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December 7, 2022

横浜 + バーチャル
YokohAmA Japan + Virtual


Thank you for Attending

SODACON has officially wrapped!
Thank you to all the attendees who joined us in Yokohama and online!


Review session slides from speakers who provided them via the event schedule.

SODACONは、SODA Foundationが毎年開催する技術カンファレンスであり、業界のリーダー、開発者、エンドユーザが一堂に会して、「クラウドネイティブ、IoT、ビッグデータ、機械学習」時代の「データおよびストレージ管理」分野における最新のイノベーション、トレンド、懸念事項、および実際的な課題とソリューションについて発表し、議論することを目的としています。

SODACON, an annual technical conference held by SODA Foundation, aims to bring together industry leaders, developers, and end-users to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges and solutions in the field of Data and Storage Management in the era of cloud-native, IoT, big data, machine learning, and more.

Featured Keynote Speakers

  • Steven Tan headshot

    Steven Tan is VP & CTO Cloud Solution, Storage at Futurewei where he is responsible for open source strategy and collaboration. Steven brought together leaders across industries and founded the SODA Foundation which he currently serves as chair. SODA Foundation is a transformation of the Linux Foundation OpenSDS project which he initiated previously. Steven’s career brought him across Singapore, US, China and Taiwan, and includes roles as founder and CTO at Cloudena, VP Engineering at ProphetStor, and VP Engineering and Technology at CipherMax. Steven is an alumnus of Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore.

  • Hilary Carter headshot

    Hilary Carter oversees the development of decision-useful research projects and content programs that support open source as a paradigm for mass collaboration at scale. Together, the Research and Communications department broadens the understanding of the impact of open source software, open hardware, open standards, and open data for people, enterprises, governments, and society at large.

    Hilary’s career began in financial services with experiences in corporate finance, research and analysis, and global private banking. Her career pivoted to digital technology, where she focused on mobile communications and digital media consulting. Before joining the Linux Foundation, Hilary led a global, syndicated research institute focused on blockchain technology.

    She earned an MSc in Management from the London School of Economics.

  • Kuniyoshi Suzuki headshot

    He is responsible for the cloud businesses of hyperscalers such as Azure, Google, Alibaba, IBM, and AWS, as well as SoftBank’s own services related to them. In SoftBank’s multi-cloud strategy, he is also paying attention to new technologies that can promote application development and data utilization without being aware of the cloud environment.

  • Yuji Yazawa headshot

    Responsible for researching & designing hybrid cloud infrastructure (including datacenter itself, cooling mechanism as well) which is dedicated for Connected vehicle & Autonomous vehicle.

  • Li Fei headshot

    Li Fei has more than 10 years of R&D experience in Storage/Cloud/BC&DR products and cloud services. He is now responsible for data center management, storage ecosystem and data management related product design, development, delivery and lifecycle management. He works very closely with SODA Foundation and focuses to build commercial products which has effective usages and contribution to SODA open source projects.

Schedule at a Glance

すべてのセッション時間は日本時間 (JST) で表示されています。
All session times are listed in Japan Standard Time (JST)

2022年12月7日 水曜日
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
9:00AM – 6:00PM
基調講演、セッション + スポンサー ショーケース
Keynotes, Sessions + Sponsor Showcase

6:00PM – 7:00PM
レセプション + ネットワーキング
Reception + Networking

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