KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_dev China
Eight attendees standing on stage for a group photo.


Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s scholarship program for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_dev China 2024 exists to support individuals who may not otherwise have the opportunity to attend in three categories:


Applicants must be from traditionally underrepresented and/or marginalized groups in the technology and/or open source communities who are unable to attend without some financial assistance. Including, but not limited to persons identifying as: LGBTQIA+, women, persons of color, and/or persons with disabilities.


Applicants should be active community members who are not being assisted or sponsored by a company or organization, and are unable to attend for financial reasons.


Applicants should be active CNCF project maintainers who are not being assisted or sponsored by a company or organization, and are unable to attend for financial reasons.

Scholarships are awarded based on a combination of need and impact. Scholarships are NOT transferable to another person, or any other event. Selection will be made by reviewers who will assess each applicant’s request. Application information will be kept confidential.

Scholarship recipients will receive a complimentary registration pass to attend KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_dev in Hong Kong.

云原生计算基金会为 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_dev China 2024 设立了奖学金计划,旨在支持那些可能原本没有机会参加的个人,分为三类:








奖学金获得者将获得免费登记通行证,在香港参加 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_dev。

Travel Funding

We place an emphasis on funding applicants who are from historically underrepresented or untapped groups and/or those of lower socioeconomic status. If you work for a company that has the ability to fund your travel, we ask that you not apply, to save funds for those in need.

We receive thousands of requests for funding each year. CNCF is trying to use funds to assist as many people as possible. As such:

  • We are often unable to fund one person across multiple events in a year
  • Lower cost travel funding requests are more likely to get approved
  • We typically do not fund the same person two years in a row

Travel funding scholarship recipients may receive up to a max of $2,000 USD to reimburse actual travel expenses. Please note that reimbursements are made after the event, and the stipend may only be used for the following: economy train, bus or airfare, hotel / accommodations (up to four nights), and transportation to and from the airport/train/bus station.

Please note: If you do not live in Hong Kong, it is important that you check with your local embassy regarding travel requirements (and timelines) before proceeding with the application.



我们每年收到数以千计的资助申请。云原生计算基金会 (Cloud Native Computing Foundation, CNCF) 正在尝试利用资金帮助尽可能多的人士。因此:

  • 我们通常无法在一年内资助一个人参加多个活动
  • 成本较低的差旅资助申请更有可能获得批准
  • 我们通常不会连续两年资助同一个人

差旅资助奖学金获得者最多可获得 $2,000 美元,用于报销实际差旅费用。请注意,报销将在活动进行,津贴用于以下用途:经济型火车、公共汽车或机票、酒店/住宿(最多四晚),以及往返机场/火车站/汽车站的交通费用。


Applications Due
Sunday, 23 June, 2024
(11:59PM Pacific Time)
All Applicants
Notified By
Monday, 8 July, 2024

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2024 年 6 月 23 日,星期日
(太平洋时间晚上 11:59)
2024 年 7 月 8 日,星期一

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