17 may
Valencia, Spain
#k8sedge + #k8sedgeday
That’s a wrap on Kubernetes on Edge Day at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2022! Thank you to all the attendees, sponsors and speakers that joined us virtually this year.
All co-located events session recordings have been uploaded to the CNCF YouTube channel – see event playlist here.
Save the Dates!
Otel Community Day – Register Now | June 20, 2022 | Austin, Texas | Schedule
ArgoCon 2022 – Register Now | September 19-21, 2022 | Mountain View. California | CFP is open until May 30
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022 | October 24-28 | Detroit, MI
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023 | April 17-21 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Edge Computing will be 4x larger than cloud and will generate 75% of data worldwide by 2025. With hardware and software spread across hundreds or thousands of locations, the only feasible way to manage these distributed systems are the simple paradigms around observability, loosely coupled systems, declarative APIs, and robust automation, that have made cloud native technologies so successful in the cloud. Kubernetes is already becoming a key part of the edge ecosystem, driving integrations and operations.
Join Kubernetes on the Edge at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon to get in on the ground floor and shape the future intersection of cloud native and edge computing.