General Information
Thank you for your support of the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 CNCF-hosted Co-Located Events taking place in-person on Tuesday, 19 March.
- AppDeveloperCon
- ArgoCon
- BackstageCon
- Cilium + eBPF Day
- Cloud Native AI Day
- Cloud Native StartupFest
- Cloud Native Wasm Day
- Data on Kubernetes Day
- Istio Day
- Kubeflow Summit
- Kubernetes on Edge Day
- Multi-TenancyCon
- Observability Day
- OpenTofu Day
- Platform Engineering Day
- ThanosCon
Please click through the tabs on this page to access information on exhibiting at the conference.
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sponsorship questions: For questions regarding your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon sponsorship, please contact
Event Lead
Ashlee Carlson will be your main point of contact for sponsorship deliverables for the following events.
For CFP, Keynote, and speaker questions, please reach out to Alessandra Amato.
All sponsors should register here as an “In Person Co-Located Event Sponsor” using the sponsor code that was emailed to you in the Voucher Code field.
You receive a number of complimentary in-person All Access passes with your sponsorship. These include CNCF-hosted Co-located Events (Tuesday) AND KubeCon + CloudNativeCon (Wednesday-Friday). However, if your company is also a KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sponsor, please note the registration codes you receive with the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon sponsorship only include access to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon and does NOT provide all-access to the CNCF-hosted co-located event. You are welcome to use these for whomever you like, whether for employees or customers. All in-person registrations include access to the virtual portion of the event.
Follow these steps to register for your All Access Pass:
- Use the registration link here
- Select “In Person Co-Located Event Sponsor”
- Enter your code in the Voucher Code field when the page refreshes
Looking to promote your sponsorship, session, or attendance at a Co-Located Event? Use the marketing resources below!
This year’s in-person event will take place at the following venue:
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles:
1 Place de la Porte de Versailles
75015 Paris, France
Please see our Hotel & Travel page for information on booking accommodations at the hotel as well as transportation options.
If you have any questions regarding your sponsorship benefits, please contact Ashlee Carlson.
We look forward to welcoming you to Paris!
Booth hours
*Schedule subject to change; check back frequently; final hours to be announced in pre-event sponsor information email the week before the event.
Booth Setup: Tuesday, 19 March, 7:00 – 9:00
- We recommend picking up your badge from 7:00 – 7:30 to avoid attendee traffic. We will have the registration help desk dedicated to co-located event sponsors so you don’t encounter delays picking up your badge.
- During this time, you may put one type of swag on the chairs or on the table in the back of your Co-Located event room.
Booth Hours: Tuesday, 19 March, 9:00 – 17:30
- Reception 17:30 – 19:00
- The reception will be held in Hall 7.1. You are not required to staff your table during this time.
Booth Teardown: Tuesday, 19 March, 17:30 – 19:00
- Please note that access to the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sponsor Showcase (Hall 7.2, which is between Co-Located event floors) ends at 17:00. Please plan accordingly if you intend to move materials from your tabletop into the Showcase.
Due Dates
***Sponsors will receive a Google form to submit deliverables directly to their inbox the week of 22 January. Please look out for this form and submit it by the specified deadline. ***
31 January:
- Logo in .svg format due / Confirm logo and URL on website
- Confirm use of tabletop sponsor space
- Confirm X (previously Twitter) Handle
- Confirm use of lead retrieval device
- Provide Giveaway Description
- 150 word email blast content due (no images)
26 February: AV order deadline
29 February: Sea freight delivery deadline (see shipping for additional details)
4 March: Additional Power order deadline
8 March:
- Air freight delivery deadline (see shipping for additional details)
- Fill out shipping tracking form so we know to locate your packages onsite
11 March:
- Hardline Internet order deadline
- Courier shipments/road freight delivery deadline (see shipping for additional details)
15 March: Register attendees by this date
31 January:
- Logo in .svg format due / Confirm logo and URL on website
- Confirm use of tabletop sponsor space
- Confirm X (previously Twitter) Handle
- Confirm use of lead retrieval device
- Provide Giveaway Description
26 February: AV order deadline
29 February: Sea freight delivery deadline (see shipping for additional details)
4 March: Additional Power order deadline
8 March:
- Air freight delivery deadline (see shipping for additional details)
- Fill out shipping tracking form so we know to locate your packages onsite
11 March:
- Hardline Internet order deadline
- Courier shipments/road freight delivery deadline (see shipping for additional details)
15 March: Register attendees by this date
Gold + Start-up
31 January:
- Logo in .svg format due / Confirm logo and URL on website
- Confirm X (previously Twitter) Handle
- Provide Giveaway Description
29 February: Sea freight delivery deadline (see shipping for additional details)
8 March:
- Air freight delivery deadline (see shipping for additional details)
- Fill out shipping tracking form so we know to locate your packages onsite
11 March: Courier shipments/road freight delivery deadline (see shipping for additional details)
15 March: Register attendees by this date
DIAMOND Deliverables
Speaking Opportunity: Diamond sponsors receive a 5-minute keynote speaking opportunity. Please see the speaking opportunity tab for more information.
