8:00 AM China (Thur 3/25) 5:00 PM PT/USA (Wed 3/24) | Event Kickoff – Agenda Review Host: Ti Zhou (Baidu) ONNX Progress Update Speakers: ONNX Steering Committee Prasanth, Harry, Jim, Joohoon, Sheng |
8:25 AM China (Thur 3/25) 5:25 PM PT/USA (Wed 3/24) | Community Presentations – Agenda Review (10 minute short talks) Host: Ti Zhou (Baidu) popONNX: Support ONNX on IPU Speaker: Han Zhao (GraphCore-UK) Spring Project:Multi Backend Neural Network Auto Quantization and Deploy over ONNX Speaker: Yu Feng Wei (SenseTime-HongKong) ONNX Runtime for Mobile Scenarios: From model to on-device inferencing Speaker: Tom Wildenhain (Microsoft-USA) and Scott McKay (Microsoft-Australia) Introduction to DL Framework PaddlePaddle and Paddle2ONNX Module Speaker: Wranky Wang (Baidu-China) ONNX on microcontrollers Speaker: Rohit Sharma (AITechSystems-USA_CA) Monitoring and Explaining ONNX Models in Production Speaker: Krishna Gade (FiddlerAI-USA_CA) ONNX client for Acumos Speaker: Philippe Dooze (Orange-France) Deploy ONNX model seamlessly across the cloud, edge, and mobile devices using MindSpore Speaker: Leon Wang (Huawei-China) ONNX Runtime Training Speaker: Peng Wang (Microsoft_China) Quantization support for ONNX using LPOT (Low precision optimization tool) Speakers: Haihao Shen (Intel – China) and Saurabh Tangri (Intel) Contact: Rajeev Nalawadi (Intel-China) |
10:15 AM China (Thur 3/25) 7:15 PM PT/USA (Wed 3/24) | SIGs and WGs Updates – Agenda Review (10 minute talks) Speaker: Ti Zhou (Baidu) Architecture/Infrastructure SIG Update Chair: Ashwini Khade (Microsoft) Operators SIG Update Co-Chairs: Michał Karzyński (Intel) and Ganesan Ramalingen (Microsoft) Converters SIG Update Co-Chairs: Guenther Schmuelling (Microsoft), Kevin Chen (Nvidia), Chin Huang (IBM) Model Zoo/Tutorials SIG Update Co-Chair: Wenbing Li (Microsoft) and Vinitra Swamy (Microsoft) Q&A and Discussion |