Thousands of #TeamCloudNative registered to attend KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, including Developers, Architects, Engineers, Community Leaders, End Users, Vendors and more from the following organizations. Don’t miss your chance to join them!
- 4G Capital
- 4iG Nyrt
- Aalto University
- AB Lindex
- Abbott
- Abcam
- Abedraba
- Aberystwyth University
- Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
- ACA IT-Solutions nv
- Accelerant
- Activision
- Admiral Group Plc
- Adobe
- Advanced Micro Devices
- Airbus
- Airbus Operations GmbH
- Airlaunch GmbH
- Akamai Technologies
- Akamas
- Akeyless Security
- Aki Technologies
- ALDI International
- Alibaba Cloud
- Alma secuirty
- AlphaSense
- Amazon Web Service
- Amdocs
- Amdocs s.r.o
- Amercian Express
- Andgo System
- Anyshift
- Apple
- Aqua Security
- ARM Ltd
- Armis Security LTD
- ASR Nederland
- Asseco Poland S.A.
- Aston Martin Formula One Team
- Astrada
- AstraZeneca
- Audi AG
- AutoStore AS
- Aviatrix
- Axis Communications
- BAE Systems
- Baillie Gifford
- Bally’s
- Baloise Group
- Balyasny Asset Management
- Banca Sella
- Banca Transilvania
- Bank For International Settlements
- Bank of America
- Bank of Cyprus
- Bank of Ireland Group plc
- Bank of Korea
- Bank Respublika
- Barclays
- Baseten Inc.
- BASF Digital Solutions
- Basque Country Informatic Society
- BBD Software
- BCM Solutions GmbH
- BearingPoint GmbH
- Beekeeper AG
- Belgian Mobile ID
- Better Stack Inc.
- Bloomberg
- BMC Software
- Borda Technology
- Bosch Connected Industry
- Boston University
- Bottomline Technologies
- Boursobank
- BrainGu
- Brandwatch
- Brautomate B.V.
- Brevan Howard Digital
- Bright Pixel
- British American Tobacco
- Broadcom
- BT Group
- Buoyant, Inc
- Burbank
- ByteBox
- ByteDance
- C Hoare and Co.
- Caixabank Tech
- Cambridge University Press
- Canonical Group Limited
- Canva
- Capgemini
- CapitalOne
- capriSys GmbH
- Carabiner Systems
- Careem
- CarGurus
- Carnegie Mellon University Africa
- Carnival UK
- Carta
- Cast AI
- Catalogic Software Inc
- Cegedim Healthcare Solutions UK
- Checkmarx
- Cheops
- China Mobile
- Chronosphere
- CircleCI
- Cisco
- Citibank
- Citizens Advice
- Civica
- Civo
- Claranet
- Cloudera
- CloudFire
- CloudPilot AI
- Cloudsmith
- Confluent
- Control Plane Ltd
- ControlMonkey
- Cornell University
- Corner Banca SA
- Cortex
- Corva AI
- Cosmonic
- Crayon Group
- Credera
- CreditKarma
- Crowdstrike
- CyberAgent
- CyberArk
- Dachser
- Dagger
- Daily Mail
- Dailymotion
- Dalla
- Danish Business Authority
- Dare International
- Darede
- Darktrace
- Darts TI
- Dash0
- Dassault Systèmes
- Data DevOps
- Data Reply
- Datacamp Inc.
- DataCore
- Datadog
- Datafy
- DataGalaxy
- Dataminr
- Dataport
- Dataport AöR
- Dataroots
- DataWalk
- Datolabs
- Defense Unicorns
- Delivery Hero
- Dell Technologies
- Deloitte
- Deutsche Bahn AG
- Deutsche Telekom
- DigitalOcean
- Discover
- Distilled
- DiveInto
- Docker
- DoiT International
- Domino’s
- Domotz Inc
- Doubleverify Inc
- DoubleVerify Inc.
