Container Plumbing Days 2024
Monday, April 15
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $100

Container Plumbing Days is the place to investigate, discuss, hack, learn, and celebrate the “lower-level” open source container technologies, everything from the container runtime on down to the Linux kernel.
To learn more, please visit the event website here.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Container Plumbing Days 2024, register directly on the event website. You can also register by adding it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
OpenAPI Mini Summit
Monday, April 15
Time: 9:00am – 12:30pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $5

Upcoming Workflow spec which will provide large benefits to API suppliers but will be more appreciated by API consumers. Other discussions on potential next steps of evolution for the OpenAPI spec.
For more information, visit the event website here.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for OpenAPI Mini Summit, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
Open Source Summit North America 2024
Monday, April 15 – Thursday, April 18
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: Complimentary with Embedded Open Source Summit registration
Open Source Summit is the premier event for open source developers, technologists, and community leaders to collaborate, share information, solve problems, and gain knowledge, furthering open source innovation and ensuring a sustainable open source ecosystem. It is the gathering place for open-source code and community contributors.
For more information, visit the event website here.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Open Source Summit North America 2024, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
SOSS Community Day North America 2024
Monday, April 15
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: Complimentary / $0
Secure Open Source Software (SOSS) Community Days are an opportunity for Community Members from across the Security and Open Source ecosystem to get together and share ideas and progress on capabilities that make it easier to sustainably secure the development, maintenance, and consumption of the open source software (OSS) we all depend on.
To learn more, please visit the event website here.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for SOSS Community Day North America 2024, register directly on the event website. You can also register by adding it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
TLA+ Conf
Monday, April 15
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $10

Join TLA+ Conf to meet its community and learn more about designing complex concurrent and distributed systems with TLA+, a formal language that is used throughout industry and academia. Among others, TLA+ and its tools are successfully applied at Amazon Web Services, Oracle, and Microsoft. Speakers from the TLA+ community will share insights including:
For more information and to view the event agenda, please go to
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for TLA+ Conf, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
Visualizing Open Source Project Health
Monday, April 15
Time: 9:00am – 12:30pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $7

