Project Lightning Talks
Tuesday, 10 June
11:15 – 12:30
Location: Level 21 | Emerald Pavilion
Projects will have the opportunity to deliver a 5-minute lightning talk to showcase their recent updates, features, and other highlights to their peers.
Maintainer Tracks
Tuesday + Wednesday
Join us for the Maintainer Track sessions at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2025 for a deep dive into the heart of these projects. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with project leaders, gain insights into the latest advancements, and collaborate with industry experts!
Project Tables
Tuesday + Wednesday
Swing by the Project Tables in the Solutions Showcase to connect with project maintainers to learn more about the project, ask questions, or exchange ideas. Project Tables are open during the Solutions Showcase hours.
The Project Table directory and schedule will be available in late April.
FAQs + Contact
General Information
What is the value of participating in these project offerings?
CNCF Projects can benefit from participating in one or more project offerings by engaging with the open source community and teaching attendees about the project and how to contribute.
I am not a CNCF project. Can I still participate in these project offerings?
At this time, we are only accepting CNCF projects, TAGs, and SIGs to participate in the Project Pavilion.
If you are interested in contributing your project to CNCF or discuss how CNCF can help your project, please contact and read the TOC repo.
Project Table
If we host a Project Table, do we receive passes for our table staff?
We do not offer complimentary passes to projects hosting a Project Table. This has been a practice of the event since 2017. CNCF provides need based scholarships, and we recommend reviewing and applying.
What does the Project Table include?
The table provided onsite will include a monitor and project logo signage. Any additional items/needs will have to be approved and ordered by the project.
What is the difference between a Full-Time table and a Half Day table?
A project hosting a half-day table will share the table with another project. One project will host the table during AM hours, and the other will host PM hours. A project hosting a Full-Time table will host the table for the entire showcase hours during the week. Kindly note that Sandbox projects qualify to host a single table shift only (ie. Wednesday AM only).
How do I confirm what project logo will be used on signage?
The project’s horizontal color logo from the CNCF artwork repository will be used for signage. Please be sure to upload a high resolution logo at least 12 weeks prior to the event. If the required logo is not available in the repository at the time signage is ordered, CNCF staff will determine which logo to use.
Can custom graphics be added to our Project Table?
Custom graphics are not permitted at Project Tables.
Are pull-up banners and/or table cloths permitted for our Project Table?
Banners and tablecloths are not permitted as all Project Tables are to have a standard uniformed look.
Are we able to collect leads at our table?
Capturing leads is not a benefit of hosting an in-person table. The purpose of Project Tables is to educate the open source community on CNCF Projects, rather than present project or product sales pitches.
Is there an option to have a virtual booth?
There won’t be any virtual booths.
Can we use our project logo on swag (hats, pins, t-shirts, etc) to recognize project contributors without violating any CNCF trademark policies?
Please submit a service desk ticket with the CNCF team, sharing a mock-up and listing which item(s) are to be approved and information on who will be receiving these items. Please allow up to 5 business days for review. Note: Submitting a ticket does not guarantee approval.
What about project stickers?
Stickers will be provided for all projects participating in Project Tables and Project Lightning Talks, as well as a selection of projects with a high number of contributors in the location of the event. Please note that the size and design of stickers provided may vary as we carry over inventory from previous events and use multiple manufacturers. For new sticker orders, the project’s stacked color logo from the CNCF artwork repository will be used. Please be sure to upload a high resolution logo at least 12 weeks prior to the event. If the required logo is not available in the repository at the time stickers are ordered, CNCF staff will determine which logo to use.
I am a sandbox project graduating to incubating before the event. Can I participate in PR Support?
If you’re graduating to incubating before the event, the CNCF team will reach out to you when your project passes the TOC vote. We’ll be able to provide support and details at that time. Please note that projects have until four weeks before the event to qualify for the benefits associated with the next level of project maturity.
Who should I contact with further questions?
Please reach out to for further questions.