KubeDay Japan の形式と開催時期を教えてください。
KubeDay Japan は、8月27日に東京で開催される対面イベントです。
KubeDay Japanは日本標準時(UTC+9)で開催されます。
ドレスコードは設定されていませんので、多くのオープンソース イベントと同様、参加者の服装はジーンズからスーツまでさまざまです。おすすめはビジネスカジュアルですが、ジーンズでもまったく問題ありません。会議室は寒くなりがちですので、重ね着スタイルがよいでしょう。
会場では、ビーガン / グルテンフリー / 乳製品フリー / コーシャ / ハラルなどの食事を提供していますか?
Webサイト上で回答されていない質問がある場合はお問い合わせください。よくある質問への回答を検索するか、チケットを送信してください。ヘルプデスクがより適切にサポートできるように、Linux Foundationアカウントにサインインするか、アカウントを作成するよう求められます。
What is the format of KubeDay Japan and when will it take place?
KubeDay Japan is an in-person event that will take place on 27 August in Tokyo, Japan.
What time zone will the event be in?
KubeDay Japan will be held in Japan Standard Time (UTC+9.)
What is the recommended attire?
There is no set dress code and, like many open source events, attendees will dress in a range, from jeans to suits. Our recommendation is business casual; jeans are acceptable. Please wear layers; conference rooms tend to get cold.
Will you have vegan / gluten-free / dairy-free / Kosher / Halal, etc. meals available onsite?
We account for a portion of attendees that need vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free meals – these are typically readily available at all snack breaks, lunches, and receptions. No special order is required and you can indicate your preference/need during registration.
For those that need a special order meal such as Kosher or Halal, we do ask that you contact us so that we may place these orders in advance of the event. Most catering companies are unable to prepare/order these types of meals on the day they are needed as they are made in offsite kitchens. Note that we are also a peanut-free event. If you have another severe food allergy, please contact us. We will make every reasonable effort to accommodate your need(s).
What is the policy on animals at the event?
Service animals are permitted.
I have a question that isn’t answered here.
Have a question that hasn’t been answered on the website? Contact us for assistance! Find answers to commonly asked questions or submit a ticket. You will be prompted to sign in or create a Linux Foundation account so our help desk can support you better.
講演者から提供されたセッション スライドは、受け取り次第、イベント スケジュールに追加されます。すべての講演者にスライドを共有するようお勧めしていますが、スライドを利用できない場合もあります。
How do I access a speaker’s slides after the conference?
Any session slides provided by speakers will be added to the event schedule as they are received. While we encourage all speakers to share their slides, there may be instances where slides are not made available.
In what language should I submit a CFP and conduct my presentation?
The assumed presentation language will be English, though presentations can be in English or Japanese. Please reach out to the CNCF Content Team if you need to update your preferred language.
Health & Safety
What health measures and safety protocols are being taken to ensure a safe in-person event?
Our attendees’ health and safety are our top priority. Information on current guidelines and health & safety measures can be found on our Health & Safety page.
Onsite Resources
What onsite resources are available?
We have a number of onsite resources to support our attendees. For full details, learn more.
What do I do in case of an emergency?
In an emergency, dial 119 for fire/ambulance and 110 for police. Find additional information about emergency resources at the event.
はい。イベント前にオンラインで登録できなかった場合は、現地で登録できます。現地会場での登録には 10分から15分かかる場合があります。また、お支払いはクレジットカード決済のみとなります。
スピーカー アクセス コードはどこで入手できますか?
講演者通知が送信されると、講演者は承認メールで登録リンクとコードを受け取ります。これらの手順が届いていない場合は、詳細について cfp@cncf.io にメールでお問い合わせください。
スポンサー アクセス コードはどこで入手できますか?
スポンサーとして登録する必要がある場合は、貴社のスポンサーシップ担当の方にご確認ください。さらに質問がある場合は、events@cncf.io までお問い合わせください。
メディア パスはありますか?
このイベントに参加ご希望で、無料アクセス コードをお持ちでないメディアの方は、pr@cncf.io までご連絡ください。
イベント サポートでチケットを送信してください。
登録にクレジット カードを使用できません/使用したくありません。どうすればよいですか?
クレジットカードでお支払いいただけない場合は、イベント サポートでチケットを提出してください。参加を希望するカンファレンス名を明記し、登録料の請求書をリクエストしてください。
ビザ招待状の詳細、またはリクエストについては、ビザ レター リクエストのページをご覧ください。
Linux Foundationイベントの登録はGDPRに準拠していますか?
はい。Linux Foundationイベント登録システムからお客様のデータを削除したい場合は、gdpr@linuxfoundation.orgまでご連絡ください。GDPRに関するご質問は、privacy@linuxfoundation.orgまでお問い合わせください。
How can I register for the event?
Information on registering can be found on our Register page.
What is the cost of the event?
Information on registration fees can be found on our Register page.
Can I register onsite?
Yes – if you did not have a chance to register online before the event, you may register on-site. Please note that the registration process on-site may take 10-15 minutes. We will only be able to accept credit card payments.
Where do I get my speaker access code?
Speakers will receive a registration link and code in their acceptance email once speaker notifications have been sent. If you did not receive these instructions, please email cfp@cncf.io for more details.
Where do I get my sponsor access code?
A registration link and code were shared in an email to your company’s sponsorship contact.
Please speak to your company’s sponsorship contact if you need to register as a Sponsor. For further questions, please email events@cncf.io.
Are there media passes available?
If you are a member of the media interested in attending the conference and have not received a complimentary access code to attend, please contact pr@cncf.io.
Who can I contact about questions or problems regarding my registration?
Please submit a ticket using Event Support.
What are the cancellation, refund, and substitution policies?
Our registration policies can be found on our Register page.
I can’t / don’t want to use my credit card for registration. What should I do?
If you are unable to pay by credit card, please submit a ticket using Event Support – indicate the conference name you are interested in attending and request to be invoiced for registration.
I need a visa letter to attend this event. How do I request one?
For information about visa invitation letters, or to request one, visit the visa request page.
Is registration for Linux Foundation Events GDPR compliant?
Yes. If you would like to request that your data be removed from the Linux Foundation event registration system, please email gdpr@linuxfoundation.org. If you have questions about GDPR, you can reach us at privacy@linuxfoundation.org.
イベントスポンサーシップに関する情報については、sponsor@cncf.io までメールでお問い合わせください。
I have questions regarding sponsorships. Who should I contact?
For information regarding event sponsorship, please email sponsor@cncf.io.
Venue & Travel
How do I get to the conference?
For information about travel to the event, visit the Venue & Travel page.
Is a hotel reservation included in my registration?
No. Visit the Venue & Travel page for more information about how to make a hotel reservation.
Is parking available at the venue?
Visit the Venue & Travel page for more details on parking.