KubeDay Japan

This event has passed. View the upcoming KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + other CNCF Events.

発表案の募集 (CFP)
Call For Proposals (CFP)


CFPプロセスに関するご質問は、speakers@cncf.io までメールでお問い合わせください。


For any questions regarding the CFP process, please email speakers@cncf.io.

Japan Visa Requirements

Please read carefully

At this time a visa is required for all foreigners to enter Japan, due to COVID-19 protocols. The first step in obtaining a visa is to be entered into the ERFS system by The Linux Foundation. Click here to see more information.

一般情報 + 今後の日程

KubeDayイベントは、国際的エキスパートや開催地域のエキスパートと、アドプター、デベロッパー、プラクティショナーを国際都市で結び付け、対面のコラボレーションを促進し、豊かな教育体験を提供します。この新しいイベント シリーズはCNCFが主催し、コミュニティの拡大と関心を経験している特定の地理的地域をターゲットにしています。

Kubernetesやその他のCNCF主催プロジェクトのリーダーらと連携し、クラウドネイティブ エコシステムの方向づけに参加しましょう。KubeDayには、初心者向けと上級者向けのトラックがあります。講演者の約半数は国際的なエキスパートで、半数は開催地域のエキスパートです。


  • CFP終了:9月6日(火)午後11時59分(太平洋時間)
  • CFP結果通知:2022年10月3日(月)
  • スケジュール発表:2022年10月4日(火)
  • スライドの期限(スライドの提出期限):提出期限は、スピーカー通知期間中にお知らせします。
  • イベント開催日:12月7日(水)

注意: これはコミュニティ カンファレンスです。製品やベンダーの売り込みはできません。


CNCFの併催イベントは、コミュニティについて知り、自分のアイデアや活動をみんなと共有できるすばらしい場所です。発表案を提出するかたがチーフ アーキテクトや経験豊かな業界専門家である必要はありません。どのイベントも、初めての講演者の発表案を熱烈に歓迎しています。

わたしたちのイベントは、CNCFコミュニティにおける専門家間の交流とコラボレーションをめざした作業会議です。私たちは参加者やスポンサーや講演者の方々と密接に協力しあい、CNCFイベントが専門的で友好的で居心地良いものとなるよう心がけています。提案書の提出方法やイベント全般についてご質問がある場合は、speakers@cncf.io までお問い合わせください。

また、初めての講演者には、“Getting Over Your Imposter Syndrome to Become a Conference Speaker – Dawn Foster, VMware”をご覧になることをお勧めします。

General Info + Dates to Remember

KubeDay events connect international and local experts in global cities with adopters, developers, and practitioners to promote face-to-face collaboration and deliver rich educational experiences. The new event series is hosted by CNCF and targeted toward specific geographical regions experiencing community expansion and interest. 

Engage with the leaders of Kubernetes and other CNCF-hosted projects as we set the direction for the cloud native ecosystem. KubeDay will have both a beginner and an advanced track; about half of the speakers are international experts and half are from the local area.

Dates to Remember

  • CFP Closes: Tuesday, September 6 11:59 PM PST
  • CFP Notifications: Monday, October 3, 2022
  • Schedule Announcement: Tuesday, October 4, 2022
  • Slide due date (dates you need slides by): Due date will be shared during the speaker notification window
  • Event Date: Wednesday, December 7

Reminder: This is a community conference — so no product and/or vendor sales pitches.

First Time Submitting? Don’t Feel Intimidated

CNCF co-located events are an excellent way to get to know the community and share your ideas and the work that you are doing. You do not need to be a chief architect or long-time industry pundit to submit a proposal, in fact, we strongly encourage first-time speakers to submit talks for all of our events.

Our events are working conferences intended for professional networking and collaboration in the CNCF community and we work closely with our attendees, sponsors and speakers to help keep CNCF events professional, welcoming, and friendly. If you have any questions on how to submit a proposal or the event in general, please contact speakers@cncf.io.

