KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_dev China

This event has passed. View the upcoming KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + other CNCF Events.


Submission Reviewer Guidelines


提前感谢您作为KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_Dev: Open Source GenAI & ML Summit China 2024的提交评审人所做的努力。




Thank you in advance for your efforts as a submission reviewer for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_Dev: Open Source GenAI & ML Summit China 2024.

Below you will find guides to Sessionize’s evaluation modes in addition to best practices to use when reviewing your set of proposals. Please bookmark this page for easy reference. If you have any questions, please email the CNCF Content Team.

By participating as a reviewer, you agree to the CNCF Program Committee and Events Volunteer Guidelines.


  • 审稿委员会评审期:5月6日至17日
  • 联合主席选择期+日程安排:5月20日至5月31日
  • 日程公布:6月12日,星期三
  • 活动日期:8月21日至8月23日


  • Program Committee Review Period: May 6 – 17
  • Co-Chair Selection Period + Schedule Building: May 20 – 31
  • Schedule Announced: Wednesday, June 12
  • Event Dates: August 21 – 23



  • 审稿委员会成员将在4月29日的那周收到Sessionize作为评估者的邀请。
  • 您的专题的评估计划将于5月6日当天在Sessionize上启动。
  • 审稿委员会成员将使用星级评分评估模式,在截止日期前完成评审。
  • 评审完成后,联合主席将会审查您的综合评分和评论,以帮助做出最终选择。
  • 所有完成评审的节目委员会成员将获得免费参加活动的注册。

Program Committee Responsibilities

Program Committee members carefully evaluate 50-200+ proposals in their assigned topic for each event. They are limited to participating in a maximum of two events per year.

  • Program committee members will receive an invitation to Sessionize as an evaluator the week of April 29.
  • The evaluation plan for your track will be activated in Sessionize by end of day May 6.
  • Program Committee members will use Star Rating Evaluation Mode to complete reviews by the deadline.
  • Upon completion, the co-chairs will review your combined scores and comments to help make their final selections.
  • All program committee members who complete their reviews will receive free registration to the event.

评审过程 + 最佳实践

  • 时间承诺:请计划投入总共4-50个小时来审核您所分配的所有提案,具体取决于您分配的数量。每次尽量同时审核10-15个议题,然后休息/离开一下。这有助于避免疲劳并使您以新鲜的眼光审阅更多提案。
  • 过程完整性:保护评审过程的完整性非常重要,避免不当偏见,保持对提案及其评论的保密。请审阅并遵守我们的行为准则
  • 与公众和作者的互动:为确保公正的评审过程,审稿委员会成员不应与作者和/或公众讨论提案(例如,请勿在推特上讨论)。当然,一旦日程安排发布后,请随意推文关于您期待参加的已接受的议程。
  • 利益冲突:请评审人员在评分提案时以“KubeCon + CloudNativeCon”的身份出现,而不是以公司或其他关联身份出现,以便公平评价所有提案。如果某个提案是由您与之密切合作的同事或与之被视为有关系或竞争的人撰写,请选择跳过该问题。
  • 议题重定向:如果您认为某个演讲更适合放在另一个议题中,请留下评论,以便我们将其移动到正确的专题。
  • 经验水平:利用您的专业知识评估观众的经验水平,以了解演讲内容。如果您认为演讲与演讲者所指示的经验水平不符,请留下评论,指出哪种经验水平更合适。
  • 多次提交的演讲者:每个演讲者最多可以列出一个会话和一个小组讨论。如果您需要审查的提案中有多个来自同一演讲者的提案超过了允许的数量,请在评论框中指出,并继续评分。
  • 小组讨论:理想的小组讨论应由多元化的思想领袖组成,他们占据80%的时间进行讨论,与观众进行20%的互动。在审核小组讨论提案时,请记住以下几点:
    • 小组讨论是否多样化?小组成员是否有性别的混合?请注意:所有小组讨论必须至少有一位不自认为男性的发言人。
    • 提案是否连贯?它是否清楚地展示了在35分钟内专题将如何进行?他们是否能够在给定的35分钟内涵盖提案中的所有内容?
    • 他们是否包括任何示例问题?
    • 小组讨论是否包括来自不同组织的小组成员,包括主持人?
    • 如有需要,请研究小组成员和主持人的背景经历。他们的经验是否与该主题相关?
    • 小组讨论成员是否能够提供不同的观点,或者他们会反复讲同样的事情四次?
    • 是否有一些知名的小组成员?
    • 如果1-2位小组成员无法参加,这对小组讨论会有什么影响?
  • 分组会议:由专题专家提供具有新颖或独特观点的演讲。在审核演讲提案时,请记住以下几点:
    • 提案是否写得好?
    • 主题是否相关、原创,并且他们被认为是该领域的专家?
    • 他们是否在谈论他们公司的特定产品?如果是的话,它是否以非广告性的方式引人入胜?请记住,对于观众来说,那些被视为公司宣传或广告的演讲往往评分非常低。
    • 他们的目标观众是谁?提案的摘要和描述是否与所需的专业知识相匹配?


