Updated October 28, 2021
This page will be updated regularly with information on our onsite health and safety protocols for this event. Our attendees’ health and safety remain our top priority as we continue to monitor COVID-19 and look to venue, local, state, CDC, and WHO guidelines to make the best and most informed decisions around onsite safety and requirements.
Mask Mandate
In order to best protect everybody’s health, masks will be required to be worn at the event. Exceptions are in outdoor spaces and while eating food and beverage indoors when socially distanced from other participants. Masks must be worn over the nose and mouth and must be made of a tight-knit, non-permeable material. KN95 or N95 masks are recommended. Cloth masks are acceptable. Bandanas, scarfs, and gators are not permitted to be used as masks. Speakers will not be required to wear masks while presenting. Participants should provide their own masks for the event, though extras will be available at event registration and information desks, as well as the event zone entrance areas for those that need them.
Vaccine Requirement
In-person attendees will be required to be fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. Fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks (14 full days) after the final dose of a government-approved vaccine.
Accepted Vaccines
All vaccines approved for emergency or full use by the World Health Organization will be accepted for in-person attendance at this event. These currently include vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, J&J/Janssen, Sinopharm, Sinovac, AstraZeneca, and Covishield. This list will be updated as new vaccines are accepted.
Vaccine Verification
Event participants will be required to upload proof of vaccination into the CLEAR, NY State, or Excelsior apps prior to the event in order to be admitted. The app we are using is secure and ensures your data protection. We will be emailing registered participants prior to the event with a link and instructions on how to upload proof of vaccination. Our team will be able to assist with any questions or issues with uploading information and is available at events@linuxfoundation.org.
Daily Temperature Checks
All event participants will receive a daily temperature check in order to enter the ‘event zone.’ This will only be required once a day; a badge sticker will be provided each day after temperature check so that participants can enter/exit the event zone as needed without additional checks.
Abide by Other Participants’ Social Distance Comfort Levels
We will provide wristbands in green, yellow, and red for event participants to wear in order to indicate their preference on social distancing comfort level. Participants are asked to be respectful of each other’s comfort level on social distance.
Participants will be required to have proof of vaccination verified in order to enter the ‘event zone.’ Pre-event attendee information emails sent to registrants the week prior to the event will include details on exactly where this will take place onsite at the event.
The first time a participant arrives at the event we will (1) verify vaccination via the app, (2) take their temperature, and (3) ask symptom check questions, and (4) confirm they are wearing a mask before allowing them into the event zone to pick up their badge.
Once a participant receives their badge, that will be considered their proof of vaccination for the duration of the event. Temperature, symptom, and ID checks (to ensure the badge belongs to the person whose vaccine was verified) will continue to be done daily to enter the event zone, and masks will continue to be required.
The following protocols will be in place at the event. Additions will be made as deemed necessary for participant safety.
- Mask mandate, except when outdoors, when eating and drinking in designated areas or when delivering a conference talk
- Vaccine requirement
- Daily temperature checks
- Daily COVID-19 symptom survey
- Wristbands indicating comfort levels for social interaction onsite (optional but encouraged)
- Signage throughout the event indicating required health and safety protocols and encouraging hand washing, social distancing, etc.
- Eating/drinking areas with individual seating in socially distanced areas
- Reduced conference room capacities with wider aisles and distanced seating
- More physical space in conference rooms between speaker and attendees to allow speakers to give their talks without wearing masks, while keeping attendees at a safe distance
- Wider aisles in the exhibit hall with booths spaced apart. Event participants are asked to not crowd around booths and to limit the number of attendees at a booth at any given time.
- Wider aisles and increased traffic flow signage throughout the event zone to allow for physical distancing
- Rigorous onsite cleaning and sanitizing of all touch points including cleaning of each badge check-in station between participants
- Pre-packaged food and beverage wherever possible
- Anyone serving food and beverage will be required to wear gloves in addition to a mask
- Sanitizing speaker microphones between each speaker’s use
- Plentiful sanitation stations onsite with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wipes, and tissue
- Personal hand sanitizer bottles and wipes will be available for those participants that would like them
At a minimum, we will be following all mandated venue, municipality, and CDC guidelines. This list, and all protocols, are subject to change as the fluid COVID-19 situation changes.
