Colorful confetti in the air.


KubeTENes Birthday Bash is a complimentary event.

Please only register if you are able to attend. If you register and your plans change, please cancel your registration. A waitlist will be activated once maximum capacity is reached.

Additional Information

Invoices & Certificates of Attendance

Registration Invoices:
Invoice receipts are downloadable from the confirmation email you received after registering under the Payment Receipt Information section. If the downloadable invoice receipt does not meet your needs or you need to have your confirmation email resent, please submit your request here. Please include any additional customization you need for your invoice receipt in the request.

Certificates of Attendance:
To request a Certificate of Attendance, please submit a request herePlease Note: We verify attendance through the registration system, and Certificate of Attendance letters are sent out after the event is completed.


If you must cancel for any reason, please sign back into your registration, click the “Register/Modify” button and select “Unregister.” If you need further assistance, email


If you are unable to attend, you may substitute another attendee in lieu of cancellation. To substitute an attendee, sign back into your registration, click the “Register/Modify”, and select “Transfer Registration” on your confirmation page.