- Draftkings
- Dropbox Inc
- Dutch Cancer Institute – Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
- Dutch Ministry of Defence
- Dutch Railroads
- Dutch Tax Authority
- Dynatrace
- eBay
- Edge Delta Inc.
- Edge Hill University
- Elastisys AB
- Elastx AB
- Electronic Arts
- EnterpriseDB
- Entertainment Nation
- Entimo AG
- Entrée Capital
- Entrust
- env0
- Ergon Informatik AG
- Ericsson
- Erste Digital
- Etsy
- Expedia Group
- F5 Networks
- Fabasoft International Services GmbH
- Fashion Digital
- Fastly, Inc.
- FedEx
- Fermyon Technologies
- Fidelity International
- FikaWorks Collective
- FileWave Deutschland GmbH
- Finanz Informatik
- Five9
- Flow Traders
- Flutter International
- Forbes
- Forge IT
- Forrester
- FranceTV
- Freepik Company
- Fujitsu
- Futurewei Inc.
- Gallium Cloud
- Gaming1
- Generali Deutschland AG
- German Air Force
- Giant Swarm
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Gitpod
- GK Software SE
- GoCardless
- Goldman Sachs
- Golem
- Gotheburg University
- Grafana
- GResearch
- H&M Group
- HackerRank
- Hacon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
- Hamburg Port Authority
- Hangzhou HarmonyCloud Technology Co., Ltd
- HanseMerkur
- Hansen
- HAProxy Technologies
- Harness
- Hartuv Tours
- Harvest
- HashiCorp
- Haufe-Lexware Services GmbH & Co. KG
- Havelsan
- Helmholtz Center for Information Security
- Helse Nord IKT
- Hermos AG
- Heroku
- Hetz VC
- Hetzner Cloud GmbH
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise
- Hexagon Geosystems Services AG
- Hitachi
- Honeybook
- Honeycomb
- Hostpoint AG
- Hotelbeds Technology S.L.U.
- Huawei Technologies
- Hublo
- Icelandair
- Identity E2E
- IdentityE2E
- IFS World Operations
- IG Group
- Illumio
- InCommodities A/S
- Incredible Bits ApS
- Infineon Technologies AG
- Infor Sweden AB
- Informatica
- InMotion Ventures
- Innovation Process Technology AG
- Intel
- INTER Krankenversicherung AG
- Interoplab B.V.
- Intuit
- Isovalent
- Itau Unibanco
- Itau Unibanco SA
- ITK Engineering GmbH
- ITRS Group Ltd.
- IU International University of Applied Sciences
- Ivanti
- Jenkins
- JetBrains
- JFrog
- JP Morgan Chase
- Kaizen Gaming
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Kasten by Veeam
- Kedify
- KeyGene
- Keyshot
- Kloudfuse
- Köerber Pharma Software GmbH
- Komodor
- Kong
- Kooperativa
- Körber Pharma
- KPMG Switzerland
- Krones AG
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Kubecost
- Kubeflow
- Kubermatic
- KubeSkills
- Kubespray / Conny
- Kubestack
- KubeStellar
- KubeVirt
- Kubo Labs
- Kusari
- KvalitetsIT ApS
- Kvist Solutions AS
- Kwaza ICT
- Kyriba
- Kystverket
- KZR Consultancy BV
- l’Oreal
- L3montree Cybersecurity
- La Formule Nuagique
- La Française des Jeux
- La Sentinelle Ltd
- Lab42 Srl
- Laforge Consulting
- Lambda Labs
- Lambton College
- Langtrace AI
- Lantmäteriet
- Lapplands Gymnasium-Gallivare
- Lastminute
- Latitude AI
- Lau Engineering AB
- Layer5
- LBC France
- Leafcloud
- Lean Technologies
- Learnk8s
- Learnwords
- Leaseweb
- LEGO System A/S
- LEGO Systems A/S
- Lenovo Global Technology SRL
- Lens
- LeroyMerlin Portugal
- LexisNexis Risk Solutions
- LGT Finanical Services AG
- Liatrio, INC
- Libon
- Liebherr-Digital Development Center GmbH
- Lightbits Labs
- Lijkendijk IT Consultancy
- Lillevang Consult
- Link Mobility Bulgaria
- LinkMobility
- Liquibase
- Liquid Reply
- LiveCheck
- LiveEO
- Lloyds Bank
- Lockheed Martin UK
- Loft Labs
- Logius
- Looper Insights
- Lorenz Services Sp. z.o.o
- Louis Vuitton
- LucidLink Ltd
- Lufthansa Systems GmbH
- Lyft
- LYNX s.r.o.
