Open Source Summit Latin America

This event has passed. View the upcoming Open Source Summit Events.

Sponsor Guide

General Information

Thank you for your support of Open Source Summit Latin America 2022. OSS LATAM is taking place on August 23-24, 2022. 

It will be a Virtual Experience available for attendees in the following languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Sponsor Registration

Complimentary Sponsor Passes
Each sponsor receives a number of complimentary virtual conference passes for this event which may be used for booth staff, other employees or customers. These passes are full-conference passes and include access to the keynotes, sessions, and all other programs that do not require a separate registration and/or fee. There are no onsite exhibitor passes or expo hall-only passes available for this event so please ensure that you allocate enough conference sponsor passes for your onsite booth staff. 

All registrants using your complimentary sponsor passes should register here using the sponsor code that was emailed to you.

20% Onsite Attendee Registration Discount 
Sponsors receive a 20% discount code that may be used for any additional onsite conference passes that you wish to purchase. Feel free to use this code for business partners or customers you wish to invite to the event. DO NOT share the discount code directly, e.g. on your website or on social media.

All registrants using this discount code should register here using the discount code that was emailed to you.

If you need any registration codes emailed to you, please contact

Code of Conduct

The Linux Foundation and its project communities are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events, whether they are held in person or virtually. Linux Foundation events are working conferences intended for professional networking and collaboration within the open source community. They exist to encourage the open exchange of ideas and expression and require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group. While at Linux Foundation events or related ancillary or social events, any participants, including members, speakers, attendees, volunteers, sponsors, exhibitors, booth staff and anyone else, should not engage in harassment in any form.

Please review the full Code of Conduct, which may be revised at any time by The Linux Foundation and the terms are non-negotiable. Your registration for or attendance at any Linux Foundation event, whether it’s held in person or virtually, indicates your agreement to abide by this policy and its terms.

Deliverable Due Dates

Send all deliverables to

  • August 10: Confirm or provide Sponsor information
    • Logo in .svg format
    • URL link for OSS LATAM website
  • August 11: Social Media – Provide Twitter handle (Diamond, Platinum, Gold, and Silver only)
  • August 12: Speaker information due (Diamond, Platinum, and Gold only)
  • August 15: Custom question for post-event attendee survey due (Diamond, Platinum, and Gold only)
  • August 17: Complete Virtual Exhibit Booth
  • August 19: Register staff by this date

Speaking Opportunity

Diamond, platinum, and gold sponsors receive a speaking opportunity during the event.

Please provide the required details below as soon as possible, so it can be added to the schedule.

  • Track Session Title
  • Track Session Abstract (to be included on schedule)
  • Speaker Name
  • Speaker Title
  • Speaker Bio
  • Speaker Email
  • Speaker’s Preferred Language

Once the details are received, the program committee will review the content prior to it being posted.

If you have any questions regarding your speaking opportunity, feel free to email

Marketing Deliverables

Company Logo + Link

Confirm your logo for OSS LATAM. If the logo or link needs to be updated, email the new information to

Your logo and link will appear in the following places based on your sponsorship level:

  • Email Marketing
  • Keynote Stage Branding
  • Event Website
  • Onsite Event Signage

Social MediaTwitter Handle (Diamond, Platinum, Gold, and Silver Only)
All levels will have a shared social media post, please email your Twitter handle to

Social Media Re-share (Diamond, Platinum, Gold, and Silver Only)
The Linux Foundation Twitter account will retweet 1 post of your choosing. The timing of the re-tweet will be determined by The Linux Foundation. Confirm if you intend to request a social media retweet and please share the timing of the tweet or tweeted the tweet in an email to

Custom Question in Post-Event Attendee Survey (Diamond, Platinum, and Gold only)
Get some insight with a post-event attendee survey question. Diamond and Platinum sponsors have the opportunity to include two custom questions and gold sponsors can include one question in the post-event attendee survey. The questions need to be submitted to by Monday, August 15. 

Virtual Sponsor Showcase Information

Virtual Sponsor Showcase

Open Source Summit Latin America 2022 will be held as a virtual event. The event will be hosted on the Accelevents virtual conference platform. For information about the virtual expo works on the platform check out this article.

The Virtual Sponsor Showcase is easily accessible from the main navigation menu in the virtual event platform. The Virtual Sponsor Showcase serves as the main hub for all sponsored activities on the virtual platform. It will feature all sponsor companies that have opted to exhibit virtually with their logos, company descriptions, and links to their virtual booths. 

If your company is exhibiting virtually, please pay close attention to the following deliverables to make the most of your listing on the Virtual Sponsor Showcase landing page.