Recognition in Opening Session: Diamond sponsors will be recognized during the opening session verbally and with their logo on a “thank you to our sponsors” slide.
Email to Opt-In Attendees
- Diamond sponsors have the opportunity to include a 150-word message in a pre OR post-conference email shared with other diamond messages to attendees who opted in to receive sponsored content. This can include hyperlinks, but no images.
- Submit your content through the Google form (that will be sent out mid-January. CNCF will send emails on a conference-branded email template on behalf of the sponsor. Attendee contact details will not be shared.
- The pre-conference email will be sent out the Tuesday before the event (tentatively).
- The post-conference email will be sent out on the Tuesday after the event (tentatively).
- Messages can thank attendees, promote a session, encourage attendees to download marketing materials, visit your tabletop, visit your website, contact you, etc.
Social Media Mention From @KubeCon_ Handle:
CNCF will create and post the content for social media mentions. Diamond sponsors receive 1 group mention with other diamond and platinum sponsors. No action is required on your part.
Mobile Schedule Branding:
Diamond sponsors will have their company logo and link displayed on the mobile schedule on
Recognition On Event Website and Event Signage:
Diamond sponsors will have their logo displayed on the event website and on in-person event signage.
Conference Attendee Passes:
Sponsors receive a number of all-access passes to the event based on sponsorship level. Passes include access to all CNCF-hosted co-located events on Tuesday and access to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon on Wednesday – Friday.
Diamond: 5 passes
To register your passes, click the registration link here, select “In-Person Co-Located Event Sponsor” as the registration type and enter your code in the Voucher Code field when prompted.
Please email your event lead (Ashlee Carlson) if you need your sponsor code for the complimentary passes re-sent to you.
Attendee Swag/Giveaway (optional):
In addition to what you give away at your table, sponsors may provide (1) giveaway item/swag for attendees at the event to be set out the giveaway on the chairs in the session room during set-up hours the morning before the event. Otherwise, giveaways may be set out on a table in the back of the session room. Sponsor is solely responsible for set-up and distribution. Examples include T-shirts, bouncy balls, pens, chargers, plush toys, etc. Please review the rules and regulations:
- It is NOT permitted to use the conference logo and branding and/or Linux Foundation and CNCF logos and artwork on any swag or giveaways that are produced and/or distributed by sponsors. Examples include t-shirts, hats or other apparel, stickers, digital assets, and any other branded items whether offered for sale or as free giveaways. CNCF reserves the right to restrict the distribution of any unauthorized items before, during, and after the event.
- It IS permitted to use any branding found in this GitHub repo
- Sponsors may not distribute branded lanyards as giveaways to attendees, however, sponsor booth staff may wear their own company-branded lanyards at the event.
- It is not permitted to bring in outside food or beverage as giveaways, especially items that may contain nuts (e.g. chocolate, candy, granola bars).
Items must be approved by CNCF before the event.
Please provide your shipping information on this form.
Table Top Sponsor Space and Lead Retrieval:
Diamond sponsors receive (1) lead retrieval device and a 6’x4’ footprint which includes (1) 6ft table, 2 chairs, and power. See the tabletop display section and lead retrieval section below for more detailed information.
Platinum Deliverables
Recognition in Opening Session: Sponsors will be recognized during the opening session verbally and with their logo on a “thank you to our sponsors” slide.
Social Media Mention From @KubeCon_ Handle:
CNCF will create and post the content for social media mentions. Sponsors receive 1 group mention with other platinum and diamond sponsors. No action is required on your part.
Mobile Schedule Branding:
Sponsors will have their company logo and link displayed on the mobile schedule on
Recognition On Event Website and Event Signage:
Sponsors will have their logo displayed on the event website and on in-person event signage.
Conference Attendee Passes:
Sponsors receive a number of all-access passes to the event based on sponsorship level. Passes include access to all CNCF-hosted co-located events on Tuesday and access to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon on Wednesday – Friday.
Platinum: 4 passes
To register your passes, click the registration link here, select “In-Person Co-Located Event Sponsor” as the registration type and enter your code in the Voucher Code field when prompted.
Please email your event lead (Ashlee Carlson) if you need your sponsor code for the complimentary passes re-sent to you.