- Lyse Tele
- Maastricht University
- Macquarie
- MacStadium
- Maersk
- Maltego Technologies GmbH
- MAN Energy Solutions
- MasOrange
- MasterCard
- Mauritius Commercial Bank
- Maven Securities
- Mawer Investment Management
- Max Mara Fashion Group
- Medallia
- Mediahuis
- MedMera Bank
- Meetic SA
- Meltwater
- MemVerge
- Mercari Inc.
- Mercari, Inc.
- Mercedes Benz Group AG
- Mesh AI
- Meta Platforms
- Metafinanz GmbH
- MetalBear
- Michelin
- Microblink
- Middleware Solutions
- Millennium Capital Partners
- Millennium Management, LLC
- Mimecast
- MinIO
- Ministry of Defense Netherlands
- Mintel
- Mirantis
- Miro
- Mistral AI
- Mithrin IT Consultancy B.V.
- Molina
- Mollie
- MongoDB
- Monzo
- Monzo Bank
- Moonlite AI
- Morgan Stanley
- MoroTech
- Morph
- Motorola Solutions
- MSD Animal Health Technology Labs
- msg systems ag
- MSG Systems Romania
- Multiverse
- MUREX Services SAL
- Musixmatch
- Naeka
- Naked Wines
- National Archives of Norway
- National Defence Radio Establishment
- National Institute for Nuclear Physics
- National Oceanography Centre
- National University of Science and Tehnology Politehnica Bucharest
- Nationale Nederlanden Group
- Nationwide Building Society
- Natwest Bank
- NearForm Ltd
- Nebius
- NEC Corporation
- Neo4j
- Nestle
- NetApp
- Netflix
- Netherlands Ministry of Defence
- Netic
- Netlify
- Netlight Consulting GmbH
- NetMatch
- Netnod
- Nets Denmark A/S
- Netsecurity
- Netways Managed Services GmbH
- Neveltien
- New Bulgarian University
- New Relic
- New York University
- Newday Cards
- News Corp
- Nirmata
- Noda Holding Limited
- Noda Services
- Nokia
- Nordcloud Oy
- Norsk Helsenett SF
- Nortal AG
- Nortal Oy
- Northern Bytes
- Northflank Ltd
- Norwegian Armed Forces
- Norwegian Defence Estates Agency
- Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration
- Norwegian Mapping Authority
- Norwegian Meteorological Institute
- Norwegian Police IT Services
- Norwegian Public Road Administration
- Norwegian Red Cross
- Norwegian Tax Administration
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- NOS Corporate Center, S.A.
- Novatec Consulting GmbH
- Novo Nordisk
- Novobanco
- NovoNordisk A/S
- NTT Data
- NubeEra Technologies
- Nubera
- Nucleus Security
- Nutanix
- Nykredit Realkredit A/S
- O2 Czech Republic
- O3 Cyber
- OBI SmartTech
- Observably AB
- Obsidian Security
- Oceaneering
- OCTO Technology
- Octopus Computer Solutions
- Octopus Deploy
- OD10 Ventures
- ODC Noord
- Odin Vision
- Okta
- OllyGarden
- OneID Limited
- Onepoint
- Onfido
- Onfire AI
- OP Financial Group
- OPC Consulting
- Open Empower B.V.