  • Time Commitment: Please plan on committing 4-50 hours total to review all of the submissions in your track, depending on the amount you have been assigned. Aim to do 10-15 sessions at a time – then take a break / walk away. This helps prevent burnout and allows you to see more proposals with fresh eyes.
  • Process Integrity: It is very important to protect the integrity of the review process, and to avoid undue bias, by keeping the submissions and your comments on them confidential. Please review and adhere to our Code of Conduct.
  • Public & Author Interaction: To ensure an unbiased review process, program committee members should not discuss submissions with authors and/or the overall public (i.e., please no tweeting). Of course, please feel free to tweet about accepted sessions that you are excited to attend once the schedule has been published.
  • Conflict of Interest: Reviewers are asked to wear their “KubeCon + CloudNativeCon” hats rather than the company or other affiliation when scoring submissions so that you rate all submissions fairly. If a submission was written by a colleague you work closely with or someone that you are seen to be associated with or in competition with, please choose to skip the question.
  • Topic Re-Routing: If you believe a talk would be better suited in a different topic, please leave a comment so we can move it to the correct track.
  • Experience Level: Use your expert knowledge to assess the experience level for the audience to understand the presentation. If you feel the presentation is not the experience level the speaker indicated, please leave a comment to indicate which experience would be a better fit.
  • Speakers with multiple submissions: Speakers are allowed to be listed on a maximum of one session and one panel. If you are in the position of reviewing more proposals from the same speaker than allowed, please indicate this in the comment box and continue scoring.
  • Panel Discussions: The ideal panel is composed of diverse thought leaders who talk about 80% of the time with 20% audience interaction. Some things to keep in mind when reviewing a panel submission:
    • Is the panel diverse, is there a mix of gender on the panel? Note for all Linux Foundation Events: All panels are required to have at least one speaker who does not identify as a man.
    • Is the submission cohesive and does it provide a clear view of how the panel would progress for 35 minutes? Could they cover everything within the proposal in the given 35 minutes?
    • Have they included any sample questions?
    • Does the panel include panelists from different organizations, including the moderator?
    • Research the panelists and moderator, if needed. Is their experience relevant to the topic?
    • Will the panelists provide diverse perspectives or will they repeat the same thing four times?
    • Are there any high-profile panelists?
    • In the instance that 1-2 of the panelists are unable to attend how would it impact the panel?
  • Breakout Sessions: A presentation is delivered by a topic expert with a fresh or unique point of view. Some things to keep in mind when reviewing presentation proposals:
    • Is the submission well written?
    • Is the topic relevant, original and are they considered to be subject matter experts?
    • Are they talking about a specific product from their company? If so, is it engaging in a way that is not advertorial? Keep in mind that sessions that come across as a pitch or infomercial for their company are most often rated very poorly among the audience.
    • Who is their target audience? Does the abstract and description match up with the expertise required?


Screenshot of Star Rating Mode

星级评分评估模式非常用户友好,只需要审查会议信息并给出一到五星的评级。此外,还可以使用半星评级(0.5、1.5、2.5、3.5、4.5)。完成后,只需点击“Save and continue”按钮确认评级并继续下一个会议。

Screenshot of Star Rating Overview

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon采用了一个星级评分评估计划,涉及多个标准。作为评估人员,您需要根据以下四个标准来评估会议,而不是仅仅给出一个整体评级:

  • 内容:会议内容的相关性和连贯性,提案的质量以及演讲者有效传达的可能性。
  • 原创性:会议程度上呈现新颖和创新的思想或方法,以及演讲方式的独特性。
  • 相关性:会议内容提供新颖、令人激动的见解或与会议相关的信息的程度。
  • 演讲者:根据他们的专业知识和与主题的契合度,所提议的演讲者是否合适。