Attendee Swag/Giveaways (optional):
In addition to what you give away at your table, sponsors may provide (1) giveaway item/swag for attendees at the event to be set out the giveaway on the chairs in the session room during set-up hours the morning before the event. Otherwise, giveaways may be set out on a table in the back of the session room. Sponsor is solely responsible for set-up and distribution. Examples include T-shirts, bouncy balls, pens, chargers, plush toys, etc. Please review the rules and regulations:
- It is NOT permitted to use the conference logo and branding and/or Linux Foundation and CNCF logos and artwork on any swag or giveaways that are produced and/or distributed by sponsors. Examples include t-shirts, hats or other apparel, stickers, digital assets, and any other branded items whether offered for sale or as free giveaways. CNCF reserves the right to restrict the distribution of any unauthorized items before, during, and after the event.
- It IS permitted to use any branding found in this GitHub repo
- Sponsors may not distribute branded lanyards as giveaways to attendees, however, sponsor booth staff may wear their own company-branded lanyards at the event.
- It is not permitted to bring in outside food or beverage as giveaways, especially items that may contain nuts (e.g. chocolate, candy, granola bars).
Items must be approved by CNCF before the event.
Please provide your shipping information on this form.
Table Top Sponsor Space and Lead Retrieval:
Platinum sponsors receive (1) lead retrieval device and a 6’x4’ footprint which includes (1) 6ft table, 2 chairs, and power. See the tabletop display section and lead retrieval section below for more detailed information.
Gold + Start-up Deliverables
Recognition in Opening Session: Sponsors will be recognized during the opening session verbally and with their logo on a “thank you to our sponsors” slide.
Social Media Mention From @KubeCon_ Handle:
CNCF will create and post the content for social media mentions. Sponsors receive 1 group mention with other gold and start-up sponsors. No action is required on your part.
Mobile Schedule Branding:
Sponsors will have their company logo and link displayed on the mobile schedule on
Recognition On Event Website and Event Signage:
Sponsors will have their logo displayed on the event website and on in-person event signage.
Conference Attendee Passes:
Sponsors receive a number of all-access passes to the event based on sponsorship level. Passes include access to all CNCF-hosted co-located events on Tuesday and access to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon on Wednesday – Friday.
Gold / Start-Up: 2 passes
To register your passes, click the registration link here, select “In-Person Co-Located Event Sponsor” as the registration type and enter your code in the Voucher Code field when prompted.
Please email your event lead (Ashlee Carlson) if you need your sponsor code for the complimentary passes re-sent to you.
Attendee Swag/Giveaways (optional):
Sponsors may provide (1) giveaway item/swag for attendees at the event to be set out the giveaway on the chairs in the session room during set-up hours the morning before the event. Otherwise, giveaways may be set out on a table in the back of the session room. Sponsor is solely responsible for set-up and distribution. Examples include T-shirts, bouncy balls, pens, chargers, plush toys, etc. Please review the rules and regulations:
- It is NOT permitted to use the conference logo and branding and/or Linux Foundation and CNCF logos and artwork on any swag or giveaways that are produced and/or distributed by sponsors. Examples include t-shirts, hats or other apparel, stickers, digital assets, and any other branded items whether offered for sale or as free giveaways. CNCF reserves the right to restrict the distribution of any unauthorized items before, during, and after the event.
- It IS permitted to use any branding found in this GitHub repo
- Sponsors may not distribute branded lanyards as giveaways to attendees, however, sponsor booth staff may wear their own company-branded lanyards at the event.
- It is not permitted to bring in outside food or beverage as giveaways, especially items that may contain nuts (e.g. chocolate, candy, granola bars).
Items must be approved by CNCF before the event.
Gold sponsors, thought they do not have tabletops, may provide giveaways. Please ship giveaways to the Co-Located event room, where you will find your shipments when you arrive for set up. Sponsors are responsible for setting out their giveaways on the table in the back of the room, or you may place giveaways on the chairs before the event begins.
Please provide your shipping information on this form.
Speaking Opportunity
Diamond sponsors receive a 5-minute keynote speaking opportunity.
Please reach out to Alessandra Amato with any questions.
- Session content must meet CFP requirements and is subject to approval by CNCF and/or the event Program Committee.
- Sales and marketing pitches are prohibited.
- The Linux Foundation is committed to a diverse and inclusive community. To this end, all talks/sessions with more than one speaker are required to include at least one woman or gender non-confirming participant. All-male panels will not be accepted.
- The Linux Foundation is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events. We encourage all submitters to review our complete Code of Conduct.