- Open Kube System
- Open Source Community Africa
- Open University of Israel
- OpenAI
- OpenBet
- OpenCredo
- OpenFaaS
- OpenFeature
- OpenOps
- OpenSearch
- OpenSystems
- OpenTelemetry
- OpenText
- OpenUK
- Opera Software
- Operant AI
- Oracle
- Orama Solutions
- Orange Services
- Orca Security
- Orsted Poland
- OverIT
- OverIT SpA
- Overmind
- Ovh Cloud
- OVHcloud
- Ovoko
- Pacific Disability Forum
- PacketPerf
- Paco Bernabe IT
- Paessler GmbH
- PagerDuty
- Pagero AB
- PagoNxt Payments
- Palo Alto Networks
- Panterra
- Paramount
- Parity
- Parseable
- Parship Group
- Paul Akkermans
- Payconiq Services International
- Payfit
- PayPal
- PayPlug
- Pelanor
- Pendo
- Penneo
- Peptone
- Percona
- PerfectScale
- Petlove
- Pexon Consulting
- Pfizer
- PG Forsta
- PG Tech Lowercase
- Philips
- Phoenitech Solutions
- PhoenixNAP
- PhysicsX
- Picnic Technolgies
- Pictet Asset Management
- Ping Identity
- PinkRoccade Local Government
- Pipedrive
- Pipekit
- Pismo
- Pitango
- Pixels Coder
- Pixida GmbH
- Plaid
- Plainsight
- PlanetScale
- Planon Software
- Planworx AG
- Planworx GmbH
- PlatCo
- Platco Group
- Platform 16
- Platform Engineering
- Playstation
- Playtech
- Playtika
- Pleo
- Plexus Tech
- Plug.Dev
- Plumery
- Plural Labs, Inc.
- Polar Signals
- Poletti Enterprises SRL
- Polismyndigheten
- Politecnico di Torino – Dauin
- PolyAI
- Pontoon SoIutions GmbH c/o ONOS SE
- Popken Fashion GmbH
- Porsche Informatik GmbH
- Port IO
- Limited
- Portworx by Pure Storage
- Posedio GmbH
- POST Telecom S.A. / DEEP
- Postfinance
- PostFinance AG
- PostNord Strålfors AB
- PowerDNS
- PPD IT consulting
- Prefect Technologies, Inc.
- Previder BV
- PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH
- Primer
- Prisma by Palo Alto Networks
- Progress Software B.V.
- Project Circle LTD
- Project Kindel
- ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
- Protect AI
- ProtectAI
- Proton AG
- Prove Identity
- Provectus
- Prowler
- Proximus Luxembourg SA
- Proxy Managed Services
- Pulumi Coorporation
- Purdue University
- Pure Storage
- Qiminfo
- Qlik
- Qodea
- Qodea Ltd
- Qodo
- Qstars IT
- Quadient
- Quadrature
- Qualcomm
- QualityMinds
- Qualys
- Quantum Security Systems
- Quartz Enterprises
- Quasitech Innovations Private Limited
- Quattrocento Diseño
- Qube Research & Technologies
- Quesma
- Quickwork
- Quintor
- R Systems International
- Rabobank
- RadiantLogic
- Radio France
- Radoslaw Zdunski
- Rafael
- Raiffeisen Bank International
- Rakuten Cloud
- Rapid7
- React Consulting
- Recorded Future
- Recorded Future (Mastercard)
- Recruitee Sp. z o.o.
- Recursion
- Red Bull Racing
- Red Hat
- Redeploy AB
- Redpanda
- Redseed
- Redwood Technologies Ltd
- Region Sjaelland
- Registers of Scotland / K Nixon LTD
- Reiknistofa bankanna
- Replicated Limited
- Reply
- Reporttee Intelligence
- Reservix GmbH
- Resolve Technology Limited.
