Updated April 10, 2023
Our attendees’ health and safety remain our top priority as we continue to make the best and most informed decisions around onsite safety and requirements within the bounds of what is possible in different municipalities. Please note that based on the Dutch Government’s move to declare COVID-19 in an endemic phase on March 10, we can no longer require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test for in-person event participants.
We will continue to provide the the following Health & Safety measures onsite:
We also highly recommend that onsite participants wear a mask and get tested for COVID-19 prior to joining the event in person, in order to best protect themselves and other attendees. If you are not feeling well onsite, please refrain from attending the event and/or get tested.
All current protocols are subject to change should there be a change if local municipality and health agency guidelines indicate or require that they should change. We will do everything we can to provide any updates as early as possible.
The NetherLands’ Covid-Related Entry Requirements
The Government of the Netherlands has lifted all travel restrictions related to the Coronavirus, as published on their website here.
With the ever-changing COVID-19 guidelines, we highly suggest visiting The Netherlands’ government website regularly for the most up-to-date information as your trip nears.
Masks are recommended, but not required for event attendees.
Vaccine or Negative COVID-19 Test Requirement
COVID-19 vaccinations and having a negative COVID-19 test prior to joining the event onsite are encouraged but not required.
Wearable Indicators of Social Distance Comfort Levels
We will provide a wearable indicator of social distance comfort levels for event participants to wear onsite (optional but encouraged). Participants are asked to be respectful of each other’s comfort level on social distance.
Onsite Testing
CNCF will provide complimentary COVID-19 rapid antigen testing on-site for attendees that would like to test of their own accord during the event. Testing is optional and not required to enter the event.
Pre-scheduling an appointment is recommended. Walk-ins will be accepted if space is available. Testing is provided by Microbe&Lab BV.
Onsite Testing will be available during the following dates/times:
Onsite Testing Location
RAI Amsterdam
Europe Foyer 2 | Ground Floor, Congress Centre
Schedule an Appointment
Appointments can be made here or by using the below QR code starting Wednesday, 12 April.

Test Results
Test results will be delivered via email within 15-20 minutes under current GDPR rules. Test results are not shared with either The Linux Foundation or CNCF. The data exchanged is kept confidential between the person receiving the test and the medical professional administering it. In addition, positive test results are shared in anonymous weekly statements with RIVM (vide article 1 sub e and article 22 Public Health Act and current RIVM Covid-19 Directive). If you have questions about the test or test procedure, contact Microbe&Lab BV customer service directly via info@coronalab.eu or via 020-723 1760.
Please expect the following measures to be in place at the event.
At a minimum, we will be following all government and venue guidelines. This list, and all protocols, are subject to change should there be a change in government regulations.
Looking for a hospital, pharmacy, or police station. See contact details on our Emergency Resources page.
Do I need to be vaccinated or show proof of a negative COVID-19 test to attend?
No. You do not have to be vaccinated or show proof of a negative COVID-19 test to enter the event. However, we do encourage attendees to test of their own accord.
Will I be required to wear a mask?
No, you are not required to wear a mask at any time during the event, however we do recommend it.
Are vendors and staff working the event required to be vaccinated, show proof of a negative COVID-19 test or wear a mask?
No, legally we are not able to require any employees from vendors working onsite at events (including but not limited to venue staff, catering, security, A/V, trade show contractor, etc.) to wear masks, or to show proof of vaccination or a negative test.
What Dutch laws prohibit CNCF from requiring proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test to attend the event in-person?
Under Dutch law, it is currently not allowed to impose vaccine or testing requirements on visitors of public events. Notably, based on: the Dutch Equal Treatment Act (Algemene wet gelijke behandeling), Article 1 of the Constitution (Grondwet) and Article 8 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights Convention (EVRM) it is not permitted to differentiate between persons on the basis of their health status; people have the right to physical integrity and freedom of movement. It is also generally not allowed to process medical data on the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming). Given that COVID-19 is now considered an endemic rather than pandemic per the Dutch government (as of March 10, 2023) any such measures would lead to unjustifiable exclusion of persons. At this point in time, such measures would not be proportionate, effective or necessary for its intended purpose (see: Advice Dutch Health Council, Gezondheidsraad).
These laws have always been in place. Why did you think this was acceptable to have this requirement before but you don’t now?
It is correct that these laws are long standing. When COVID-19 was in the pandemic stage, extenuating circumstances created an exception to these laws that allowed us to require COVID-19 testing or vaccination for in person events. Now that the Netherlands government has declared that COVID-19 has transitioned from pandemic to endemic (as of March 10), these extenuating circumstances and the exception we were relying on no longer exist.
Why was the requirement for showing proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test removed so close to the event?