Event room NUMBERS
Co-Located Event | Hall / Level | Room Number |
AppDeveloperCon | 7.3 | S04 |
ArgoCon | 7.3 | N03 |
BackstageCon | 7.1 | Room C |
Cilium + eBPF Day | 7.3 | S01 |
Cloud Native AI Day | 7.3 | S03 |
Cloud Native Wasm Day | 7.3 | E05 + E06 |
Data on Kubernetes Day | 7.3 | S05 |
Istio Day | 7.3 | S06 |
Kubeflow Summit | 7.3 | S02 |
Kubernetes on Edge Day | 7.3 | S05 |
Multi-TenancyCon | 7.3 | S02 |
Observability Day | 7.1 | Room A |
OpenTofu Day | 7.3 | E05 + E06 |
Platform Engineering Day | 7.1 | Room B |
Shipping Instructions
Each company is responsible for shipping and tracking its own exhibit materials to and from the conference. If you plan to ship items for your booth, please read the shipping and material handling instructions on this page carefully as documentation and payment will be required prior to delivery. The offical logistics service provider for this event is Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik.
Download Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik’s Preparation Guidelines
Download Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik’s Shipping Manual and Rates
Download Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik’s Shipping Label (Co-Located event specific)
Download International Shipping Label (Co-Located event specific)
Download Commerical Invoice Template (DEFINITIVE IMPORT)
Download Commerical Invoice Template (TEMPORARY IMPORT)
Domestic Inbound Shipments (No Customs Clearance Required)
Shipments within France or the European Union generally do not require customs clearance.
Please DO NOT ship to the conference venue directly. The venue does not receive, clear customs, or store any shipments. Our logistics provider for this event is Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik. They will receive and store your shipments at their local warehouses and deliver your shipments directly to your booth before or during move-in hours.
Regardless of the carrier you are shipping with, Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik will charge a separate material handling fee for all inbound or outbound shipments. Please review Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik’s shipping + material rates above or contact Axel Leuret at directly for a custom quote.
Please ship as early as possible to meet the receiving deadlines. Late shipments may not be delivered in time and will incur additional late fees.
- Air freight: 8 working days prior to delivery in show. We recommend you deliver your shipment to CDG or ORL airport by Wednesday, 8 March.
- Courier shipments/road freight: 5 working days prior to delivery in show. We recommend you deliver your shipment to the advanced warehouse by Monday, 11 March.
- Read the Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik’s Shipping Manual and Preparation Guidelines and carefully.
- Ship early! Plan for potential shipping and customs delays.
- Fill out the commercial invoice, signed and stamped and send it to Axel Leuret at
- The completed form MUST be received before you ship. If you need assistance with customs forms, please contact Axel Leuret at He is happy to answer any questions you may have and will assist you in filling out the required documents correctly.
- USE THIS SHIPPING LABEL (*different than KubeCon +CloudNativeCon*) in color if possible. Label each package clearly with exhibitor company name, number of boxes, and booth number.
- If you can’t use the official shipping labels, please label all shipments clearly with the following address:
[Exhibiting Company Name] + [Co-Located Event Name] + [Table Number if you have it]
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 Co-Located Event
c/o SIS Logistik France GmbH
Place des Insurgés de Varsovie,
Entrée Porte D, Coursive Hall 4, Terrasse 4.A, vis-à-vis porte 41.07
75015 Paris, France
Label each package clearly with:
[Exhibiting Company Name] + [Co-Located Event Name] + [Table Number if you have it]
Onsite Contact & Mobile Phone Number
Box Number: _ of _
5. Full payment is due to Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik directly and must be made before the shipments arrive in France. For questions regarding your inbound shipments, please contact:
Axel Leuret
Phone: +33 6 99 98 64 80
International Inbound Shipments (Customs Clearance Required)
IMPORTANT: Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik cannot act as an importer/exporter or clear customs on your behalf. You may either work with a customs broker of your choice, or Schäfer’s local partner, AUBERTRANS.
All items requiring customs clearance must first be sent to AUBERTRANS’ customs clearance warehouse before Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik can move them to their local warehouse.
Please DO NOT ship to the conference venue directly. The venue does not receive, clear customs, or store any shipments. Our logistics provider for this event is Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik. They will receive and store your shipments at their local warehouses and deliver your shipments directly to your booth before or during move-in hours.
Regardless of the carrier you are shipping with, Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik will charge a separate material handling fee for all inbound or outbound shipments. Please review Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik’s shipping + material rates above or contact Axel Leuret at directly for a custom quote.
Please ship as early as possible to meet the receiving deadlines. Late shipments may not be delivered in time and will incur additional late fees.
- Sea freight: 10-12 working days prior to delivery in show. We recommend you deliver your shipment to Le Havre by Thursday, 29 February.
- Air freight: 8 working days prior to delivery in show. We recommend you deliver your shipment to CDG or ORL airport by Wednesday, 8 March.