There are 3 options to provide vaccine verification to attend the event.
CLEAR Health Pass App – This is our recommended option. Have your ID and vaccine card available when you download the app, and please complete it before coming onsite. Note: CLEAR can only be used by those who have been vaccinated in the United States.
Follow these instructions to create your CLEAR Health Pass:

- Scan the QR code to download
- If you are unable to scan the QR code, download the CLEAR Health Pass app here, select “Get Started” and type linux1991 into the “Have a Code?” section
- Enroll or verify in CLEAR
- New to CLEAR? When prompted, enter your email address, phone number, and have your gov’t issued photo ID ready to complete enrollment.
- Already a CLEAR member? Use the email address associated with your membership and snap a quick selfie to verify your identity.
- Add your COVID-19 Vaccination information
- That’s it! You will obtain the CLEAR Health Pass and QR Code for event entry when you complete the daily health survey the first day of the event. If you’d like to confirm now that you have ‘cleared’, you can go ahead and complete a daily health survey. A green background on your health pass indicates you have passed.
Here is additional information on how to use the CLEAR Health Pass and CLEAR’s FAQ.
Need more help? Call 855-CLEAR-ME or tap “Get in Touch” in the app for assistance.
NY State or Excelsior apps – If you have a digital record of your vaccine available on either one of these apps, that is an acceptable ways to provide proof of vaccination.
On-Site Manual Verification – If you did not receive your vaccination in the United States or are otherwise unable to use CLEAR, you will be able to verify your vaccine documentation in person at the vaccine verification help desk at the event. The following are acceptable ways to provide proof of vaccination:
- Digital pass issued by any government entity that clearly shows proof of vaccination/vaccination record. Proof must be viewable by our staff without scanning a QR code and needs to show:
- Recipient’s name (matching that of the event participant)
- Vaccine manufacturer
- Date(s) vaccine(s) was/were given, indicating the number of doses necessary along with the number given (e.g., 1 of 1 OR 1 of 2 AND 2 of 2).
- Printed certificate/pass/card issued by any government entity that meets the same guidelines as above.
You can use any option you choose to provide proof of vaccination, but you must provide proof of vaccination in order to enter the event. If you have any questions about the options provided above, email us at events@linuxfoundation.org.
While we’re hopeful this doesn’t apply to any of our event participants, please note that the use of fraudulent vaccine records is strictly forbidden. If anyone is caught using fraudulent documentation to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccine, they will be reported to the local authorities and will be banned from participating in any future Linux Foundation or LF project events.
What should I do if I am onsite and not feeling well?
If you aren’t feeling well, please watch for COVID-19 symptoms. Depending on your symptoms and how unwell you feel, please go to the nearest testing facility, urgent care, or hospital. Please follow the CDC guidelines on when you should seek medical attention if you are showing COVID-19 symptoms.
Mount Sinai West
West 1000 10th Ave
6-minute drive
13-minute walk
(212) 523-4000
Times Square Testing Site
701 7th Ave
(Between W 47th and W 48th St)
AKA 20 Times Square
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM Daily
8-minute drive
8-minute walk
Statcare Urgent & Walk-In Medical care
(Midtown Manhattan)
715 9th Ave
Suite 1
3-minute walk
(917) 310-3371
Walgreens Pharmacy
900 8th Ave
3-minute drive
5-minute walk
(212) 582-3463
Store Hours:
7:00 AM – 11:00 PM Daily
Pharmacy Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sun: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
taxi service
Yellow Cab NYC
(800) 609-8731
Should you end up testing positive:
- Follow the CDC guidelines on what to do if you get sick.
- Please follow the guidance of the testing facility, urgent care, or hospital that you visited in order to best protect yourself, as well as the community. The facility at which you test positive will notify the Department of Health if deemed necessary by local guidelines for contact tracing purposes.
- You will not be able to return to the event.