We also recommend first time speakers review this talk “Getting Over Your Imposter Syndrome to Become a Conference Speaker – Dawn Foster, VMware”.

要件 + 考慮事項


  1. あなたが説明するプラットフォームやツールは、オープンソースである必要があります
  2. CFPに提出・承認された発表案を、1人につき最大2件まで発表できます(発表形式は問いません)。もしも3件以上の講演者として登録されていることが判明した場合は、制限を超える分の発表案を削除するようお願いすることになります。
  3. 同会場の併催イベントごとに、承認されたパネルと非パネル セッションをそれぞれ1つまで発表できます。
  4. 3人から5人の講演者を含むすべてのパネルには、男性以外の講演者が1人以上含まれている必要があり、講演者は全員が同じ企業に属していてはなりません。Cloud Native Computing Foundationは講演者の多様性向上に務めているため、男性パネリストのみの発表案提出については承認していません。また、パネル ディスカッションを計画している方は、発表案にパネリスト名も列記してください。
  5. 過去1年以内に開催されたCNCFやLinux Foundationのイベントで発表された内容の提出物は選出されません。以前の講演とよく似たた発表案を提出する場合は、このバージョンがどのように異なるかについての情報を含めてください。


  1. 聴衆はあなたの発表から何を得られますか?
  2. なぜ「あなたが」この話をするべきなのでしょうか?あなたにはあなただけの物語があります。それをお話しください。
  3. これがクラウドネイティブやオープンソース エコシステム全体にどのように適合するかを説明する準備をしてください。

すべての発表にコード スニペットや高度な技術情報が含まれることは期待していませんが、発表案を準備する際に避けるべきことが 2 つあります。以下の 2 点は私たちのイベントの統合性から乖離しており、カンファレンス参加者からも歓迎されません。

  1. 販売促進やマーケティングを目的としているもの
  2. ライセンスを受けていない、またはクローズドソース技術の可能性があるもの


Requirements + Considerations


  1. Any platforms or tools you are describing need to be open source.
  2. You are limited to be listed as a speaker on up to two proposals submitted to the CFP for consideration, regardless of the format. If we find that you are listed on more than two, we will contact you to remove any proposals over the limit.
  3. You may only be accepted to speak on one panel and one non-panel accepted session per co-located event.
  4. All panel submissions with 3–5 speakers are required to have at least one speaker that does not identify as a man and the speakers must not all be from the same company. Cloud Native Computing Foundation does not accept submissions with all-male panels in an effort to increase speaker diversity. Additionally, panel submissions must include the names of all participants in the initial submission to be considered.
  5. We will not select a submission that has already been presented at a previous CNCF or Linux Foundation event within the last year. If your submission is very similar to a previous talk, please include information on how this version will be different.

Consider the Following as You Write Your Proposal

  1. What do you expect the audience to gain from your presentation?
  2. Why should YOU be the one to give this talk? You have a unique story. Tell it.
  3. Be prepared to explain how this fits into the Cloud Native and overall Open Source Ecosystem.

We definitely do not expect every presentation to have code snippets and technical deep-dives but here are two things that you should avoid when preparing your proposal because they are almost always rejected due to the fact that they take away from the integrity of our events, and are rarely well-received by conference attendees:

  1. Sales or marketing pitches
  2. Unlicensed or potentially closed-source technologies

There are plenty of ways to give a presentation about projects and technologies without focusing on company-specific efforts. Remember the things to consider that we mentioned above when writing your proposal and think of ways to make it interesting for attendees while still letting you share your experiences, educate the community about an issue, or generate interest in a project.



