Embedded Open Source Summit

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Program Committee

A very special thank you to the Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 Program Committee!

  • Philipp Ahmann  headshot

    Philipp Ahmann is a technical business development manager at Robert Bosch GmbH with focus on Open Source activities. He represents the ELISA project of the Linux Foundation as ambassador and TSC chair. In 2023 he also became advisory board member of the Linux Foundation Europe. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of Linux automotive SW base platforms working as engineer, team leader for testing and as project manager. All of these projects utilized complex multi-core chipsets. In his current position he contributes to a project focusing on embedded Linux and open source software in industrial applications and wider IoT scope beyond Automotive.

  • Anna-Maria Behnsen headshot

    Anna-Maria Behnsen works as a Linux Kernel Developer at Linutronix GmbH. At Linutronix, she started to work with the kernel as a member of the Real-Time Linux Team and is currently working at timer infrastructure related topics.

  • Jonathan Beri headshot

    Jonathan Beri is the founder and CEO of Golioth, a straightforward commercial IoT development platform built for scale. Jonathan has spent more than a decade building IoT solutions at companies like Google, Nest, Particle & WeWork. If you really want to get him going, ask him how he would build a real holodeck.

  • Timothy Bird headshot

    Tim Bird is a Principal Software Engineer for Sony Corporation, where he helps Sony improve the Linux kernel for use in Sony’s products. Tim is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Linux Foundation. Tim is active in technical projects related to embedded Linux testing and standards, and is the maintainer of the Fuego test system.  He created the Embedded Linux Conference, and has been working with Linux for over 25 years.

  • Daniel Bristot de Oliveira headshot

    Dr. Daniel Bristot de Oliveira is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He works in the maintenance and development of real-time features and applied formal methods for the Linux kernel. He is a member of the Retis Lab at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

  • Henrik Brix Andersen headshot

    I’m an embedded software/firmware engineer and a passionate open source developer. I started working on various open source projects back in the late 1990s and have not stopped since. I am mostly committed to writing low-level, hardware-near device drivers and communication protocols. Over the years I have been working on various, in-house embedded Linux and FreeBSD BSPs but nowadays my work (and my spare time) has shifted to working on the Zephyr Project, a small real-time operating system (RTOS) for connected, resource-constrained embedded devices.

  • David Brown headshot

    David has worked on Zephyr for about 6 years, with a focus on the security team. He is currently the Security Chair, severs as the TSC representative for Linaro, and is the Silver Member Governing Board representative.

  • Benjamin Cabé headshot

    Benjamin Cabé is a technology enthusiast with a passion for empowering developers to build innovative solutions. He has over 15 years of experience leading developer engagement initiatives with some of the top communities and companies in the IoT, embedded, and AI space. He has invented an award-winning open source and open hardware artificial nose that he likes to use as an educational platform for people interested in diving into the world of embedded development. He is currently a Developer Advocate for the Zephyr Project at the Linux Foundation and lives in Toulouse, France, where he enjoys baking sourdough bread with the help of his artificial nose.

  • Daniel Casini headshot

    Daniel Casini received the graduate (cum laude) degree in embedded computing systems engineering from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa and the University of Pisa, and the PhD degree in computer engineering from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa (with honors). He is an assistant professor at the Real-Time Systems (ReTiS) Laboratory of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa. In 2019, he has been visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Kaiserslautern, Germany. His research interests include software predictability in multi-processor systems, schedulability analysis, synchronization protocols, and the design and implementation of real-time operating systems and hypervisors. He is an associate editor of the journals “The Journal of Supercomputing” (Springer) and “Microprocessor and Microsystems” (Elsevier).

