General Information
Thank you for your support of RISC-V Forums 2021, taking place virtually on July 21st.
Please click through the tabs on this page to access information on exhibiting at the conference.
All sponsors should register here. Registration is complimentary to both members and non-members.
Virtual Platform
RISC-V Forums: Security will be held virtually on Bevy. More information coming soon!
Message In Post Conference Email:
Sponsors may include a 200-word personalized message in the post-conference email that will be sent to all opt-in attendees.
Speaking Opportunity:
Sponsors receive a 20-minute speaking opportunity. This includes a 15-minute session with 5 minutes of Q&A. Please see the speaking opportunity tab for more information.
Recognition On Event Website and Pre Event Email Marketing:
Sponsors will have their logo displayed on the event website and in pre-event email marketing.
Recognition in Opening & Closing Remarks: By event emcee
Lead Generation: Full contact information of registrants supplied
Speaking Opportunity
Sponsors receive a 20-minute speaking opportunity during RISC-V Forum: Security. This includes (1) 15-minute session with 5 minutes of Q&A.
Presentation must be community focused, not product focused.
Please provide the required details below no later than Wednesday, March 24th, so it can be added to the schedule. Once the details are received, the program committee will review the content prior to it being posted. As a reminder, we encourage you to use this time to benefit the community.
- Track Session Title
- Track Session Abstract (to be included on schedule)
- Speaker Name
- Speaker Title
- Speaker Bio
- Speaker Email
Please email Shannon Jessee with questions regarding your speaking opportunity.
If you have not done so already, please send your logo to Christie Davis.
Your logo will appear in the following places:
Pre-Event Attendee Email
Event Website
“Sponsor Thank You” Slide During Opening & Closing Remarks