Protected: Linux Foundation All-Hands Meeting
Silhouettes of palm trees and mountains against a sunset.


General Information


Please choose the appropriate category, and Project (if applicable) as noted below:

  • Category: Airfare, Lodging & Transportation
  • Projects: (Insert if you have one)


Please choose the appropriate category, Project (if applicable) and the event as noted below:

  • Category: Staff Development
  • Projects: (Insert if you have one)
  • Events: LF All Hands Jan 2024

Things to Expense


Everyone is required to make their own room reservation, which will require a credit card for booking. You will not be charged for the reservation until you check out onsite, though a small hold may be placed on your card. If you are unable to do this, please contact for assistance.

If you need to make any changes to your reservation, you will do so directly with the hotel.


Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided for all attendees Monday – Wednesday through PM break (dinner is not included). Any extracurricular activities, food, and drinks, during the week, cannot be expensed. Per diem on travel days is $60 per person domestically and $100 per person internationally.


Transportation to/from the airport can be expensed within Expensify, with an accompanying receipt.

All expenses should be submitted through Expensify unless otherwise noted by your manager.

Policies & Procedures


  • Expenses in excess of 90 days old will not be reimbursed.
  • Expenses will be reimbursed on the first available date after approval.
  • Travel expenses must be estimated and verbally approved by the head of the employee’s department prior to the purchase of tickets or the date of travel.
  • Detailed supporting documents must be submitted for all expenses in excess of $25.00 USD unless submitting a Guaranteed Receipt (see Expensify Setup and Training tutorial).
    • In most cases, this is evidenced by a receipt from the payee describing the product or service purchased.
    • Airfare can be supported by a copy of an electronic ticket as long as it stipulates the itinerary for travel AND the ticket cost detail.
    • E-mailed receptions for online purchases are acceptable as long as they specify items purchased and the method of payment used.
    • By using the Guaranteed Receipt, you are not required to provide a paper receipt for credit card expenses under $25 expect lodging
  • Mileage must be supported by Google map data and will be reimbursed at the prevailing “Standard Mileage Rate” established by the IRS.


  1. Preparer should:
    • Audit all expense items. Make sure there are supporting receipts.
    • Provide details in Comment fields (i.e., RT Airfare from SFO-LAX March 1-5 for Meeting with Samsung).
    • Make sure that the expenses are within limits and are approved as required by company policy.
    • Submit expense reports through your Expensify account to your manager for final approval.
  2. Finance/Accounting Dept will receive final approved report from employee’s manager, and Expensify will pay out the expense.
  3. Methods of Payment (set up in Expensify):
    • Direct Deposit (domestic only): employee will be reimbursed through direct deposit to employee’s personal bank account.
    • For employees outside the United States, reimbursement will be via wire transfer to employee’s personal bank account.
    • You can also link your PayPal account for reimbursement.