Up until March 10, we and our legal counsel felt confident that we could have this requirement in place to attend in person. However, once the Dutch government moved to an endemic phase of Covid (announced on Friday, March 10), it meant that these measures would violate Dutch laws that restrict the collection of personal health data and that prohibit discrimination based on health status. When COVID-19 was in the pandemic stage, extenuating circumstances created an exception to these laws that allowed us to require COVID-19 testing or vaccination for in person events. Now that COVID-19 has transitioned from pandemic to endemic status in the Netherlands, these extenuating circumstances and the exception we were relying on no longer exist. Unfortunately it did take about 2 weeks to go through the process of engaging with Dutch counsel, allowing them time to review, exploring many alternative options, and make determinations and trying to find another path forward to retain the previously communicated safety measures, which ultimately was not possible.
If you aren’t able to require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test for entry to the event, how will you ensure folks are healthy before entering the conference?
Legally, we are unable to do anything to ensure attendees are healthy prior to entering the event. We continue to encourage and recommend attendees wear masks and get tested prior to joining the event in person to work together to keep the community safe. We ask that attendees be respectful of others and not attend in person if they aren’t feeling well. We are also still offering the following health & safety protocols onsite to help protect attendees:
Have you considered implementing new requirements such as temperature checks, mask mandates, or having stickers available that those who are vaccinated or tested could wear onsite?
We have considered this, however none of this is permitted under Dutch law and thus we are unable to implement.
Can we communicate that the expectation is that all attendees will be vaccinated even if that can’t be enforced?
No, this would not be permitted under Dutch law.
Can I wear a sticker or ribbon that indicates that I’m vaccinated or tested?
Yes you can make that personal choice, but it would be unlawful for CNCF to provide these or have them laid out anywhere in the conference that gives the appearance that CNCF provided, encouraged or mandated them.
Will I be able to get tested onsite?
Yes. CNCF will provide testing on-site which will be free, optional and confidential testing administered by local health professionals. Additional details on testing location and times will be shared in the attendee pre-event email.
Will you be providing personal protective equipment (PPE) onsite?
We will have hand sanitizer stations throughout the venue, and personal hand sanitizer bottles/wipes available upon request. If you would like to wear a mask while onsite at the event, we ask you to provide your own, however we will have some available onsite at registration for those that need them.
How often will you be cleaning/sanitizing the event zone?
The timing will vary based on the use of each space in the event zone. Frequently touched surfaces throughout the venue, such as elevator buttons, escalator handrails, door handles and tabletops, will be cleaned regularly, While surfaces will be cleaned regularly, we recommend all event participants wash their hands and/or sanitize their hands regularly to protect themselves. Hand sanitizer stations will be set up throughout the venue. Microphones will be sanitized between each speaker’s use.
I’m no longer comfortable with the risk profile of the event without the proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test requirement in place. Can I cancel and receive a refund?
Absolutely. We understand and acknowledge that this changes the event’s risk profile for some participants whose needs were met by the previous health and safety plan. We are offering a full refund to those who need to cancel due to this change or the option to switch to virtual participation.
If you would like to cancel, sign back into your registration confirmation and select “Unregister.” Please allow 7-10 business days for your refund to show back up in your account.
If you’d like to switch your registration to virtual and receive a refund for the fee difference, please contact registration@linuxfoundation.org so we can make that change for you. Please process cancellation requests by April 5, 2023, 23:59 PDT.
Can I pick up badges for colleagues this year?
No, though this has nothing to do with Health & Safety protocols at this point. We have never allowed the pickup of another person’s badge to reinforce that badge swapping is not acceptable practice and all onsite participants needed to be registered to attend.
How are you communicating the number of COVID-19 cases reported onsite?
We will communicate via email to all registered in-person attendees when we receive notification of the first and second positive case onsite or post-event. After (if applicable) a second notification, we will discontinue notifications for all additional cases reported. We will include a final cumulative number of reported cases in the post-event transparency report.
How are you tracking COVID-19 cases onsite?
We request that attendees notify us at events@cncf.io if they test positive during the event or within ten days post event, though they are not required to do so. Personal information will be kept confidential unless we are permitted to share it.
What should I do if I am onsite and not feeling well?
If you aren’t feeling well, we ask that you be courteous and refrain from attending the event in person to protect other community members. You may also get tested at our onsite testing location if you’d like. Per guidance from the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health updated on March 10, 2023 if you test positive for COVID-19, you no longer have to self-isolate.
What should I do if I test positive for COVID-19 while at the event?
What should I do if I notice someone at the event with visible symptoms?
We do not feel that having participants ‘report’ attendees with visible symptoms (which could also be allergies, a cold, etc.) comports with the spirit of the event. In addition, we encourage our event participants to show their regard for the safety of others in the community by self-reporting any symptoms they themselves may have.
What does this mean for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America later in the year?
We don’t have a final answer at this time on what protocols will be in Chicago, but are researching what options we have, and will share broadly and early as soon as we have a final plan in place.
I have additional questions. Who should I contact?
Please reach out to eventsafety@cncf.io.