  • Carles Cufi headshot

    Carles has been a firmware developer at several hardware, semiconductor and software companies for over 20 years, with a focus on microcontrollers. For the last 10 years he has worked at Nordic Semiconductor, where he was part of the team that brought to market Nordic’s first ever Bluetooth Low Energy chip, and has remained a member of the software development team since. During this time at Nordic he has also co-authored a book on Bluetooth LE and contributed to different areas of the software development effort, driving an internal push to contribute an existing proprietary Bluetooth LE Controller implementation as an open source component to the Zephyr project. With the controller now part of the Zephyr codebase, he widened his focus beyond Bluetooth Low Energy, helping ensure that Zephyr becomes the best possible open source all-purpose RTOS available.

  • Chris Friedt headshot

    Christopher Friedt is a resourceful tech ead. In his 20 year career, he has shipped 7 mobile handsets used by millions of consumers around the globe, has shipped tens of thousands of industrial wireless devices, and helped to bring up Meta’s first custom RISC-V ASICs. He is an established contributor to many open source software projects, including the Linux kernel and Zephyr Real-Time Operating System. He enjoys speaking at conferences on subject ranging from virtual machines to software defined radio. Chris’s current interests lie in real-time operating systems, firmware for hardware accelerators, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the Internet of Things. Chris ran the IoT Microconference at Linux Plumbers between 2019 and 2023. He was included in Zephyr’s Top-Ten community contributors for 2020 and is Release Manager for Zephyr LTSv2.

  • Drew Fustini headshot

    I am a Linux kernel engineer located in Portland, Oregon. I focus on support for ARM and RISC-V SoCs in Linux as well as RISC-V architecture features like the RISC-V QoS spec (CBQRI). I serve on the board of directors for the BeagleBoard.org Foundation, and I’m an ambassador for RISC-V International.

  • Michael GIelda headshot

    Michael Gielda is VP Business Development at Antmicro, Marketing Committee Chair of the Zephyr Project and Chair of Outreach for CHIPS Alliance. A Computer Science graduate, he worked as a researcher in the fields of IoT and embedded systems before going on to found Antmicro. Michael is involved in many open source software and hardware projects related to software-driven tools and methodologies, AI, FPGA, ASIC development (among other things). He is working to build collaborations between projects with common goals, and expanding the lessons learned from the success of open source software into other fields.

  • Simon Hein headshot

    My name is Simon Hein, I’m living in southern Germany near Stuttgart. Currently I’m a embedded Software engineer and as functional safety engineer at Baumer as well as the safety chair and architect for the zephyr project. At my previous employer which was a automotive software supplier I worked mainly with the in-house AUTOSAR classic stack and customer driven middleware projects.

  • Maureen Helm headshot

    Maureen Helm is a Distinguished Engineer in the Software Engineering Solutions Group at Analog Devices, focusing on embedded microcontroller software. She is an upstream maintainer in the Zephyr Project and former chair of the Technical Steering Committee.

  • Yoshitake Kobayashi headshot

    Yoshitake Kobayashi is the General Manager of Advanced Software Technology Office at Toshiba Corporation. A part of his team provides a Linux distribution for various Toshiba products. His research interests include operating systems, distributed systems, and dynamically reconfigurable systems. Additionally, he is the Chair of the Technical Steering Committee for the Civil Infrastructure Platform Project, hosted by The Linux Foundation.

  • David Leach headshot

    David Leach has been a software engineer through various technology fields for almost 40 years. He joined Freescale Semiconductors (now NXP Semiconductors) in 2015 as a software architect to help lead connectivity and various standards engagements. For the last several years, he has been participating in NXP’s open-source software activities and is currently leading the MCU Open-Source Software team in the Security & Connectivity Business Line.

  • Juri Lelli headshot

    Juri Lelli is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat working on the RHEL for Real-Time kernel and related technologies. He is among the original authors of the SCHED_DEADLINE scheduling policy in Linux and a Linux kernel scheduler maintainer. He has a PhD degree from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, Italy (ReTiS Lab). His research area covered Real-Time systems, Real-Time Operating systems and Scheduling algorithms.