1. Submission format(提出形式)を選択する:

  • Session Presentation (セッション プレゼンテーション) - 通常20~30分間
  • Panel Discussion (パネル ディスカッション) - 通常30~40分間


2. Topic(トピック)を選択して、焦点を絞り込む:

  • 101(カンファレンスに初めて参加する人や、カンファレンスの内容に不慣れな人向けのコンテンツ)
  • Application + Development + Delivery(Helm、Brigade、Telepresence、Buildpacks、Backstage などのプロジェクト)
  • Business Value(CNCFのプロジェクトやコミュニティに関与することのビジネス価値をサポートおよび導出するのに役立つコンテンツ)
  • CI/CD(継続的インテグレーションと継続的デプロイに影響を与えたり支援したりするコンテンツやプロジェクト)
  • Community(オープンソース コミュニティの育成におけるガバナンス、健康、繁栄に関するコンテンツ、プロジェクト、取り組み)
  • Customizing + Extending Kubernetes(KubeVirt、Volcano、CNI Genie、KUDO、Artifact Hub、Crossplaneなどのプロジェクト)
  • Machine Learning + Data(クラウドネイティブでのML、AIチャレンジ、データ管理、データ分析に焦点を当てたコンテンツとプロジェクト)
  • Multi-tenancy(クラウドネイティブの展開とアーキテクチャにおけるマルチテナンシーの管理、保護、運用、確立に特に焦点を当てたコンテンツとプロジェクト)
  • Networking(ネットワーキング インターフェイス、ゲートウェイ、north-south ingress/egress、および CoreDNS、CNI、gRPC、KubeEdge、Contourなどのプロジェクト)
  • Observability (Fluentd、Prometheus、Jaeger、OpenTracing、OpenMetrics、Cortex などのプロジェクト)
  • Open Interfaces + Interoperability (一般的な問題に対するマルチ プロジェクト ソリューション、Kubernetes 以外のインターフェイスの認識と拡張性、および対応するソリューションを使用した技術的なユースケースに焦点を当てたコンテンツ)
  • Reliability + Operational Continuity(クラウドネイティブ環境での信頼性、持続性、可用性、運用、ストレージをサポートするコンテンツとプロジェクト)
  • Runtime Performance + Constrained Environments(コンテンツとプロジェクトはIOT、エッジ コンピューティング、エアギャップとオンプレミス、パフォーマンス、ランタイム、サーバーレス)
  • Security + Identity + Policy (セキュアでコンプライアンスに準拠したクラウドネイティブ システムの作成と管理、およびNotary、OPA、TUF、Falco、Parsec、SPIFFE などのプロジェクトに関するコンテンツ)
  • Service Mesh(Linkerd、SMI、Envoyなどのプロジェクト)

3. 詳細で的を絞った説明を最大 1,000 文字で記述してください。これは、あなたの発表案が採択された場合にオンライン スケジュールで使用されるものです。

4. “Benefits to the Ecosystem”(エコシステムへのメリット)セクションで、より詳細な情報を提供してください。ここであなたのコンテンツを詳しく説明し、委員会に詳細な情報を伝えることができます(最大1,000文字)。

5. Biography: あなた(講演者が複数の場合はその全員)の講演経験などの略歴を作成します。

6. 提案を強化するためのリソースを提供します。これらは、あなたやあなたの講演者が他の場所でプレゼンテーションを行っているビデオ、個人のWebサイト(LinkedIn を含む)へのリンク、オープンソース プロジェクトへのリンク、出版された本などです。

How to Submit Your Proposal

We have done our best to make the submission process as simple as possible. Here is what you will need to prepare:

1. Choose a submission format:

  • Session Presentation (typically 20-30 minutes in length)
  • Panel Discussion (typically 30-40 minutes in length)

Note: Note: All submissions with 3–5 speakers are required to have at least one speaker that does not identify as a man and the speakers must not all be from the same company.

