RegFox – LF Project-Hosted Events

RegFox | LF Project-Hosted Events

a self-serve registration system

Please read the RegFox details below. If your question is not answered on this page, please contact for assistance.

Below is a quick checklist for using RegFox. For additional details on any of these steps, please find the corresponding section in “The Details” below.

Quick tip: New RegFox users will begin to receive emails from RegFox regularly offering resources and training videos. If you do not wish to receive these, select Unsubscribe.

If you are a Linux Foundation Project, request your event registration form on the LF Project-Hosted RegFox Registration Request form in the LF Events Support Jira.

After submitting this form, your request will go to Finance for approval before the Event Team shares the RegFox registration form template for you to administer. Please remember that all fields/language included in the reg form template are required to remain in the form unchanged. You may add any additional questions to the form, as needed.

Note: This request form is only for Project Meetups that meet the following parameters:

  1. Event registrations estimated at less than 300 people
  2. Will not have more than 2 sponsorships requiring internal processing
  3. Will not require any visa invitation letters
  4. Will have a registration fee less than US$100 and will not require any registration invoicing.

If your event does not fall within this scope, you need to contact the LF Events Team to manage your event at

NOTE: All fields / language included in the reg form template are required to remain in the form unchanged.

  1. You will receive an invitation email from containing a link to create your account. Follow the link to set up your account.
    • Please note: Phone number is required for account set-up but will not be shared or used externally with attendees.
  2. Once your account is created, click here to access your event. If you have requested multiple events in RegFox, they will each show on this summary page.

To edit your registration form, select “Edit Page” at the top right hand corner of the page. The five main sections to edit and update with your event details are below. To add a field, hover over the area you’d like to add it and select the +. To edit a field, hover over the field and select the pen icon.

  1. Header Image
  2. About This Event
  3. Location
  4. Registration Questions
    • *The template shared includes some fields suggested for an LF Project-Hosted event in RegFox. First, Last, Title, Company, and Email are all visible and required fields. Additionally, the check boxes to opt-in for additional LF marketing and the Terms & Conditions are consents that must remain on the form.
      • Address, Industry, Job Function, Job Level, Years of Experience, Areas of Interest are all visible but may be removed by your team if you feel they are necessary for the event data, reporting, or sponsorship deliverables.
    • In addition to the template questions, you are welcome to add additional questions to the form, as needed.
    • If your project is required to share some of the registration data with an external organization in order to host the event, an additional consent (shared below) will also need to be added to notify attendees of who their information will be shared with outside of The Linux Foundation.
  5. Contact us

Additional Project Consent, when applicable:
This event is being put on by [PROJECT], in collaboration with The Linux Foundation. The data you include in the form will be collected and processed with The Linux Foundation in accordance with their Privacy Policy. By checking the box below, you are giving The Linux Foundation permission to share with the event organizers [Name of external organization] your contact information [Insert what is being shared here] in order to host the event.

Here is a detailed RegFox article to help customize your registration form

Screenshot of a navigation bar, highlighting "Settings" as the last item to the far right.

Fields you may want to edit:

  • Basic Set-up
    • Time Zone
    • Location
    • Please do not delete or update accounting reference or project metadata
  • Dates
    • Update Dates and Times
  • Restrict Access
    • This will allow you to password protect your registration page if it’s a private event
  • Group Registration
    • This will allow you to toggle on/off the ability to register a group member within one registration.

Confirmation Page

To edit the confirmation page, click Confirmation Page in the top bar of the edit registration form page.

Here is a detailed RegFox article to help customize your confirmation page.

A screen shot of a navigation bar, with an arrow pointing to "Confirmation Page" (the 4th item in navigation).


To edit the confirmation email, click Emails >> Confirmation.

Here is a detailed RegFox article on how to customize your confirmation email.

Note: The confirmation email test will immediately trigger when you test the form.

A screenshot of a navigation bar with a red box around "Emails" (the 5th item in navigation).

To launch your event, simply select “Publish” in the top right corner of the page. Once launched, you are still able to make edits to the page and re-publish those changes.

You can monitor the event and download, as needed, from the analytics and report summary tabs of your event.

Reports will only be available 30 days post-event. Be sure to download all attendee data needed by that time.

To download a report with all your attendee data, go to Reports >> Exporter.

Is there an add-to-calendar functionality?

RegFox automatically populates an add-to-calendar link on the confirmation page. There is no functionality for this in the confirmation email. If you’d like to use custom add-to-calendar links, you will need to use an additional application to create it.

Can I delete fields in the form I don’t think are necessary?

All existing fields in the form must remain in the form. First, Last, Title, Company, and Email are all visible and required fields. Address, Industry, Job Function, Job Level, Years of Experience, Areas of Interest are all visible but not required fields. Additionally, the check boxes to opt-in for additional LF marketing and the Terms & Conditions are consents that must remain on the form.

How can I add or remove billing information from the registration confirmation email or confirmation page?

The data tag for billing information is ##billing. To remove it from your event, delete this data tag from the Email Confirmation and Confirmation Page designs.

Does RegFox have any training material that can help me get acquainted with the system?

Yes. For any questions on RegFox and their available features and customizations, check out their RegFox Help page.