The Linux Foundation’s Travel Fund is intended to enable open source developers and community members to attend events that they would otherwise be unable to attend due to a lack of funding. We place an emphasis on funding applicants who are from historically underrepresented or untapped groups and/or those of lower socioeconomic status. If you work for a company that has the ability to fund your travel, we ask that you not apply, to save funds for those that need it.
Please fill out the form below to have your funding request considered. We receive about a thousand requests for funding each year. In order to maximize spend, travel fund assistance may only be used for:
- coach airfare tickets
- accommodations (Dates of the event plus one night prior are eligible for reimbursement)
- ground transportation to/from the airport
Funds may not be used for miscellaneous travel expenses including food, visa costs, non-airport transportation, baggage fees, etc.
The Linux Foundation is trying to use funds to assist as many people as possible. As such:
- We are often unable to fund one person across multiple events in a year
- Lower cost travel funding requests are more likely to get approved
- We typically do not fund the same person two years in a row
- Decisions are final, and reapplying for the same event after receiving a denial does not increase your chances of getting funded
Note: If your travel fund application is approved, you will be required to show proof of attendance in order to be reimbursed. Receipt of Travel Funding does not guarantee entry to the event.
Apply from your LF Individual Dashboard
(LF account required)
Have questions or need to contact us?