Screenshot of how to save and continue later

如果您对某个会议的决定感到困难,您可以选择跳过该会议,稍后再回来评估。只需点击 Save and continue 按钮旁边的箭头来展开相应的菜单,并选择 Skip and ask later 选项。如果您刚刚开始评估过程,并希望更好地了解提交的会议的整体质量,这将非常有用。

如果某个会议涉及您完全不熟悉的主题或存在利益冲突,请点击”Ignore this session”按钮。评估系统将不再询问您有关该会议的评价。


Screen shot of the evaluation bar

在评估过程中,页面顶部会显示一个进度条,显示您的进展情况。如果在任何时候您需要暂停评估过程,请点击进度条上方的”Stop and continue later”按钮。在返回后,您可以从您离开的地方继续评估。



  • 最近 – 您最近评估的会议列表
  • 演讲者 – 查看同一演讲者提交的其他会议(如果存在)
  • 相似 – 浏览相似的会议
  • 搜索 – 浏览所有提名的会议
Screen grab of the four tab options.


Screenshot of star rating dashboard stats



Screenshot of Star Rating Mode
The progress bar updates in real-time, letting you know how far in the evaluation process you’ve come

The Star rating evaluation mode is highly user-friendly, requiring only an examination of the session information and a rating between one to five stars. Additionally, half-star ratings (0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5) are also available for use. Upon completion, simply click the Save and Continue button to confirm your rating and proceed to the next session.

Screenshot of Star Rating Overview

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon utilizes a Stars rating evaluation plan that involves multiple criteria. As an evaluator, you will be required to assess sessions based on the following four criteria, as opposed to assigning a singular overall rating:

  • Content: The relevance and coherence of the session’s content, the quality of the proposal, and the likelihood of effective delivery by the speaker.
  • Originality: The degree to which the session presents new and innovative ideas or approaches, as well as the originality of its delivery.
  • Relevance: The extent to which the session’s content provides new and exciting insights or information that is relevant to the conference.
  • Speaker(s): The suitability of the proposed speaker(s) based on their expertise and alignment with the subject matter.

In addition, it is mandatory to provide feedback in the form of a comment for each session. It is important to ensure that feedback is constructive, especially for rejected proposals, as submitting authors may range from a VP at a large company to a university student. Constructive feedback may include highlighting the positive aspects of a proposal, offering helpful suggestions, and providing factual feedback.

It is crucial to avoid direct attacks and instead focus on objective feedback that can help improve the proposal. Moreover, we strongly advise against using vague comments like “Scoring was tough, I had to cut this” or “LGTM.” Instead, it is essential to provide thoughtful and insightful comments that will assist the co-chairs in making their final selections.

Once you have finished rating a session based on the criteria and provided constructive feedback, click on Save and continue to proceed to the next session. Please note that if your comments are deemed unconstructive, you may not be invited to serve as a program committee member in the future.

Screenshot of how to save and continue later

If you have a hard time coming up with a decision about a certain session, you have the option to skip it and come back to it later. Simply click on the arrow flanking the Save and continue button to expand the appropriate menu and select the Skip and ask later option. This can be particularly useful if you have only just started with the evaluation process and would like to get a better sense of the overall quality of the submitted sessions.

In case a certain session covers a subject you’re completely unfamiliar with or poses a conflict of interest, click on the Ignore this session button. The evaluation system won’t ask you about that session anymore.

Track your progress

Screen shot of the evaluation bar

During the evaluation process, a progress bar will be displayed at the top of the page, providing an indication of your progress. If, at any point, you need to pause the evaluation process, click on the Stop and continue later button located above the progress bar. Upon returning, you can resume the evaluation from where you left off.

On the right is a box with several useful tabs. The default tab is Recent. You can use it to keep track of your past session evaluations, but it has an additional purpose: you can click on any of the sessions to reopen them and potentially change your evaluation.

Here’s a complete overview of the tabs found in the aforementioned box:

  • Recent – a list of sessions you recently evaluated
  • Speaker – see other sessions submitted by the same speaker (assuming they exist)
  • Similar – browse similar sessions
  • Search – look through all nominated sessions
Screen grab of the four tab options.
Keep track of your past evaluations and reevaluate the ones you aren’t happy with

Complete the evaluation and view your stats

Screenshot of star rating dashboard stats
Change your evaluation even after you’ve completed the initial process

Once you’re done with the evaluation, you’ll automatically be redirected to the Evaluation page. By opening the evaluation plan you’ve just completed, you can view your statistics, as well as potentially change your mind on any of the sessions by clicking on the corresponding edit button.



