Want to attend the LFN Developer & Testing Forum Fall 2023, but not sure how to bring it up with your boss? We’ve published a sample letter below to help make the process easier. See you in Budapest!
Sample Letter
Dear {Boss},
I’d like to attend the Linux Foundation Networking’s premier Developer event on all things open source networking, the Developer & Testing Forum, which is being held in Budapest, Hungary on November 13-16, 2023.
I’ve researched many similar conferences and this is THE event to attend for networking developers, sysadmins, dev-ops professionals, architects and community leadership professionals. Not only is this event a way to expand my knowledge, skills, and help solve technical issues with the best and brightest in the community, it’s also a technical forum on open source networking technologies!
Here’s how I envision my attendance at the Developer & Testing Forum in November strengthening our organization:
Ultimately, this is an event that is tailor made for the community by the community to accelerate project collaboration, influence technical decisions, and build cross-project confidence. You can learn more about the Developer & Testing forum by viewing the recorded sessions for the June 2023, February, 2023 and November, 2022 events.
I would be happy to write a post-event report to share what I’ve learned with the rest of our team and to recommend any open source paths to which we can contribute and from which we can benefit. Note that events like this and the learnings and connections made are some of the benefits of being a member of the LFN community.
Best of all, there is no cost! But, it’s coming up quickly and my presence is key to help support our organizational open source strategy. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I hope we can make this opportunity work.
Thank you,
{Your Name}