
This event has passed. View the upcoming Emerging Technology Events.

Sponsor Guide

General Information

Thank you for your support of PrestoCon, taking place on Thursday, December 9, as a virtual event on Hopin.


Registration is free but required for this event.  Please register booth staff by December 1.

Deliverable Due Dates

Send all deliverables to Jennifer Tucker.

  • November 12:
    • Confirm or provide Sponsor information. 
    • Logo in .svg format
    • Twitter handle
  • November 19: Pre-event attendee email content due
  • November 24: Marketing deliverables due
  • December 1:
    • Complete virtual booth set-up on Hopin
    • Register booth staff
    • Demo video for Presto YouTube channel due
  • December 6: Virtual booth preview

Speaking Opportunity

Platinum sponsors receive a 10-minute keynote speaking opportunity during the event. Gold sponsors received a 5-minute lightning talk.

Please provide the required details below as soon as possible, so they can be added to the schedule. Jennifer Crowley is the content manager, contact her with any session or speaker-related questions.

  • Track Session Title
  • Track Session Abstract (to be included on schedule)
  • Speaker Name
  • Speaker Title
  • Speaker Bio
  • Speaker Email

Once the details are received, the program committee will review the content prior to it being posted.

Marketing Deliverables

Company Logo + Link

Confirm your logo on the PrestoCon website. If the logo or link needs to be updated, email the new information to Jennifer Tucker.  

Your logo and link will appear in the following places based on your sponsorship level:

  • Email Marketing
  • Keynote Stage Branding
  • Event Website
  • Virtual Event Signage

Twitter Handle

Email your Twitter handle to Jennifer Tucker

A thank you tweet will be posted as follows:

  • Platinum: 1 pre + post event tweet
  • Gold: 1 pre-event tweet
  • Community Partner: 1 post-event tweet

Pre-Conference Email Blast (Platinum only)

Emails will be sent on designated days on the PrestoCon email template. Email content must be submitted 1 week prior to send date. View the email schedule to view available dates and confirm your send date as soon as possible. Confirm your email send date with Jennifer Tucker by Wednesday, November 24.

15-Minute Demo Video (Platinum only)

Provide a video demo that is up to 15 minutes long, and the demo will be posted to the Presto YouTube Channel. Send the mp4 file to Emily Ruf by Wednesday, December 1.

Presto Blog Post (Platinum only)

An original blog post will be posted on the Presto blog highlighting the sponsorship and sponsor company. Content is due 1 week prior to the blog post date. Blog post date is confirmed as requested, see the blog post schedule for current availability. Confirm your blog post date with Jennifer Tucker by Wednesday, November 24.

Pre-Event Attendee Email Message 

Provide a 150-word message to the included in a pre-event attendee email. Content must be provided by Friday, November 19.

Customized Booth or Session Message During Event 

Curate a message directing attendees to your booth or session. We suggest messages between 25-50 words. Provide a custom message to Jennifer Tucker by Wednesday, November 24.

Custom Question in Post-Event Attendee Survey

Get some insight with a post-event attendee survey question. Leader sponsors have the opportunity to include two custom questions and contributor sponsors can include one question in the post-event attendee survey. The questions need to be submitted to Jennifer Tucker by Wednesday, November 24. 

Virtual Job Board

Participate in the virtual job board! Submit an image/slide (pdf) or text that provides details and ways to get more information about positions available in your company. Job board content needs to be submitted to Jennifer Tucker by Wednesday, November 24.

Virtual Booth Information

Virtual Booth Hours 

The virtual event platform including the virtual booths will open to attendees starting Wednesday, December 9 until approximately one hour after the last session ends. However, it is not required nor expected that sponsors staff their booth continuously. We anticipate the following peak hours during which we recommend having staff available for a live chat in your booth.

Important Notes: 

  • The conference schedule is displayed in Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8).  
  • Recommend booth hours and break times are subject to change and are based on the final conference schedule.  

Thursday, December 9:

The first full conference day with keynotes and sessions.

Recommended booth staff hours: 9:00 AM PST – 5:00 PM PST

Session break times: TBD

Virtual Booth Builder Guide

A virtual booth is included in platinum and gold sponsorship packages. The virtual booth is your place to interact with conference attendees and to showcase your products, services and activities.  Please note: Hopin is continually making updates. As new features come available this guide will be updated. 

Booth Features

Check out the Hopin Sponsor Booth Layout here. 

The booth includes a main video screen, located on the left side of the page. This is the main feature of your booth and we recommend you take full advantage. Sponsors can switch between live video interaction and pre-recorded content. 

On the right side are three tabs, Sponsor Showcase tab which will be where your sponsor booth text will show, under the Chat tab you will find both the booth chat and event chat.  Information on the booth chat can be found on the Booth chat page.  You are able to link directly to your booth. Your live booth link will be emailed to you on November 1, the day prior to the event. Make sure to use this in your marketing! Folks will need to be registered for the event to see your booth.

Booth Content Requirements

Content for your virtual booth will need to be added to your booth no later than Wednesday, December 1.  If you have any questions, please email Jennifer Tucker.  Refer to the Hopin Sponsor Booth Layout document to view where each of these elements will be in the virtual booth.  

  • Company Headline: This is the short description text underneath the vendor name. We recommend keeping this to around 100 characters. While there is no limit, less is more here.  
  • Company Description: Use this section to provide an overview of your company, technology, or anything important your booth visitors should know about you. The recommended length is 1-2 short paragraphs. Please note that only the first 100 characters or so will show before the attendee will need to expand the content to read further. 
  • Booth Video/Live Stream Provider: Here is where you choose the main feature of your booth, and the content is seen in the booth video/live stream window. Here are the functions that are available:
    • Pre-recorded video to be shown anytime a visitor enters your booth:
      • Supported platforms: YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia
    • Live-stream: You may share a live-streaming video here from a streaming service
      • Please provide RTMP and Stream Key details
    • Live session staffed by your team: 
      • This will function just like a session might, except it’s hosted in your booth. This will allow your booth staff to interact with attendees on live camera within the booth. This also allows up to 500 attendees to watch.
      • Please note: You are able to switch between these functions throughout the event. However, you are not able to make this switch unless you are given permissions on the backend from event organizers. Please send the name(s) and email address(es) of all booth staff that will need access to live camera to Jennifer Tucker.
  • Button Action: This is a button in your booth that can be customized in one of two ways:
    • Register Interest: Sends an email to the email provided in the following task.
    • Link to a Website: Use this link to send users to a specific website, PDF, or signup form. Please note that this is the only website link that any of the buttons on this page will link to. 
  • Button Text: If you’re linking to a website from the CTA, it’s a good idea to customize the button text. For example, for a PDF link, you could change the button text to “Download PDF” or for an e-commerce CTA it could be “Shop Now.”  
  • Special Offer: Use this field to provide a special offer for booth visitors. It could be a discount, special access, demo site, general website, coupon code, etc. It’s optional text, so don’t feel obligated to include an offer. Please note, you are not able to link to an offer unless it is the same as the CTA link. Max 60 characters.
  • Additional Information: You can add a description, embed widgets, provide file downloads and insert deep links here. Additional information will show under the video player.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please email Jennifer Tucker