2. Choose a topic to narrow down the focus:

  • 101 (content for individuals new to the conference or unfamiliar with the content of the conference)
  • Application + Development + Delivery (projects such as Helm, Brigade, Telepresence, Buildpacks, Backstage, etc.)
  • Business Value (content that help support and derive the business value of a CNCF project or community involvement)
  • CI/CD (content and projects that impact or assist in continuous integration and continuous deployment)
  • Community (content, projects, and efforts around the governance, health, and prosperity in cultivating an open source community)
  • Customizing + Extending Kubernetes (projects such as KubeVirt, Volcano, CNI Genie, KUDO, Artifact Hub, Crossplane, etc.)
  • Machine Learning + Data (content and projects focused around ML, AI challenges, data management, and data analysis in cloud native)
  • Multi-tenancy (content and projects specifically focused around managing, securing, operating, and establishing multi-tenancy in cloud native deployments and architectures)
  • Networking (networking interfaces, gateways, north-south ingress/egress, and projects such as CoreDNS, CNI, gRPC, KubeEdge, Contour, etc.)
  • Observability (projects such as Fluentd, Prometheus, Jaeger, OpenTracing, OpenMetrics, Cortex, etc.)
  • Open Interfaces + Interoperability (content focused on multi-project solutions for common problems, interface awareness and extensibility outside of Kubernetes as well as technical use cases with corresponding solutions)
  • Reliability + Operational Continuity (content and projects that support reliability, sustainment, availability, operations, and storage in cloud native environments)
  • Runtime Performance + Constrained Environments (content and projects are IOT, Edge Computing, Airgapped & on-prem, performance, runtime and serverless)
  • Security + Identity + Policy (content around creating and managing secure and compliance cloud native systems as well as projects such as Notary, OPA, TUF, Falco, Parsec, SPIFFE, etc.)
  • Service Mesh (projects such as Linkerd, SMI, Envoy, etc.)

3. Provide a detailed and focused description with a max of 1,000 characters. This is what will be used on the online schedule if your talk is accepted.

4. Provide more in-depth information in the “Benefits to the Ecosystem” section. This is your opportunity to elaborate on your content and share any more details with the committee with a max of 1,000 characters.

5. Provide a biography for all speakers, including previous speaking experience.

6. Provide resources to enhance your proposal. These can be videos of you or your speakers presenting elsewhere, links to personal websites (including LinkedIn), links to your open source projects, or published books.



あなたのスピーチをプログラム コミッティに売り込むチャンスです。発表では、あなたが取り組んでいる問題や貢献や作業などに焦点を当ててベストを尽くしてください。プログラム コミッティが発表内容を審査する際は、その技術的な詳細を重視するのはもちろんですが、発表の妥当性も評価します。

この説明は Web サイトのスケジュールに掲載されますので、箇条書きだけでなく文章にして、誤字脱字がないように気をつけて、第三者の視点で (「I (わたし)」ではなくあなたの名前を使って) 記述してください。


OCI, CRI, ??: Making Sense of the Container Runtime Landscape in Kubernetes – You’ve probably heard about the OCI—a standardization effort to share a common definition for container runtime, image, and image distribution. Add to that the CRI (container runtime interface) in Kubernetes—designed to abstract the container runtime from the kubelet—and you may start to wonder what all these standards and interfaces mean for you in a Kubernetes world.

As of this year, a long list of runtimes, including CNCF projects containerd and cri-o, all implement the CRI. But did you know there are quite a few others? The unique number of CRI combinations is growing, all of which use the common OCI definitions for runtime and image interoperability.

But how would you decide which container runtime is right for you? Clearly each one has tradeoffs. This talk will help describe the current landscape and give you details on the why and how of each CRI implementation available today.

Benefits to the Ecosystem(エコシステムへのメリット)

詳細に説明するチャンスです。プレゼンテーションの内容がエコシステムの改善にどのように役立つか、または共同議長やプログラム コミッティとに伝えたいことを説明してください。難しい質問かもしれませんが、プレゼンテーションの内容説明や関連事項は、発表内容そのものと同じくらい重要です。最大1,000文字で説明してください。


It is a repeating comment across the CNCF ecosystem that the number of choices for container runtime is confusing, especially for those who are newer to our ecosystem. Even for those who many have heard the names–Docker, containerd, cri-o–even they are curious as to the reasons why there are many varied runtimes available to implement the CRI interface for Kubernetes, and what is the history that brought us to this point.

