Due to the postponement of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020 and the Day Zero co-located events, speaker deadlines will be updated once a new date event date is announced. Please see the postponement update for further information.
Thank you for speaking at the Cloud Native Security Day Europe 2020
This is your official event speaker guide. Please continue to check back as the event gets closer as we will be adding additional speaker information, such as onsite details, as they are available. If you have any questions, please email speakers@cncf.io.
Dates to Remember
Register: Friday, February 28, 2020
Submit Session Slides: Monday, March 23, 2020
Event Date: Monday, March 30, 2020
Event Venue
Cloud Native Security Day will take place Monday, March 30 at the RAI Amsterdam.
RAI Amsterdam
Europaplein 24
1078 GZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Get detailed information on parking, directions, and public transportation here.
Please register no later than Friday, February 28.
To confirm that you will be presenting, please add Cloud Native Security Day to your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon registration by using the code KCEUCNSDSPEAK. If you are not registered by Friday, February 28, there is a possibility that your speaking slot will be replaced by one on our waiting list, so please register ASAP.
Visa Letter Requests
We recommend that you check with your local government for information on required documents and arrangements you’ll need for travel to the Netherlands. If you need a letter to accompany your visa application confirming your attendance at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020, request it here.
All visa letter requests must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the event. Any visa letter requests made after the two-week deadline cannot be guaranteed.
More information on negotiated hotel rates can be found on the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020 Venue & Travel website page.
Upload Slides by Monday, March 23, 2020.
Presentation slides should be submitted in PDF-format to sched.com by Monday, March 23, 2020. You can download the official PowerPoint template but please note that it is optional to use.
*Screens will be set for a 16:9 formatted slide deck.*
How to Upload Slides to Sched.org:
1. Login to https://cnsdeu20.sched.com
2. Click on “Manage and Promote Your Session”
3. Click on “Add Presentation”
4. Click on “Select File”, choose the PDF you want to share and click “Upload”
5. Your presentation will now be attached to your session.
Inclusive Speaker Orientation Online Course
The Linux Foundation, in collaboration with the National Center for Women in Technology (NCWIT), has created an online course designed to teach the viewer about inclusion, diversity and unconscious bias. It is strongly encouraged by the ServiceMeshCon that all our speakers watch the course to learn tips/tools to use when speaking to encourage inclusivity in presentations and messaging.
Click here for the course.
Once you complete the course, please click on the “Completed” button.
Code of Conduct
Please read and abide by our code of conduct, which can be found here.
We ask that speakers especially review this code of conduct and are inclusive in the words and images used during their presentation.
Promote Your Talk
We want to thank you for submitting a proposal and we appreciate you spreading the word about the event and your presentation on Twitter #cnsecurityday, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Thank you again for your contribution, we couldn’t do it without your hard work!
Cloud Native Security Day Events Team