The Automotive Linux Summit Call for Proposals is now closed.
Notifications will be sent by Tuesday, October 26 and the schedule will be published on Thursday, October 28.
- ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: 先進運転支援システム)
- AGL Distribution and Design Considerations
- AGL Application Design, Application Framework
- AGLセキュリティ
- AGLツール
- AGL Long-team Support and Maintenance
- AIとマシン ラーニング
- AR (Augmented Reality: 拡張現実)、HUD (Heads-Up Display: ヘッドアップディスプレイ)
- 自律運転と先進運転支援システム(ADAS: Driving and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)
- コネクテッド カー技術
- 移動中の車両へのライブ コンテンツ配信やアップデート
- Functional Safety and Open Source Software
- IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment: 車載インフォテインメント)
- 法的およびコンプライアンスの問題
- モビリティ サービス
- ナビゲーションとマッピング
- Non-AGL Technical Projects (e.g. Smart Roads, Self-driving Vehicles)
- Non-technical Subjects (e.g. Lifestyle, Productivity)
- OTA (Over The Air: 無線通信利用) ソフトウェア更新
- セキュリティとプライバシー
- テレマティクスや緊急通報サービス
- 車と車 (V2V)、車とクラウド (V2C)、および車とインフラ (V2X) の通信
- 自動車向け W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
Suggested Topics
- Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
- AGL Distribution and Design Considerations
- AGL Application Design, Application Framework
- AGL Security
- AGL Tools
- AGL Long-team Support and Maintenance
- AI and Machine Learning
- Augmented Reality, Heads-Up Display
- Autonomous Driving and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
- Connected Car Technologies
- Delivering Live Content and Updates to Vehicles in Motion
- Functional Safety and Open Source Software
- In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI)
- Legal and Compliance Issues
- Mobility Services
- Navigation and Mapping
- Non-AGL Technical Projects (e.g. Smart Roads, Self-driving Vehicles)
- Non-technical Subjects (e.g. Lifestyle, Productivity)
- Over-the-Air (OTA) Software Updates
- Security and Privacy
- Telematics and Emergency Call Services
- Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Cloud (V2C) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2X) Communications
- W3C for Automotive
発表案の作成に関する厳密な制約はありませんが、よりよい発表案を作成するためにぜひ読んでいただきたいガイドラインを作成しましたので、参考にしてください。発表案を提出する際は、次の 3 点を確認してください。
- あなたの発表の目的は何ですか。
- 受講者はあなたの発表から何を得られますか。
- あなたの発表は、エコシステムの改良にどのように役立ちますか。
The Linux Foundationのイベントは、コミュニティについて知り、自分のアイデアや活動をみんなに知ってもらえるすばらしい場所です。初めての方もぜひ発表案を提出してください。発表案の書き方がよくわからない場合は、ぜひご相談ください。喜んでお手伝いします。
発表案が承認されたら、よりよい発表をめざして準備してください。経験豊かなカンファレンス講演者Josh Berkkus氏にお願いし、「技術発表を成功させる方法」について詳しいチュートリアルを用意していただきましたので、ぜひご覧ください。
Preparing to Submit Your Proposal
While it is not our intention to provide you with strict instructions on how to prepare your proposal, we hope you will take a moment to review the following guidelines that we have put together to help you prepare the best submission possible. To get started, here are three things that you should consider before submitting your proposal:
- What are you hoping to get from your presentation?
- What do you expect the audience to gain from your presentation?
- How will your presentation help better the ecosystem?
There are plenty of ways to give a presentation about projects and technologies without focusing on company-specific efforts. Remember the things to consider that we mentioned above when writing your proposal and think of ways to make it interesting for attendees while still letting you share your experiences, educate the community about an issue, or generate interest in a project.
First Time Submitting? Don’t Feel Intimidated
Linux Foundation events are an excellent way to get to know the community and share your ideas and the work that you are doing and we strongly encourage first-time speakers to submit talks for our events. In the instance that you aren’t sure about your abstract, reach out to us and we will be more than happy to work with you on your proposal.
How To Give a Great Tech Talk
In the instance that your talk is accepted, we want to make sure that you give the best presentation possible. To do this, we enlisted the help of seasoned conference speaker Josh Berkus who has prepared an in-depth tutorial on “How to Give a Great Tech Talk”.
Linux Foundation は、わたしたちのすべてのイベントにおいて、参加者が人権侵害や差別を受けることのないよう努力しています。発表者として申し込む方は、わたしたちの行動規範を必ずお読みください。
Code of Conduct
The Linux Foundation is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events. We encourage all submitters to review our complete Code of Conduct.