KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_dev China

This event has passed. View the upcoming KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + other CNCF Events.


Visa Letter Request

  • Provision of a visa letter by The Linux Foundation does not guarantee visa approval, which is made at the sole discretion of the government of the event’s host country.
  • Visa letter requests should be made 90 days prior to an event and may be submitted no fewer than two weeks prior to the event. The Linux Foundation cannot guarantee that letters will be provided in response to requests submitted fewer than two weeks prior to an event, though we will make every effort to process them.
  • You must be registered for the event before requesting a visa letter. Please note: it can take up to an hour for our registration system and visa letter system to sync.
  • The Linux Foundation processes most visa letter requests in (3) business days. Please complete the form below as accurately as possible. Failure to do so may result in a delay to the typical processing time.
  • Some countries in which The Linux Foundation holds events require a local organization to provide a visa invitation letter. Thus, the Linux Foundation must use a local third party to process letter requests from time to time. By completing the form below, you are authorizing The Linux Foundation to share your details with third party vendors as needed to process your invitation request.
  • For questions, please contact visaletters@linuxfoundation.org.
  • Linux 基金会提供的签证函并不能保证签证获得批准,签证的批准是由活动所在国/地区政府全权决定的。
  • 签证函申请应在活动前 90 天提出,并可在活动前至少两周提交。尽管我们会尽一切努力处理申请,但 Linux 基金会不能保证在活动前不到两周提交的申请会得到回复函。
  • 在申请签证信函之前,您必须先注册参加活动。请注意:我们的注册系统和签证信函系统需要最多一个小时的同步时间。
  • Linux 基金会在 (3) 个工作日内处理大多数签证函申请。请尽可能准确地填写以下表格。若不照做,可能会导致耽搁通常的处理时间。
  • Linux 基金会举办活动的一些国家/地区要求当地组织提供签证邀请函。因此,Linux 基金会必须不时地利用当地第三方来办理邀请函申请事宜。填写以下表格即表示,您将授权 Linux 基金会根据需要与第三方供应商共享您的详细信息,以办理您的邀请函申请事宜。
  • 如有疑问,请联系visaletters@linuxfoundation.org

Apply from your LF Individual Dashboard (LF account required)

Have questions or need to contact us?

从您的 LF 个人仪表板申请(需要 LF 账户)





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