This talk helps bring clarity to the container runtime landscape, and especially shows the interesting work being done in additional isolation technologies like gVisor, AWS Firecracker, and Kata containers and why that may be of value to consider for certain security or workload constraints.

In the end, especially as we have two major runtimes as CNCF projects, this talk hopefully brings a level of insight to practitioners, developers, and operators as to why clusters may choose various runtimes and how new features in Kubernetes like RuntimeClass are making it easier to support mixed clusters that can support the needs of workloads with different isolation features or requirements.


プログラム コミッティと共同議長が提案を検討する際に何が考慮されるかをさらに理解するには、採点のガイドラインとベストプラクティスのページを参照してください。

Sample Submission

Your session description will be the cornerstone of your proposal.

This is your chance to *sell* your talk to the program committee, so do your best to highlight the problem/contribution/work that you are addressing in your presentation. The technical details are still important, but the relevance of what you are presenting will help the program committee during the selection process.

This is the description that will be posted on the website schedule, so please ensure that it is in complete sentences (and not just bullet points), free of typos and that it is written in the third person (use your name instead of “I”).


OCI, CRI, ??: Making Sense of the Container Runtime Landscape in Kubernetes – You’ve probably heard about the OCI—a standardization effort to share a common definition for container runtime, image, and image distribution. Add to that the CRI (container runtime interface) in Kubernetes—designed to abstract the container runtime from the kubelet—and you may start to wonder what all these standards and interfaces mean for you in a Kubernetes world.

As of this year, a long list of runtimes, including CNCF projects containerd and cri-o, all implement the CRI. But did you know there are quite a few others? The unique number of CRI combinations is growing, all of which use the common OCI definitions for runtime and image interoperability.

But how would you decide which container runtime is right for you? Clearly each one has tradeoffs. This talk will help describe the current landscape and give you details on the why and how of each CRI implementation available today.

Benefits to the Ecosystem

This is your chance to elaborate. Tell us how the content of your presentation will help better the ecosystem or anything you wish to share with the co-chairs and program committee. We realize that this can be a difficult question to answer, but as with the description, the relevance of your presentation is just as important as the content. Max of 1,000 characters.


It is a repeating comment across the CNCF ecosystem that the number of choices for container runtime is confusing, especially for those who are newer to our ecosystem. Even for those who many have heard the names–Docker, containerd, cri-o–even they are curious as to the reasons why there are many varied runtimes available to implement the CRI interface for Kubernetes, and what is the history that brought us to this point.

This talk helps bring clarity to the container runtime landscape, and especially shows the interesting work being done in additional isolation technologies like gVisor, AWS Firecracker, and Kata containers and why that may be of value to consider for certain security or workload constraints.

In the end, especially as we have two major runtimes as CNCF projects, this talk hopefully brings a level of insight to practitioners, developers, and operators as to why clusters may choose various runtimes and how new features in Kubernetes like RuntimeClass are making it easier to support mixed clusters that can support the needs of workloads with different isolation features or requirements.

Scoring Guidelines

To help you further understand what is considered while the program committee and co-chairs are reviewing your proposal, please review the Scoring Guidelines and Best Practices page.

スピーカー パス

承認されたすべての講演者とパネリストは、KubeDay Japan 2022に無料登録できます。

Speaker Passes

All accepted speakers and panelists will receive complimentary registration for KubeDay Japan 2022.


The Linux Foundationやその傘下のプロジェクトのコミュニティは、わたしたちのすべてのイベントにおいて、参加者が人権侵害や差別を受けることのないよう努力しています。発表者として申し込む方は、わたしたちの行動規範を必ずお読みください。

Code of Conduct

The Linux Foundation and its project communities are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events. We encourage all submitters to review our complete Code of Conduct.


CFP プロセスに関してご質問がある場合は、speakers@cncf.io までご連絡ください。

CFP Questions?

If you have any questions regarding the CFP process, please contact us at speakers@cncf.io

スポンサー Sponsors


ゴールド GOLD

ローカル サポーター Local Supporter