The CHAOSS Project develops metrics, metrics models, and guidelines for measuring open source project health. Moving these tools and strategies into the decision stream for open source software projects is enabled by CHAOSS Software. This Mini Summit will focus on learning to interpret and build visualizations used by OSPOs, open source projects, corporations, governments, and other entities to advance the health of open source projects. Through visualizations, categories of open source software health related to DEI, risk, opportunity, and growth become actionable.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Visualizing Open Source Project Health, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
OpenSSF SLSA Workshop
Monday, April 15
Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $0
In this hands-on workshop, we will explain how organizations can leverage the Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) framework to harden the SDLC of code deployed in production.
To build a good understanding of how SLSA can be deployed at scale, we will take participants through a series of hands-on coding activities to secure a container developed on GitHub and deployment on Kubernetes. Our example will enforce two important properties: First, that all released images are integrity-protected against unauthorized parties. Second, that all deployed images are restricted to a set of cloud privileges, the same way we restrict privileges for OS processes.
We will then present how SLSA can be applied to harden AI models’ development and inference, the same way we do for traditional software like containers. We will take users through hands-on activities and demos to apply SLSA to AI models.
Benefit to ecosystem
While there’s been a lot of discussion about the importance of securing your supply chain, it can be difficult and overwhelming to understand how to leverage the SLSA framework end-to-end for your own deployments. The aim of this talk is to make this challenge less intimidating and clearly demonstrate via demos how to secure, end-to-end, a container deployment. We’ve chosen to build this workshop using popular frameworks and tooling (GitHub, Kubernetes, Kyverno), but the contributions are applicable to other systems.
By the end of this session, you will understand how to deploy SLSA in practice for your deployment. You will also have access to source code to better understand the solution.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for OpenSSF SLSA Workshop, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
Open Hardware and Software: Accelerating beyond Moore’s law and enabling the next wave of innovation
Monday, April 15
Time: 1:00pm – 5:45pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $15
This half day program will Introduce the audience to the many aspects of open source hardware and software development, and how it is helping the industry to accelerate beyond what Moore’s law has predicted.
Talks will cover numerous aspects of hardware / software development and provide motivation to learn more about the challenges of open hardware and software design together.
Detailed Talk Roster is here.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for this event, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
Monday, April 15
Time: 1:30 – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $10
CHAOSS is a Linux Foundation project focused on creating metrics, metrics models, and software to better understand open source community health on a global scale. CHAOSS is an acronym for Community Health Analytics in Open Source Software. Open source software is critically important for both individuals and organizations. This importance raises questions about how we understand the health of the open-source projects we rely on. Unhealthy projects can have negative impacts on the community involved in the project as well as organizations that rely on such projects.
At CHAOSScon, you will learn about open source project health metrics and tools used by open source projects, communities, engineering teams, OSPOs, Universities, and scientific / research software to track and analyze their open source work. This mini-conference will provide a venue for discussing open source project health, CHAOSS updates, use cases, and hands-on activities for developers, community managers, project managers, and anyone interested in measuring open source project health. We will also share insights about the activities happening across the CHAOSS project.
To learn more about CHAOSScon and to view the detailed agenda, visit the event website here.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for CHAOSScon, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
LFX Mentorship Showcase
Monday, April 15
Time: 2:30pm – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: Complimentary; Pre-Registration Required
The LFX Mentorship Showcase is an opportunity for graduating mentees of the LFX Mentorship program to showcase the work they completed during their session term. This event is free to attend and open to anyone who would like to learn more about the experiences of LF Mentorship Program mentees, find out more about some of the programs our projects are working on, recruit new talent, and support new developer contributions.
Click here for more information!
OpenSSF Scorecard New Contributor Workshop
Monday, April 15
Time: 1:30 – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $0

This is an opportunity for hands-on onboarding with project maintainers with potential to submit first PR to OpenSSF Scorecard in real time. An overview of the project and architecture will be presented with breakouts based on participant interest.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for OpenSSF Scorecard New Contributor Workshop, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
Symposium: Decentralized Innovations of Today: Shaping Identity, Tokenization, and Multi-Party Systems with Hyperledger Foundation
Monday, April 15
Time: 1:30 – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $10
Join us for a 3.5-hour symposium hosted by the Hyperledger Foundation, focusing on the pivotal themes of decentralization, identity and multi-party systems. “”Decentralized Innovations of Today”” convenes leading experts and practitioners in blockchain and distributed ledger technology to explore and discuss the latest advancements, applications, and deployments in the field. This symposium is a unique opportunity to delve into how Hyperledger technologies are driving innovation and solving real-world problems across various sectors.
This symposium is designed for a diverse audience, including technology leaders, blockchain developers, business strategists, policy makers, and researchers interested in the impact of decentralized technologies on various aspects of business and society.
All Attendees will receive a digital Credly badge and free Hyperledger themed swag!
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for this event, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
Yocto Project: Journey to Scarthgap 5.0 Mini Summit
Monday, April 15
Time: 1:30 – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: $10

Join Yocto Project on a journey to Scarthgap 5.0 in this half day mini summit where we’ll deep dive into upcoming features and improvements in the upcoming LTS release.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for The Yocto Project Mini Summit, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.
Linux Security Summit North America 2024
Thursday, April 18 – Friday, April 19
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Seattle Convention Center | Summit
Registration Cost: Early $249/ Standard $275 / Late $325
A technical forum for collaboration between Linux developers, researchers, and end users aiming to foster community efforts in analyzing and solving Linux security challenges.
To learn more, visit the event website here.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Linux Security Summit North America 2024, add it to your Embedded Open Source Summit registration.