  • Walt Miner headshot

    Walt Miner has worked for The Linux Foundation as the Community Manager for Automotive Grade Linux since 2014. Walt has spoken at Automotive Linux Summit, Embedded World Conference in Nuremberg, Embedded Linux Conference, LinuxCon North America, and Open Source Summit North America and Europe. Walt has over 30 years of embedded software development and management experience in the automotive, mobile phone, and defense industries.

  • Anas Nashif headshot

    Anas Nashif is a Principal Software Engineer at Intel. He is the upstream maintainer of various Zephyr subsystems and areas and the chair of the Zephyr Technical Steering Committee. Anas has been involved with Zephyr since 2015.

  • Jeffrey Osier-Mixon headshot

    I manage communities for Red Hat focused on automotive, edge, IoT, and emerging hardware (RISC-V). I worked for the Linux Foundation as a program manager for two years, and prior to that I spent 7 years as the program & community manager for the Yocto Project at Intel.

  • Gabriele Paoloni headshot

    Gabriele Paoloni is an Open Source Community Technical Leader at Red Hat, working on innovative methodologies to qualify Linux for functional safety usage. He is a passionate technologist with strong experience in functional safety and Linux Kernel development, including previous roles leading FuSa software architecture for Intel platforms, CCIX vice chairman of the TDL working group and HiSilicon PCIe Linux maintainer. Gabriele received a master’s degree with honors in electronic engineering from the University of Rome

  • Nicole Pappler headshot

    Nicole has worked in different projects developing safety relevant embedded software before starting as an independent safety assessor. With now more than ten years of experience as a functional safety expert, she supported several customers to show their compliance with ISO 26262 and/or other safety standards. Currently she is utilising her experience regarding the development of highly reliable software to enable both closed and open source solutions to be used in critical products, focusing on safety, security and licence compliance.

  • Thomas Petazzoni headshot

    Thomas Petazzoni is the CEO of Bootlin, a consulting company specializing in embedded Linux engineering and training with a strong open-source DNA. Thomas was formerly an embedded Linux engineer at Bootlin, giving him a solid technical background in the field. Thomas is also the co-maintainer of the Buildroot embedded Linux build system and has contributed over 900 patches to the official Linux kernel.

  • Marta Rybczynska headshot

    Marta Rybczynska has network security background, 20 years of experience in Open Source including 15 years in embedded development. She has been working with embedded operating systems like Linux and various real-time ones, system libraries and frameworks up to user interfaces. Her specialties are architecture-specific parts of the Linux kernel. In the past, Marta served as Vice-President and treasurer for KDE e.V. She has been involved in various Open Source projects, and also contributing kernel-related guest articles for LWN.net. In 2021, she founded Syslinbit, an Open Source consulting company. She has experience with presentations on both scientific and free software conferences, including LinuxCon, Open Source Summit, Embedded Linux Conference, Akademy, FOSDEM and FOSS-north.

  • Kate Stewart headshot

    Kate Stewart is a Senior Director of Strategic Programs, responsible for the Open Compliance programs encompassing the SPDX, FOSSology, OpenChain, and other compliance-related projects. Kate was one of the founders of SPDX, and is currently the specification lead. Since joining The Linux Foundation, she has also launched Real-Time Linux and Zephyr Project.

    With almost 30 years of experience in the software industry, she has held a variety of roles and worked as a developer in Canada, Australia, and the US and for the last 20 years has managed software development teams in the US, Canada, UK, India, and China. She received her Master’s in computer science from the University of Waterloo and her Bachelor’s of computer science (co-op program) from the University of Manitoba.

  • Steven H. VanderLeest headshot

    Steve VanderLeest (PhD in computer engineering, University of Illinois) is a Technical Fellow at The Boeing Company. Previously, he was Principal Engineer for Multicore Solutions at Rapita and professor of engineering at Calvin University. A senior member of the IEEE, he has written dozens of publications on avionics safety. He served as principal investigator for Small Business Innovation Research contracts with the US Navy, Army, and DARPA.






