An R Consortium conference
June 5-9, 2023
Virtual Conference
Thank you for Attending
Thank you to all who joined us for R/Medicine 2023!
We look forward to seeing you at future events.
To experience the best of this year’s event, be sure to watch session recordings, available on the R Consortium YouTube Channel.
The R/Medicine conference provides a forum for sharing R based tools and approaches used to analyze and gain insights from health data. Conference workshops provide a way to learn and develop your R skills. Midweek demos allow you to try out new R packages and tools, and our hackathon provides an opportunity to learn how to develop new R tools. The conference talks share new packages, and successes in analyzing health, laboratory, and clinical data with R and Shiny with a vigorous ongoing discussion with speakers (with pre-recorded talks) in the chat.
Keynote Speakers
Neale Batra is an applied epidemiologist and President of the nonprofit organization Applied Epi. He has worked in public health emergencies for 10 years, in the US for Philadelphia and Santa Clara counties, and internationally for the World Health Organization and Doctors without Borders. An R user since 2010, Neale is editor of the free Epidemiologist R Handbook, which has been used 1.3 million times by 400,000 people since its release in 2021. Neale co-founded Applied Epi, a grassroots-driven movement of nearly 200 epidemiologists worldwide dedicated to elevating frontline epidemiology through training, tools, and support. The organization has delivered synchronous R courses to 500 epidemiologists at 120 agencies worldwide, offers a suite of R tutorials, case studies, and packages, and provides an R Help Desk which supported the Uganda Ministry of Health during the recent Ebola epidemic. Neale currently lives in Vienna, Austria.
Jeff Leek Chief Data Officer, Vice President, and J Orin Edson Foundation Chair of Biostatistics, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Jeff is Chief Data Officer, Vice President, and J Orin Edson Foundation Chair of Biostatistics at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Previously, he was a professor of Biostatistics and Oncology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and co-director of the Johns Hopkins Data Science Lab. His group develops statistical methods, software, data resources, and data analyses that help people make sense of massive-scale genomic and biomedical data. As the co-director of the Johns Hopkins Data Science Lab he helped to develop massive online open programs that have enrolled more than 8 million individuals and partnered with community-based non-profits to use data science education for economic and public health development. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and a recipient of the Mortimer Spiegelman Award and Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies Presidential Award.