- REWE Digital
- Rhapsody
- Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund Servicegesellschaft mbH
- RheinEnergie AG
- RightCrowd Europe
- Ripple
- Riskified
- Ritech
- Rivolta Consultancy
- Robert Bosch GmbH
- Robusta Dev
- Roche
- Rocket Lawyer
- Roku
- Rook-IT
- Rootly
- Rosen Group / FH Münster
- Rossmann GmbH
- Royal Ballet and Opera
- Royal London
- RTL Technology GmbH
- Rubicon
- Run:AI
- Runa Capital
- RunWhen
- Rutgers University
- Salesforce
- Salesloft
- Salto
- Saltware
- SambacLab UK LTD
- Samsara
- Samsung SDS
- Sandum Consulting
- Santander Digital Services
- Sawmills
- Saxo Bank
- Scale Venture Partners
- ScaleOps
- Scality SA
- Scalr
- Scania Sweden
- Scarf
- SchedMD LLC
- Schenker AG
- Schibsted
- Schneider Electric
- Schwarz IT
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
- Secure Apps
- SecureW2
- Senpolia Ltd
- Sentry
- Sequoia
- Serena
-, a.s.
- Sherbrooke University
- Shipfix
- B.V.
- Shock Media B.V.
- Shop2Shop
- Shopare
- Shopify
- Shopware
- Shutterstock
- Sibilla Consult
- SICK Mobilisis d.o.o.
- Sicura
- Sidero Labs
- Siemens AG
- SigLens
- Signicat
- SikaLabs
- Sikt
- Silverfin
- SimCorp
- Simplify9
- Simplon Occitanie
- Simply Business
- Sinch
- SIX Digital Exchange
- SiXworks
- SKA Observatory
- Skagerak Energi AS
- Skroutz
- Sky
- Sky Betting & Gaming
- Sky Italia S.r.L
- Skyscanner
- Slalom
- Slimming World
- SmartStream Technologies
- Snapp!
- Snowflake
- SNOWsat
- Snyk
- Société Air France
- Societe Generale
- Soda Labs AB
- Sofico NV
- SoftServe
- SoftwareOne Turkey
- Solvinity
- Solvinity B.V.
- Sonarsource SA
- Sonatype
- Sonos
- Sony Interactive Entertainment
- Sopra Financial Technology GmbH
- Sorint.Lab SPA
- Sourcesense
- South Westfalia University of Applied Sciences
- Southampton Solent University
- Space IT
- Space307
- Spacelift
- SparkFabrik
- Spectro Cloud
- Splunk
- Sportradar d.o.o.
- Spotify
- Squarepoint Capital
- Stack Overflow
- StackBooster
- Stackegy
- Statens Vegvesen
- Steadybit
- Stigian Consulting LLC
- Stoik
- StormForge
- Strava
- SuperGroup
- Supernova Invest
- SuperOrbital
- SUSE Rancher
- Swedbank
- Swiss Post
- Swiss Post Ltd
- Swiss RE
- Sympany
- Synadia Communications, Inc.
- Synechron
- Sysdig Inc.
- Sytac Technologies BV
- Szecskó Dániel ev.
- T-Systems International
- Taboola
- Tactile Games
- Tailscale
- Tallence AG
- Tameshi
- Tangany GmbH
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Teamsales s.r.o.
- TechBee AS
- Techdome
- Technical University of Applied Science Ingolstadt
- Technical University of Košice
- Technicolor
- TechnoGym
- Technology Innovation Institute
- Tekion Corp
- Teleport
- Telia
- Temenos Ltd
- TeraSky
- TestifySec
- Thales
- The Access Group
- The LEGO Group
- The Mathworks
- The New York Times
- The New York Times Company
- The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
- The Norwegian Mapping Authority
- The Norwegian Meteorological Institute
- The Norwegian Tax Administration
- The Swedish Internet Foundation
- The Swedish Police
- The Travel Corporation
- Thomson Reuters
- Thought Machine
- Thoughtworks
- Ticketmaster
- Tietoevry Banking
- Tigera
- Tigera Inc
- TOKYO GAS Co., Ltd.