- Email Angela Brown, GM of Events, at angela@linuxfoundation.org, to let us know. While we will need to let event participants know that someone onsite tested positive for COVID-19, we will not disclose your name. We will ask attendees to monitor their own symptoms and follow CDC recommendations on what to do if they may have been around a person who had COVID-19
We are consulting with Dr. Joel Selanikio, a physician and former CDC epidemiologist + outbreak investigator, to do our best to ensure the health and safety of our onsite participants and minimize all risks. Dr. Selanikio served as a consultant epidemiologist to the DC Department of Health and to FEMA for the COVID-19 response over 2020-21.
We are also working closely with the local Department of Health to ensure we are following all local requirements and recommendations. We continue to follow all CDC guidelines in addition to those of the local government and venue.
About COVID-19: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/about-covid-19.html
When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html
Large Gatherings: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/large-gatherings.html
Updated Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated Individuals (7/28/21): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated-guidance.html
What happens if I need to cancel my registration due to COVID-19?
This year, refunds will be issued up until the start date of the event and all processing fees will be waived. If you’d like to cancel your in-person registration, sign back into your registration via your confirmation email and select “Unregister” at the top of the confirmation page to cancel. You will still be able to watch the keynote sessions which will be live-streamed.
Are you requiring testing?
No, we are not requiring testing in order for event participants to enter the event unless you register a fever (see below for more information). We can refer you to the nearest testing facility should you need or choose to be tested.
Will I be required to wear a mask?
Yes, we are mandating masks at the event in order to minimize risk to attendees. Masks must be worn at all times with the exception of (1) in mask ‘break’ areas, and (2) while at a designated eating/drinking table when indoors and only while actively eating or drinking. Speakers are not required to wear a mask while delivering a conference talk. Masks must cover your nose and mouth, and they must be made of a tight-knit, non-permeable material. KN95 or N95 masks are recommended. Cloth masks are acceptable. Bandanas, scarves, and gators are not permitted to be used as masks. Participants should provide their own masks for the event, though extras will be available at event registration and information desks, as well as the event zone entrance areas for those that need them.
I am a speaker. Do I need to wear a mask while giving my conference talk?
No, speakers will be exempt from wearing masks while giving their talks. We are ensuring that enough space is given between the ‘speaker area’ in a conference room and the attendee seating to ensure social distancing while speakers have their masks off. Please put your mask back on when you are finished with your talk, and be mindful of how close you are getting to attendees if you move around while speaking.
How will we eat/drink onsite if we are required to wear masks?
We will have plenty of socially distanced tables indoors for single-use consumption of food or beverage.
Will in-person attendance be limited?
Attendance will be limited to ensure that the social distancing and capacity reductions we are planning for can be met. It is recommended that you secure your registration as early as possible if you would like to attend the event in person.
Will you be providing personal protective equipment (PPE) onsite?
We ask attendees to provide their own masks, however, we will have extras on site should anyone need them. We will also have hand sanitizer stations throughout the venue and event spaces and personal bottles of hand sanitizer available at the registration help desk for attendees that need it.
Will there be social distancing in the keynote and breakout session rooms?
Yes, theaters have enough capacity to allow for social distancing within Keynote and. Breakout Sessions.
How often will you be cleaning/sanitizing the event zone?
The timing will vary based on the use of each space in the event zone. For example, registration kiosks and counters will be cleaned after each use/participant check-in. Frequently touched surfaces throughout the venue, such as elevator buttons, escalator handrails, door handles and tabletops, will be cleaned frequently. While surfaces will be cleaned regularly, we recommend all event participants wash their hands and/or sanitize their hands regularly to protect themselves. Hand sanitizer stations will be set up throughout the venue. Personal bottles of sanitizer will be available at registration.
Can I pick up badges for colleagues this year?
No. Because badges are being used as proof of vaccine validation throughout the event, each participant will need to pick up their own badge.
Will I be able to get tested onsite?
While we are not providing testing ourselves, we will refer you to a nearby testing facility.
If I have a fever, will I be allowed into the event?