这些准则适用于志愿者与他们协助规划、组织、筛选演讲者或以其他方式担任志愿者的任何CNCF活动相关的行为和言论。这些准则适用于活动之前、期间和之后的相关行为,无论是在社区空间内还是在社区空间之外(包括个人社交媒体账户上的言论),适用于虚拟和实体活动。除了这些准则外,活动志愿者还必须遵守Linux Foundation活动行为准则CNCF行为准则



  • 以适合工作环境的专业方式表现自己;
  • 礼貌和善地对待其他活动参与者(包括演讲者、赞助商、展商、参会者、志愿者和工作人员);
  • 在与活动相关的沟通中,以礼貌和尊重的方式表达意见,即使与他人意见不同,也要避免使用淫秽语言、侮辱、粗鲁或嘲笑的语言、过多的粗俗语言或其他不专业的语言、图像或内容。






活动组织者可能会不时更新这些准则,并通过电子邮件和专为活动志愿者指定的CNCF Slack频道通知志愿者。然而,对这些准则的任何更改不会有追溯效力。如果Linux Foundation活动团队确定志愿者违反了这些准则或Linux Foundation活动行为准则,可能会立即暂停或解除该志愿者在任何与活动相关的志愿者职位上的参与,包括参与活动相关委员会。如果这些准则有更新并且志愿者不愿意同意,他们在与活动相关的志愿者职位上的参与将会暂停,直到他们同意为止。

CNCF Program Committee + Event Volunteer Guidelines

Volunteers who help with the planning, organization, or production of a CNCF event are often seen as representatives of the CNCF community or CNCF project that the event relates to, and their actions can meaningfully impact participants’ experience and perception of the event.  Therefore, and in the interest of fostering an open, positive, and welcoming environment for our community, it’s important that all event volunteers hold themselves to a high standard of professional conduct as described below.

These guidelines apply to a volunteer’s conduct and statements that relate to or could have an impact on any CNCF event that the volunteer helps plan, organize, select speakers for, or otherwise serve as a volunteer for.  These guidelines apply to relevant conduct occurring before, during, and after the event, both within community spaces and outside such spaces (including statements from personal social media accounts), and to both virtual and physical events. In addition to these guidelines, event volunteers must also comply with The Linux Foundation Event Code of Conduct and the CNCF Code of Conduct.

Be professional and courteous

Event volunteers will:

  • Conduct themselves in a professional manner suitable for a workplace environment;
  • Treat other event participants (including speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, attendees, volunteers, and staff) with courtesy and kindness; and
  • In their event-related communications, express their opinions in a courteous and respectful manner, even when disagreeing with others, and refrain from using obscenities, insults, rude or derisive language, excessive profanity, or other unprofessional language, images, or content.

Express feedback constructively, not destructively

The manner in which event volunteers communicate can have a large impact personally and professionally on others in the community. Event volunteers should strive to provide feedback or criticism relating to the event or any person or organization’s participation in the event in a constructive manner that supports others in learning, growing, and improving (e.g., offering suggestions for improvement).  Event volunteers should avoid providing feedback in a destructive or demeaning manner (e.g., insulting or publicly shaming someone for their mistakes).

Be considerate when choosing communication channels

Event volunteers should be considerate in choosing channels for communicating feedback.  Positive or neutral feedback may be communicated in any channel or medium.  In contrast, criticism about any individual event participant, staff member, or volunteer should be communicated in one or more private channels (rather than publicly) to avoid causing unnecessary embarrassment.  Criticism about an event that is not about specific individuals may be expressed privately or publicly, so long as it is expressed in a respectful, considerate, and professional manner.

Changes to These Guidelines and Consequences for Noncompliance 

The event organizers may update these guidelines from time to time, and will notify volunteers by email and via the CNCF Slack channels designated for event volunteersHowever, any changes to these guidelines will not apply retroactively.  If the Linux Foundation Events team determines that a volunteer has violated these guidelines or The Linux Foundation Event Code of Conduct, it may result in the volunteer’s immediate suspension or removal from any event-related volunteer positions they hold, including participation in event-related committees. If these guidelines are updated and a volunteer does not wish to agree, their participation in the event-related volunteer position will cease until such time as they do agree.




If you require any assistance reviewing proposals or have questions about the review process or any of the best practices we have suggested, please contact us for assistance.




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