- Total Specific Solutions
- Totalenergies Digital Factory
- Tower Research Capital India Pvt. Ltd.
- Toyota Motor Corporation
- TP Servglobal Limited
- TQ Ventures
- Tracr
- Trend Micro, Inc
- TrendMiner
- Trendyol
- Trice
- Trilio
- Trimble
- Trimble Transport and Logistics
- trinamix GmbH
- trip
- TripAdvisor
- Trivago N.V
- TrueFoundry
- Trust Wallet
- TruxtAI
- Turo France
- Twilio
- Uber
- Ugent
- Umeå University
- UncommonGoods
- United Internet
- United Kingdom Research and Innovation
- United Payment
- Univeristy of Coimbra
- Universidad de Extremadura
- Universidad de Mendoza
- Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
- Università di Verona
- Universität Koblenz
- Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
- Université Capitole
- Université de Liège
- Université de Luxembourg
- Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Universitetet i Bergen
- University College Dublin
- University College London
- University of Aberdeen
- University of Amsterdam
- University of Applied Scince Hamburg (HAW)
- University of Bristol
- University of Bucharest
- University of Cambridge
- University of Coimbra
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Essex
- University of Exeter
- University of Extremadura
- University of Ghent
- University of Glasgow, School of computer science
- University of Gothenburg
- University of Groningen
- University of Hagen
- University of Helsinki
- University of Leicester | Taikun
- University of Minho
- University of Nigeria
- University of Oxford
- University of Roehampton London
- University of Stuttgart
- University of Trento
- University of Twente
- University of West Of England
- Upbound
- Upgrade inc.
- Uphold
- Uppsala University
- Uptime Systems AB
- Upwind Security
- Urocyon Group BVBA
- US Government
- Usercentrics A/S
- Valcann
- Varian
- Varian Medical Systems
- Vasco Electronics
- Vattenfall
- vCluster
- Vectra AI
- Veeam
- Veeam Kasten
- Venafi Jetstack Consult
- Verint
- Verisign
- Verisk
- Verisure
- VeritasAutomata
- Verizon
- Vertex Ventures
- Vesmus
- Veson Nautical
- Via Transportaion
- Viable Data Ltd
- Viasat
- Vienna University of Technology
- Vigil
- VIMN POLAND Sp. z o.o.
- VINCI Energies
- Vinted GmbH
- Virgin Media O2
- Visa
- Viseca Payment Services SA
- Visma
- Vittoria Assicurazioni S.p.A.
- VivaLaCrowe
- VMRay GmbH
- VMware
- Vodafone
- Vodafoneziggo
- Volkswagen AG
- Volvo Car Corporation
- Vonage
- Vultr
- Wageningen University & Research
- Walmart Global Tech
- Walter Bacon, Inc.
- Wand Cloud
- Waovo
- Warner Bros. Discovery
- Warpnet
- Weaviate
- Webstep
- Wells Fargo
- Wenrix
- Whalebone, s.r.o.
- WhaleNet
- Whiteboard LLC
- Widas Technologie Services GmbH
- Widasconcepts GMBH
- WienIT GmbH
- Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
- Wiktor Rozpiórski
- Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS
- Williams Racing
- Winamax
- Wingie Enuygun Group
- Wingwill Int’l Co. Ltd.
- Winnovation
- WirelessCar AB
- Wiremind
- Wirschaftsuniversität Wien
- Wise Payments Limited
- WithSecure
- Wix
- Wiz
- Wolters Kluwer
- Wombat Software
- Worldpay
- Wrike
- WSO2
- Xebia
- Yandex Cloud
- Yelp
- Yugabyte
- Zero Hash
- Zero One Technology Co,
- Zesty
- Zoho Corporation
- Zoominfo
- Zooplus
- Zooplus SE
- Zscaler
- Zucchetti SPA
- Zupee
- Zürcher Kantonalbank
- Zürich Kantonalbank