- Courier shipments/road freight: 5 working days prior to delivery in show. We recommend you deliver your shipment to the advanced warehouse by Monday, 11 March.
- Read the Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik’s Shipping Manual and Preparation Guidelines and carefully.
- Ship early! Plan for potential shipping and customs delays.
- Fill out the commercial invoice (at top of this section), signed and stamped and send it to Axel Leuret at
- The completed form MUST be received before you ship. If you need assistance with customs forms, please contact Axel Leuret at He is happy to answer any questions you may have and will assist you in filling out the required documents correctly.
- Send the following documents as hard copies by mail to Axel Leuret, SIS Schafer, 2 rue Lefebvre, 75015 Paris, France:
- 2 original and 3 copies of AWB/MAWB/HBL/MBL
- A copy of the Express WB
- 4 commercial original invoices stamped, signed and with accurate values of the shipped items
- 4 original packing lists stamped, signed and with accurate values of the shipped items
- The documents must be received at least 10-12 days before delivery at the event.
- Download and print international shipping labels for your boxes. Label each package clearly with exhibitor company name, number of boxes, and booth number.
- If you can’t use the official shipping labels, please label all shipments clearly with the following address:
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 Co-Located Events
93615 Aulnay-sous-bois
Label each package clearly with:
[Exhibiting Company Name] + [Co-Located Event Name] + [Table Number]
Onsite Contact & Mobile Phone Number
Box Number: _ of _
Note: If you are using an external company to ship, please make sure they are labeling the shipments correctly before shipping.
- Full payment is due to Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik directly and must be made before the shipments arrive in France. For questions regarding your inbound shipments, please contact:
Axel Leuret
Phone: +33 6 99 98 64 80
Provide Tracking Information
Please submit all tracking numbers for your inbound Co-Located event shipments through the Shipping Tracking Form so that we can help ensure your items are delivered to the conference venue and the correct booth. If you do not fill out this form, we will not know to account for your shipments onsite which could result in a delayed delivery to your tabletop.
Courier Deliveries + Outbound Shipments
For safety reasons, only approved vendors will be able to access the event space. The venue will not accept any direct deliveries. Please DO NOT instruct or schedule any couriers (e.g. UPS, FedEx, DHL) to deliver or pick up parcels to/from your booth as they will not be permitted to access the event space. Any inbound deliveries should be sent to our logistics provider and they will deliver the items to your booth. Any outbound shipments need to be handled by Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik. You may either use our logistics provider’s own outbound shipping services or have them store your outbound shipments at their warehouses and your courier can pick them up at their warehouse.
Material Handling, Hand-Carrying + Private Vehicles
Schäfer & SIS Interlogistik is the exclusive provider of material handling services and equipment rental (e.g. forklifts) for this event. Please review the shipping + material handling tariff section and contact Axel Leuret at directly for a custom quote.
Exhibitor-appointed contractors (EACs) may load and unload their own vehicles. Motorized vehicles such as trucks or vans operated by EACs are not permitted to enter the exhibit halls at any time including move-in and dismantling hours. All vehicles must be unloaded and loaded outside. Sponsors may carry small items into the venue by hand. We do not recommend carrying heavier items by hand due to the walking distance from parking lots to the exhibit hall. Private vehicles such as cars or motorcycles are not allowed access to the exhibit hall loading doors and sponsors may not load any items in or out through the loading doors.
Please do not leave valuable items unattended at your tabletop display (diamond & platinum sponsors). Please take valuables such as laptops to your hotel room or visit the exhibitor services desk if you have any questions about storing items elsewhere overnight.
Any left-behind items may be discarded at the sponsor’s expense.
Neither CNCF, the Linux Foundation, Servis, ViParis, nor their employees, staff, or third-party vendors will be held liable for lost or stolen items.
Tabletop Displays (Diamond and platinum only)
Diamond and Platinum sponsors receive a 6ft x 4ft space which includes (1) 140cm x 70cm draped table, 2 chairs, (1) lead retrieval license, (1) triple socket power strip with 2kW power drop, and shared conference wifi.
- Pop-up banners must fit within your 6ft x 4ft space
- You may bring your own tablecloth
- Don’t forget power adapters and converters!
Diamond and Platinum sponsors may order additional power, hardline internet, and AV. See below for more details.
If you would like to rent a monitor (floor stand or tabletop), laptop, or additional power for your booth, please order directly through the Co-Located Event Tabletops page (select on the left side menu) on the Servis e-commerce website. Payment is to be made directly to Servis.
If you have any questions about your additional AV order, please contact:

Phone: +34 93 423 31 07
ORDER HERE via the Co-Located Event Tabletops page.
