LF Energy Summit

This event has passed. View the upcoming Emerging Technology Events.

Three attendees in conversation at an event.


Email Alex Thornton at athornton@linuxfoundation.org to reserve your sponsorship, ask questions or talk about different options.

If you’re interested in learning about sponsorship opportunities across all Linux Foundation and LF Project events, you can view the Sponsorship Prospectus for all events here.

The world is facing immense challenges to achieve decarbonization targets and prevent the worst impacts of climate
change. The only way to meet these targets is to work collaboratively to develop digital technologies and standards to
optimize physical infrastructure, orchestrate supply and demand, and rapidly onboard clean energy resources. LF Energy
accelerates the energy transition by building communities to develop open technologies and standards. LF Energy Summit
will gather the LF Energy community including electric utilities, technology vendors, global energy companies, researchers,
and other industry stakeholders to learn about LF Energy and its projects, collaborate, and share best practices.

Why Sponsor?

The LF Energy community is dedicated to building and advancing essential infrastructure technology projects to ensure the power sector is ready for the energy transition. Sponsorship supports this and benefits your organization in the following ways:

  • Raise awareness of your organization’s support of the LF Energy mission
  • Enable collaboration in person to speed development of innovative technologies that will benefit your organization and your customers
  • Meet and introduce potential contributors to projects important to your organization
  • Recruit potential new employees
  • Provide thought leadership on behalf of your organization to the broader community




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