General Information
Thank you for your support of Kubernetes on Edge Day EU 2022, taking place in person on May 17.
Please click through the tabs on this page to access information on exhibiting at the conference.
All sponsors should register here using the sponsor code that was emailed to you. *Please note: You must pay the registration fee for Kubecon + Cloud Native Con. This discount code only waives the Kubernetes on Edge Day registration fee.
This year’s in-person event will take place at the Feria Valencia.
Feria Valencia
Avenida de las ferias s/n, 46035 Valencia, Spain
Please see our Hotel & Travel page for information on booking accommodations at the hotel as well as transportation options.
If you have any questions regarding your sponsorship benefits, please contact Christie Davis.
We look forward to welcoming you to Valencia!
Due Dates
Early February: Speaker information due.
March 15: Logo in .svg format due.
March 15: Twitter handle due.
March 15: Confirm use of tabletop sponsor space.
March 15: Confirm use of lead retrieval device.
March 22: Choose tabletop location.
April 19: Provide attendee giveaway information. Send details to
April 26: Pre or post-event email blast content due. Send your content to
May 3: Message to be posted by CNCF on your behalf in the event Slack channel due (50 words). Send your content to
May 13: Shipment tracking details due. Complete this form.
May 13: Register attendees by this date.
March 15: Logo in .svg format due.
March 15: Twitter handle due.
April 19: Provide attendee giveaway information. Send details to
May 3: Message to be posted by CNCF on your behalf in the event Slack channel due (50 words). Send your content to
May 13: Shipment tracking details due. Complete this form.
May 13: Register attendees by this date.
March 15: Logo in .svg format due.
March 15: Twitter handle due.
April 19: Provide attendee giveaway information. Send details to
TBD: Register attendees by this date.
May 3: Message to be posted by CNCF on your behalf in the event Slack channel due (50 words). Send your content to
May 13: Shipment tracking details due. Complete this form.
May 13: Register attendees by this date.
Message in Event Networking Channel:
Diamond, Platinum, and Gold members have the opportunity to reach out to attendees with a customized 50-word message that the events team will send out at a designated time in the CNCF Slack channel. Messages may include a call to action, e.g. directing attendees to a conference session or link to an external website.
Speaking Opportunity:
Diamond sponsors receive a 5-minute keynote speaking opportunity. Please see the speaking opportunity tab for more information.
Social Media Mentions From CNCF or Project Handle:
CNCF will create and post the content for social media mentions.
Diamond: 1 group mention with other diamond sponsors
Platinum: 1 group mention with platinum and gold sponsors
Gold: 1 group mention with platinum and gold sponsors
Mobile Schedule Branding:
Diamond, Platinum, and Gold sponsors will have their company logo and link displayed on the mobile schedule on
Recognition On Event Website and Event Signage:
Diamond, Platinum, and Gold sponsors will have their logo displayed on the event website and on in-person event signage.
Recognition in Pre-Event and Post-Event Attendee Communication
Diamond, Platinum, and Gold sponsors will be recognized in pre-event and post-event attendee communication with their company logo and URL.
Conference Attendee Passes:
Sponsors receive a number of full-access passes to Kubernetes on Edge Day based on sponsorship level. Please note: Registration and payment for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon are required to attend the event.
Diamond: 4 passes
Platinum: 2 passes
Gold: 1 pass
Please email Christie Davis if you need your sponsor code for the complimentary passes re-sent to you.
Attendee Giveaway:
Sponsors may provide a giveaway for attendees at the event. Sponsors may set out the giveaway on the chairs in the session room the evening before the event. Otherwise, giveaways will be set out on a table in the back of the session room. Further details will be provided in the coming weeks.
Giveaway items must be approved by CNCF before the event. Shipment tracking information must be received by May 13th. Please provide information on this form.
Speaking Opportunity
Diamond sponsors receive a 5-minute keynote speaking opportunity during Kubernetes on Edge Day.
Please provide the required details below no later than TBD, so they can be added to the schedule. Once the details are received, the program committee will review the content prior to it being posted. As a reminder, we encourage you to use this time to benefit the community.
- Track Session Title
- Track Session Abstract (to be included on schedule)
- Speaker Name
- Speaker Title
- Speaker Bio
- Speaker Email
Please send to TBD.
- Session content must meet CFP requirements and is subject to approval by CNCF and/or the event Program Committee.
- Sales and marketing pitches are prohibited.
- The Linux Foundation is committed to a diverse and inclusive community. To this end, all talks/sessions with more than one speaker are required to include at least one woman or gender non-confirming participant. All-male panels will not be accepted.
- The Linux Foundation is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events. We encourage all submitters to review our complete Code of Conduct.
If you have not done so already, please send your logo to Christie Davis.
Your logo will appear in the following places based on your sponsorship level:
Event Schedule
Pre-Event and Post-Event Attendee Communications
Event Website
In-Person Event Signage
Event Schedule
Pre-Event and Post-Event Attendee Communications
Event Website
In-Person Event Signage
Event Schedule
Pre-Event and Post-Event Attendee Communications
Event Website
In-Person Event Signage