AV Deadline: Monday, 26 February
Power Deadline: Monday, 4 March
When filling out the Servis order, please use the following to help you fill out the fields. “Letter” can be referenced by room numbers in the above section.

Shared conference Wi-Fi will be available free of charge to all sponsors.
While we do not allow sponsors to have their own Wi-Fi networks, we do offer the option to purchase a hardline if you require one. If you require hard-wired internet for your booth, please place your order through the ViParis Store under the “Connecting my Stand” tab. Sponsors need to create an account before they can place orders through the ViParis Store. Please make sure to specify in your order that this is for your Co-Located event tabletop and place the order separately from your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon booth.
ViParis Exhibitor Services
Phone: +33 (0)1 40 68 16 16
Deadline: Monday, 11 March
READ CAREFULLY: This is the same ordering portal as the main KubeCon + CloudNativeCon internet portal. If you are sponsoring both events, please place two separate orders, one for your co-located event tabletop and one for your booth in the exhibit hall
Lead retrieval (Diamond and platinum only)
Lead retrieval is offered to Diamond and Platinum sponsors with tabletops only.
IMPORTANT: If you are also sponsoring KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, your lead retrieval for your Co-Located events will be shared with your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon account. (ie. if you plan on scanning leads as “Booth Staff” at both your Co-Located event and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, you only need to add yourself to the LeadCapture account once and can use the same log-in the next day after co-located events end).
Our onsite lead retrieval provider is Cvent LeadCapture. Setup instructions for the physical lead retrieval devices will be shared approx. 2 weeks prior to the event.
Each sponsor receives (1) lead retrieval device + (1) license with their sponsorship for collecting attendee contact information at your onsite booth.
Lead Retrieval Rules + Regulations
- Lead retrieval devices may be used to scan attendee badges within your exhibit booth ONLY. Scanning attendee badges in aisles, lounges or anywhere outside of your booth is not permitted. If lead retrieval devices are used outside of a sponsor’s booth, CNCF reserves the right to remove all leads scanned for that day.
- All attendees must verbally consent prior to scanning their name badge.
- Adhere to our onsite health + safety guidelines in the exhibit hall. It is each sponsor’s responsibility to manage crowds in their booth and adjacent aisles.
- Handle your lead retrieval device(s) with care and do not leave any device(s) unattended at your booth. A replacement fee of $1,500 USD will be assessed for any lost, damaged, or stolen device.
- Phone numbers are NOT included on lead retrieval lists.
Lead Retrieval Options
Please submit your choice of lead retrieval via the Sponsor Google Form. You may choose from the following options:
Option 1: Physical Lead Retrieval Device(s)
Select this option if you would like to receive the physical lead retrieval device(s) that are included in your sponsorship. In addition to the physical devices, you may download the Cvent LeadCapture app to personal mobile iOS or Android devices. However, each device requires a separate license so please remember to purchase additional licenses as needed.
Option 2: Mobile App Only
Select this option if you don’t want to receive the physical lead retrieval device(s) that are included in your sponsorship and will use the Cvent LeadCapture app on your own personal devices only. You will activate the provided license(s) on our own mobile iOS or Android device(s) and you have the option to purchase additional licenses if needed. Requires iOS 14.1 or later or Android 8.0 or later.
Option 3: No Lead Retrieval
Select this option if you don’t want to collect leads onsite and won’t use the lead retrieval devices or app.
Order Additional Licenses
*If you purchase additional licenses, you must use them on a personal device*
Please note that Cvent LeadCapture does not allow multiple user accounts or devices to share the same license. Each license is tied to a specific device and a specific user. Licenses are non-transferable. For example, if you plan to use 1 rented physical device and 2 personal mobile devices with the Cvent LeadCapture app to scan leads at your booth, you will need 3 licenses. Each license needs to be assigned to a person and a designated device.
If you wish to order additional lead retrieval licenses in addition to what is included in your sponsorship, please place your order and make your payment through the Cvent Exhibitor Portal. See the next section for instructions on how to set up your Cvent account.
IMPORTANT: Only exhibitor admins (lead retrieval main contact for your company) have access to the Cvent Exhibitor Portal to purchase licenses.
The pricing for additional licenses is:
- Single license: $249.00 each*
- 3-pack bundle (includes 3 licenses): $499.00*
- Additional licenses after purchasing a single license or 3-pack bundle: $149.00* each
*Prices do not include taxes that may be applied.
Cvent LeadCapture User Types
The Cvent LeadCapture system differentiates between two types of users:
1. Exhibitor Admins
ONLY exhibitor admins have access to the Cvent Exhibitor Portal and the ability to:
- Add additional exhibitor admins and booth staff,
- Purchase and assign lead retrieval licenses,
- Customize lead retrieval questions or qualifiers,
- View and export lead reports.
