KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_dev China

Diversity + Inclusion


Education and collaboration are vital to the future of the CNCF ecosystem and it is imperative to us that everyone in the community that wants to participate feels welcome to do so regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, dis/ability, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or economic status. Our code of conduct outlines our expectations for all those who participate in our community, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior.

Check out the transparency report for opt-in statistics from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2023. Please note, attendee demographic questions are optional for speakers and attendees, and are based on opt-in only responses.


教育与协作对于 CNCF 生态系统的未来至关重要,对我们来说,当务之急是让社区中每个想要参加的人员都感受到,无论性别、性别认同、性取向、残疾与否、种族、民族、年龄、宗教或经济状况如何,我们都欢迎他们参加活动。我们的行为准则概述了我们对所有参与我们社区的人员的期望,以及不可接受行为的后果。

请查看透明度报告,了解 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2023 的选择加入统计数据。请注意,与会者人口统计问题对于演讲者和与会者而言为可选问题,并且仅基于选择加入的回答。

Scholarships + Travel Funding

To encourage and increase the participation of a diverse community, we are pleased to offer diversity, need-based, and maintainer scholarships to our conferences.

奖学金 + 差旅资助



Captioning will be available for attendees in 50+ languages through Wordly. See instructions in each breakout room to utilize captioning.

Audio captioning is available by clicking the microphone icon when following the instructions in each breakout room. Personal headphones are required.


与会者可以通过 Wordly 使用 50 多种语言的字幕。请参阅每个分组讨论室中的说明,以使用字幕。


Onsite Resources

Nursing Room
We will be providing a private nursing room to aid in the comfort and accessibility of our nursing attendees. The room will be available all days of the event and will be located onsite. For location information, please check with registration or information desk staff onsite.

Child Care
Complimentary child care will be available onsite during event days. Check out our Child Care page for more information and to RSVP.

Venue Accessibility
If you need any assistance locating an elevator, or have other questions about accessibility onsite, please speak to a member of the Linux Foundation event staff at any of the registration or information desks onsite. If you have questions prior to the event, please contact Event Support.

Wheelchair & Medical Equipment Rental
If you need a wheelchair or scooter, you can rent them from Hong Kong Red Cross. Please contact them directly for rates and availability.

Communication Stickers
Attendees can pick up communication stickers to add to their badges at registration. Communication stickers indicate an attendee’s requested level of interaction with other attendees and press (including photographers and videographers).

  • Green = Open to communicate.
  • Yellow = Only if you know me, please.
  • Red = I’m not interested in communicating (or being videotaped or photographed) at this time.

Please be respectful of attendee communication preferences.

Share your Pronouns
Stickers will be available at registration to add to your badge. Please be respectful of attendees’ pronouns.

First Aid/Medical Assistance
If you require first aid or medical assistance, please visit our registration desk or a venue information desk. For emergencies, please dial 999.

How to Handle a Harassment Report
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the event staff immediately. Event staff can be identified by staff badges and/or shirts onsite and can be found at the event registration counter at any time. Our staff has had incident response training, responds to harassment reports and does so in accordance with the process recommended by the Ada Initiative, which can be found here on the Geek Feminism Wiki.

Conference staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference.

If you are planning to attend an upcoming event and have concerns regarding another individual who may be present, please reach out to us pre-event. Precautions will be taken to ensure a victim’s comfort and safety, including, but not limited to providing an escort, prepping onsite event staff, keeping victim and harasser from attending the same talks/social events and providing onsite contact cell phone numbers for immediate contact.

The Linux Foundation Contacts:
Joanna Lee, VP of Strategic Initiatives and Legal & Angela Brown, SVP & General Manager of Events


(408) 686-9393




如果您在找到电梯位置方面需要任何帮助,或者对现场无障碍设施有其他疑问,请在现场的任何登记处或问讯处咨询 Linux 基金会活动工作人员。如果您在活动前有任何疑问,请联系 活动支持

如果您需要轮椅或代步车,可以从香港红十字会 (Hong Kong Red Cross) 租用。请直接与之联系,了解价格和可用情况。


  • 绿色 = 乐于交流。
  • 黄色 = 仅限相识者。
  • 红色 = 我目前无意交流(或接受录像或拍照)。



如果您需要急救或医疗协助,请到访我们的登记处或会场问讯处。如遇紧急情况,请拨打 999。

如果您受到骚扰、注意到其他人受到骚扰或有任何其他疑虑,请立即联系活动工作人员。可以通过现场工作人员名牌和/或衬衫辨别活动工作人员身份,并可随时在活动登记柜台找到他们。我们的工作人员接受过事件应对培训,应对骚扰报告,并按照 Ada Initiative 推荐的流程进行应对,流程可以在极客女权主义维基 (Geek Feminism Wiki) 上的此处找到。



Linux 基金会联系人:
战略计划兼法律副总裁 Joanna Lee 和高级副总裁兼活动总经理 Angela Brown


(408) 686-9393

CHAOSS D&I Event Badge

D&I Gold badge

Awarded to events in the open source community that fosters healthy D&I practices. Learn More

CHAOSS 多样性与包容性活动徽章

D&I Gold badge


Contact Us with Ideas

If you have ideas on how we can create a more inclusive event, please do not hesitate to let us know. Contact Vanessa Heric, Senior Director of CNCF Events, vheric@linuxfoundation.org.


如果您对如何打造更具包容性的活动有任何意见,请随时告诉我们。联系 CNCF 活动高级总监 Vanessa Heric,vheric@linuxfoundation.org




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