If you register a fever of 100.4 °F(38 °C) or above at the temperature check-in zone, you will not be allowed to enter the event without a negative COVID-19 test. With a negative COVID-19 test result (rapid test results are acceptable), and no other illness symptoms, you’ll be allowed back into the event.
What should I do if I am onsite and not feeling well?
If you aren’t feeling well, please watch for COVID-19 symptoms. Depending on your symptoms and how unwell you feel, please go to the nearest testing facility, urgent care, or hospital. Please follow the CDC guidelines on when you should seek medical attention if you are showing COVID-19 symptoms. This page will be updated shortly with a list of facilities along with the distance from the event venue and directions.
Should you end up testing positive:
- Follow the CDC guidelines on what to do if you get sick.
- You will not be able to return to the event.
- Please follow the guidance of the testing facility, urgent care, or hospital that you visited in order to best protect yourself, as well as the community. The facility at which you test positive will notify the Department of Health if deemed necessary by local guidelines for contact tracing purposes.
- Email Angela Brown, GM of Events, at angela@linuxfoundation.org, to let us know. While we will need to let event participants know that someone onsite tested positive for COVID-19, we will not disclose your name. We will ask attendees to monitor their own symptoms and follow CDC recommendations on what to do if they may have been around a person who had COVID-19.
What should I do if I notice someone at the event with visible symptoms?
We do not feel that having participants ‘report’ attendees with visible symptoms (which could also be allergies, a cold, etc.) comports with the spirit of the event. We encourage our event participants to show their regard for the safety of others in the community by self-reporting any symptoms they themselves may have. The event staff will also be monitoring anything irregular onsite and handle it directly with participants as needed.
What happens if someone tests positive for COVID-19 while at the event?
If someone at the event (participant or vendor) informs us that they’ve tested positive for COVID-19, we will notify all event participants immediately via email, and ask them to monitor their own symptoms. The event will not shut down or end early.
Per CDC guidelines, people who are fully vaccinated do NOT need to quarantine after contact with someone who had COVID-19 unless they have symptoms. However, fully vaccinated people should get tested 3-5 days after their exposure, even if they don’t have symptoms, and should wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until their test result is negative. They should isolate themselves for 10 days if their test result is positive.
What happens if you find out that someone who was at the event tested positive for COVID-19 after the event?
We ask that anyone who participates in-person at the event and then tests positive for COVID-19 within two weeks after alert us. We will keep all personal information (including name) confidential, but we will email all event participants to alert them that someone had tested positive after the event and to watch for symptoms.
Are all vendors and staff working the event also required to be vaccinated?
All event staff (Linux Foundation team producing the event) are vaccinated against COVID-19 and will be wearing masks onsite. All vendors (staff for companies hired to service the event such as audio/visual, catering, venue and trade show contractor staff) will be required to wear masks throughout the event, and we are making every effort to ensure all vendors are vaccinated. In some cases, we will not be able to mandate this with vendors, and in those cases we will require negative test results daily for those vendor staff who are not vaccinated. We will also be mitigating interaction between vendor staff who are not vaccinated and event participants to the best of our ability.
Will you be sharing my data with any local/federal government authorities?
Your information may be shared with necessary third parties to the extent required by local health requirements or regulations. However, as we are not providing COVID-19 testing or medical care through the event, we currently anticipate that it is unlikely that this will be necessary.
Will the event pivot to fully virtual if the COVID-19 situation gets worse?
Because all event participants are required to be vaccinated and wear masks, we do not foresee any type of closure of the in-person portion of the event being necessary. We would only pivot to a fully virtual event if mandated by the local, state, or federal government or the venue. If this were to happen, we would notify all registered participants immediately.
I am a sponsor and my company needs to bring an exhibitor-appointed contractor (EAC) onsite to set up/tear down our booth. Will they also need to show proof of vaccination?
Yes, all EACs will need to show proof of vaccination prior to entering the event space. Your sponsorship deliverables team will provide more specific details to you.
Who can I contact with additional questions if my questions aren’t answered here?
You can contact us at events@linuxfoundation.org.