Exhibitor admins cannot scan leads onsite unless they add themselves as booth staff and assign a license and device.
2. Booth Staff
Booths staff can scan leads onsite only. They DO NOT have access to the Cvent Exhibitor Portal and cannot view or export lead reports.
- Exhibitor admins do NOT have to be registered for the event or present onsite during the event. However, it is strongly recommended to make at least one onsite staff an exhibitor admin so they can access the Cvent Exhibitor Portal to make last-minute changes if needed and to view and export leads.
- Exhibitor admins can add additional admins and booth staff to their Cvent Exhibitor Portal.
- A person can be an exhibitor admin and booth staff at the same time.
Instructions for Exhibitor Admins
To use the onsite lead retrieval system, you will need to create an account with our provider Cvent. Please set up your account before the event begins by following the instructions below.
Step 1: Cvent Exhibitor Portal Login + Setup
An invitation email will be sent to the main sponsor contact to make them the exhibitor admin for their company. Please follow the instructions in the invitation email to set up your exhibitor admin account.
If you did not receive the invitation email, please check your spam folder. If you still can’t find the email, please contact immediately.
Creating A New Account
Click on the “Log In” button in your invitation email. Please follow the instructions to create your password and complete the setup of your account.
Existing Account
If you have a Cvent account from a previous event already and wish to use your existing account, please check that the email address of your existing account matches your current email for this event. If so, you can click on the “Log In” button from your invitation email and sign in with your existing login.
Step 2: Add Additional Admins
- Log in to the Cvent Exhibitor Portal
- Click “Team” in the navigation bar on the left side
- Click on the tab “Admins”
- Click on the blue button “Add admin”
- Fill out the form to invite other team members to become an exhibitor admin.
Step 3: Purchase Additional Licenses (optional)
- Log into the Cvent Exhibitor Portal
- Click on “Licenses” on the sidebar menu
- Click “Buy licenses”
Step 4: Assign Booth Staff Licenses
Exhibitor admins have to assign licenses to booth staff in the Cvent Exhibitor Portal before staff can start scanning leads.
IMPORTANT: Licenses cannot be reallocated once activated, so please wait to assign licenses until you know for sure which booth staff members will be onsite. It is recommended to assign licenses 1-2 days prior to the event in case any staff members cannot attend unexpectedly.
Booth staff must be registered for the event before they can be assigned a license.
How to Add Booth Staff:
- Log in to the Cvent Exhibitor Portal
- Click “Team” in the navigation bar
- Click “Add Booth Staff” > “Search Attendee List”
- Enter your booth staff’s registration confirmation number (which can be found in the confirmation email that they received after registering for the event).
How to Assign Licenses:
- Click “Licenses” in the navigation bar
- Click “Options” next to one of the unassigned license codes, then click “Assign License”
- Select the booth staff you would like to assign the license to
- Booth staff will automatically receive an invitation email with their access code that they need to log into the LeadCapture app. Please see “Instructions for Booth Staff” below on how to download the LeadCapture app.
IMPORTANT: Once your booth staff activates their license in the LeadCapture app either on their own device or a rented device, the license will be marked as “Consumed” (rather than “Assigned”). You cannot reallocate a consumed license to a different team member or a different device and may potentially have to purchase a new license. To prevent this, we recommend assigning licenses no more than 1-2 days before the event or onsite when you can be sure that there are no last-minute changes to your onsite staff roster.
Step 5: Set up Lead Qualification Questions (Optional)
Exhibitor admins may add custom questions or qualifiers in the Cvent Exhibitor Portal at no additional cost.
- Log In to the Cvent Portal
- Click “Lead Collection”
- Click on the tab “Lead Qualification Questions”
- You will see a few generic questions that come with each account by default. You are welcome to edit them or build out your own questions by clicking the blue button “Customize Questions”. See detailed instructions here.
Note: Custom questions and qualifiers cannot be added via the LeadCapture app on mobile devices. They have to be set up by admins through the Cvent Exhibitor Portal so please make sure to complete this before the event.
Instructions for Booth Staff
Please share the instructions below with your booth staff before they arrive onsite and start scanning leads.
Mobile App Download
If you opted to use the mobile app on your own personal device(s), please download the Cvent LeadCapture app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Requires iOS 14.1 or later or Android 8.0 or later.
License Activation Instructions
- Open up the LeadCapture App on your mobile device or physical lead retrieval scanner.
- Enter the access code that you received in the invitation email from your exhibitor admin. If you didn’t receive an email, please check your spam folder or ask your exhibitor admin to look up your code in the Cvent Exhibitor Portal. You can also tap “I don’t have an access code” in the app to resend your code.
