Lori has a passion and enthusiasm for working with the developer community. She speaks at conferences and community events advocating on behalf of developers. Lori was 2023 Marketing Chair of the CNCF, Chair of the CDF Outreach Marketing Committee, program chair of cdCon 2023, and is a CNCF Ambassador. She co-hosts the CD Pipeline on behalf of the CDF with TechstrongTV. She is committed to helping open source and other tech communities grow and adapt in our ever changing environment.
As a Technology Enthusiast, Batuhan Apaydın, a developer-guy, has always been eager to learn new technologies. To work closely with new technologies and to be aware of them, he found himself in the OSS (Open Source Software) world. He made many contributions based on his interests in software supply chain security, such as Flux, Kyverno, ko, cosign, Tekton Chains, and many more. He also wrote many articles about software supply chain security to help people become more aware of the risks and the solutions that can mitigate them. He is the admin of the Twitter community called Software Supply Chain Security. He also manages two of the most prominent organizations in Turkey, DevOpsTr and Cloud Native Turkey, related to talking CNCF projects. He is also experienced in talking in live streams and events.
Andrew is currently CEO of Prodvana, an early stage company focused on transforming the landscape of production. Over the last 20+ years he has held engineering and senior and executive leadership roles at companies such as AOL, Google/YouTube, Dropbox and Vise. Additionally, he helped found SRECon and participated as a steering commitee member for the first 3-4 years, wrote a chapter in Seeking SRE and was a reviewer “Site Reliability Engineering.”
Garima Bajpai is a thought leader on DevOps & Cloud technologies. She is the founder of DevOps Community of practice, Canada supported by Crowdbyte Solutions Inc. She is the Chair for the ambassador program for Continuous Delivery Foundation. Some might know her as a published author, as a course creator and instructor for various DevOps courses from leading certification bodies. She has over two-decade experience leading large-scale R&D with variety of different teams and has helped them adapt DevOps to be able to increase team productivity when it comes to cloud resource deployment.
Brad has served on various program committees in the cloud native and DevOps space. He is a maintainer and contributor of multiple open source projects and is very involved in the community.
Working at Chainguard in secure software supply chain, also part of K8s community as member of the Steering committee and Tech Lead for SIG-Release, and Open source contributor to several cloud native projects
Chair of the Jenkins Advocacy and Outreach SIG. Alyssa drives and manages Jenkins participation in community events and conferences like FOSDEM, SCaLE, cdCON, DevOps World and KubeCon.
Adam Kaplan (he/him/his) is a software engineer at Red Hat, a maintainer of Shipwright, and contributor to Tekton. He currently leads efforts at Red Hat to simplify hybrid cloud application development, and previously maintained developer-focused components for OpenShift. Before joining Red Hat, Adam helped companies ship freight containers at a logistics-focused technology consulting firm.