events.

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Why Sponsor

Join our community at CloudNativeSecurityCon 2023 taking place February 1+2, 2023 in Seattle, WA. Engage, network, and collaborate with peers and like-minded people in the cloud native security community. Sponsoring this event allows you to gain valuable mindshare of a targeted audience while engaging with 1,000+ developers, architects, and technical leaders onsite.. Together we will shape the future of the rapidly evolving cloud native security  ecosystem.

  • Engage with the industry’s top developers, end users, and vendors.
  • Inform and educate the cloud native security community about your organization’s products, services, open source strategies, and cloud native direction.
  • Take advantage of a professionally-organized conference run by a neutral nonprofit where content is curated by the community.
  • Meet with developers and operations experts ranging from startup CTOs to corporate developers to senior technology executives from all over the world.
  • Associate your brand with one of the fastest-growing technology communities.
  • Support and engage with the ecosystem and the community that is the engine driving some of the highest velocity open source projects in the industry.
  • Give back to the open source community. CNCF reinvests profits from our events to directly support CNCF’s hosted projects.

Sponsorship benefits

Download the full prospectus to learn more about our CloudNativeSecurityCon North America 2023 sponsorship packages and marketing promotional opportunities.

Contact to secure your sponsorship today. Signed contracts for level sponsorships must be received by January 5, 2023

additional opportunities

Marketing Promotional Opportunities (MPOs): Enhance your presence at CloudNativeSecurityCon North America 2023 with additional sponsorships such as:

  • Diversity scholarships
  • Attendee T-Shirt
  • Lanyards
  • Session Recording

Contact to secure your sponsorship today. Signed contracts for marketing promotional opportunities must be received by January 5, 2023.





Start Up

Diversity Scholarship

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