- Tap “Next” > “Yes, Activate Device” to confirm.
Note: Once activated, the license cannot reassigned to a different user or device. We recommend activating licenses no more than 1-2 days before the event or during booth set-up onsite when you can be sure that there are no last-minute changes to your onsite team or the devices you will be using.
Scanning Leads
- Open the LeadCapture app on your device.
- Tap “Add Lead” in the center of the screen. If prompted, tap “OK” to allow the app to access the camera.
- Scan the QR code on an attendee’s name badge.
- Tap “Qualify Lead” if you have set up custom qualifiers. Enter any qualifying questions, then tap “Save”.
- If an attendee isn’t wearing a badge or the QR code can’t be read, you can add their information manually by tapping “Add Lead”. Then tap “Camera” at the bottom of the device to open other input method options. Tap “Enter Manually”. Enter the attendee’s information, then tap “Save”.
- To view or edit a lead’s info, tap “Leads” at the bottom of the app’s home screen. Note: You can only view leads that were scanned with your device. You won’t be able to see leads that other booth staff have collected on other devices.
- Ensure your device is connected to Wi-Fi to sync all leads to the server. If leads are not synced, your exhibitor admin will not be able to export the leads you collected from the Cvent Exhibitor Portal. Check the home screen for a note that says “All leads synced” with a green checkmark.
Deleting Leads
If you accidentally scanned a lead that you no longer want to appear in reports, exhibitor admins can delete the lead in the Cvent Exhibitor Portal. From the left-hand navigation, click “Lead Collection”. Click the arrow to the right of the lead you want to delete, click “Delete”, then click “Delete lead”. It is not possible to delete leads from the LeadCapture app on your mobile device.
Exporting Lead Reports
Only exhibitor admins have the ability to access and download lead reports from the Cvent Exhibitor Portal. Lead reports cannot be viewed or exported by booth staff from the LeadCapture app. Follow the instructions below to export your lead report.
- Log in to the Cvent Exhibitor Portal
- Click on “Lead Collection”
- The number of collected leads will appear in the “Leads” section on the dashboard. Click on the blue “Export” button to download the list in Excel format.
- For a deeper dive into your leads per booth staff and leads per type, click “Reports” in the left-hand navigation. A list of available reports will appear. See instructions on how to filter reports here.
Lead Report Data
Only exhibitor admins can access and export lead report data via the Cvent Exhibitor Portal. Reports can be downloaded in real time during the event. The following attendee information will be included in the lead report:
- First name
- Last name
- Job title
- Company name
- Email address
- Physical address incl. country, city, state, zip code/postal code
- Job Function
- Industry
- Custom qualifiers (if applicable)
No Phone Numbers
For privacy reasons, phone numbers will NOT be included in the lead reports. If you wish to record attendees’ phone numbers, feel free to ask them for this information and add it manually as a note for each lead or create a custom question for this purpose.
Duplicate Entries
The lead report does show duplicate entries. For example, if a person’s name badge is scanned multiple times throughout the event, the person’s record will show up more than once in the report. If you would like to segment scans by booth staff or demo station, purchasing additional licenses can help manage leads. Please see above for ordering instructions.
GDPR + Data Privacy
All Linux Foundation events are fully GDPR compliant. By registering and attending this event, all participants agree to the Linux Foundation’s Privacy Policy which includes the following language:
In order to facilitate networking and business relationships at the event, you may choose to visit a third party’s booth or virtual booth or to access sponsored content. You are never required to visit third party booths or to access sponsored content. When visiting a booth (e.g. by clicking on a third party’s logo in the exhibit hall or exhibitor directory, and any actions within the booth thereafter including viewing resources), accessing swag or virtual swag provided by sponsors, or by participating in sponsored activities, the third party will receive some of your registration data. This data includes your first name, last name, title, company, address, email, standard demographics questions (i.e. job function, industry), and details about the sponsored content or resources you interacted with. If you choose to interact with a booth or virtual booth or access sponsored content, you are explicitly consenting to receipt and use of such data by the third-party recipients, which will be subject to their own privacy policies.
Sponsor storage will be available in the main KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sponsor Showcase on 7.2, which is the floor between the Co-Located event floors. Sponsors will have access to this space on 19 March between 8:00 – 17:00.
You will need a “sponsor” badge to access 7.2 on 19 March.
Any left-behind items may be discarded at the sponsor’s expense.
Please do not leave valuable items in this room or unattended at your booth. Please take valuables such as laptops to your hotel room or visit the exhibitor services desk if you have any questions about storing items elsewhere overnight. Neither CNCF, the Linux Foundation, ViParis, Servis, nor their employees, staff, or third-party vendors will be held liable for lost or stolen items.