Virtual Booth Setup

The virtual event platform for Open Source Summit Europe will be Accelevents. Each sponsor will receive a virtual exhibit space including:

  • Upload pre-recorded videos and downloadable resources such as whitepapers, case studies, or collateral
  • Engage with attendees via public live chat or private 1:1 chat
  • Link to external websites and social media
  • Capture leads and tracks visitor traffic in real-time

The virtual booth will allow you to share endless amounts of content. Video, demos, documents, and links are all displayed within your virtual booth. A few things to note as you develop your content:

  • How to Preview your Booth: To view your booth as an attendee will access/see it is to click on the “Sponsor Showcase” tab and scroll to your booth. The showcase tab appears just above the “My Booth” tab on the left-side of the page. Please keep in mind that your booth will be visible to all other sponsors. 
  • Any fields that you do not fill out will not appear on the front attendee facing view, so if you don’t need a section, just leave it blank.
  • Links to demos or other content hosted on a different website is one click away from your booth.
  • Note that links in the documents & links section do not get tracked/collected as a lead.

If you have any questions or need more information at this time, please do not hesitate to contact us.  A virtual booth is included in each sponsorship package. The virtual booth is your pace to interact with conference attendees and to showcase your products, services, and activities. Follow the instructions in the Booth Builder Guide and complete your booth set-up no later than Tuesday, September 6. Booths will be locked after this date to allow for quality assurance testing.

Booth Builder Login

  • Login information coming soon. 
  • You will be emailed access to your booth. Please note, the email will come from Accelevents <>, so be sure and check your SPAM if you do not receive it. Once you log in you will be able to add additional team members. 
  • If you are unable to log in and have checked SPAM for your welcome email, after 24 hours of logging into the exhibitor portal, please email

Booth Builder Guide

Think of your booth as a self-serve kiosk and organize your content in a way that makes it easy for attendees to browse through on their own. Please review the step-by-step instructions in the Booth Builder Guide before you start setting up your booth.

Important Information and Helpful Hints-

  • Click “Save” after every step.
  • Documents and links appear in the order they are uploaded. Try and organize your materials prior to uploading to ensure they are listed in the order you want them. 
  • How to Preview your Booth: The only way to “preview” your booth is to click on the “Sponsor Showcase” tab and scroll to your booth. Please keep in mind that your booth will be visible to all sponsors that 
  • Note that links in the documents & links section do not get tracked/collected as a lead.
  • Virtual booth staff is limited to 20 registrants. If you need more, please contact
  • For additional information and help beyond the Booth Builder Guide, please visit the links below. Please note, these are helpful links from Accelevents, some of the details may vary based on our event and what is being offered. If you have questions if something listed is included for the event, please reach out to

Virtual Booth Staff Registration

Please see the OSS LATAM registration page to receive your complimentary virtual attendee pass. Virtual booth staff will need to be registered for OSS LATAM and have access to Accelevents. 

Virtual Booth Chat

Virtual booth staff includes anyone on your team who will be either building out your virtual booth or staffing your virtual booth as a representative during the event.

Best Practices for Booth Staff

  • We suggest having at least (2) booth staff, available for live chat during breaks and customized office hours.
    • Tuesday, August 23 – 9:00 AM EDT – 5:00 PM EDT
      • Coffee break – 10:45 AM EDT – 11:00 AM EDT
      • Lunch – 12:30 PM EDT – 1:30 PM EDT
      • Coffee break – 3:00 PM EDT – 3:30 PM EDT
    • Wednesday, August 24 – 9:00 AM EDT – 4:30 PM EDT
      • Coffee break – 10:25 AM EDT – 10:45 AM EDT
      • Lunch – 12:15 PM EDT – 1:15 PM EDT
      • Coffee break – 2:45 PM EDT – 3:00 PM EDT
  • Create shifts for your staff. If you have team members across different time zones to cover booth duties outside the recommended booth hours, you are welcome to do so.
  • Include technical, product and sales experts who can answer any attendee questions immediately.
  • The name and job title of each staff member will be displayed in the list of representatives in the booth. This information is pre-populated with the name and job title entered on the registration form. If you wish to change this information, you can edit your personal profile on the event platform. It is recommended to include a job title or area of expertise to help attendees identify who they should talk to about specific topics. You may also add a short biography to give more detail about your professional background.
  • Ask your booth staff to add a photo to their profile. Attendees are more likely to talk to a friendly face than an anonymous icon.
  • Host a training session before the event to walk your staff through the booth layout.

Private 1:1 Chats + Calls

Anyone registered as virtual booth staff will be visible to attendees in the list of representatives in the virtual booth. Attendees can view each booth rep’s profile and initiate a private text chat, group chat, or request a video call (20 minutes maximum) unless a booth rep has made their profile private in their profile settings. It is highly recommended for booth staff to keep their profiles public to allow for 1:1 communications with attendees. Vice versa, booth staff may initiate a 1:1 text chat, group chat, or video call with attendees unless the attendees have set their profile to private. A training video will be shared prior to the event to familiarize yourself with the chat functions.   

Public Booth Chat

Each virtual booth comes with a built-in public chat window. Booth staff and attendees can post messages and reply directly. The public chat is a great tool for announcements about upcoming activities within the booth or to host a moderated question/answer chat session. 

  • Chat messages update in real-time. The most recent message appears at the top of the chat window.
  • Chat messages are plain text only (no formatting, tagging, hyperlinking or file-sharing possible).
  • Users can create threads by responding directly to a specific message.
  • Users can “like” messages.
  • Booth staff can delete unwanted or inappropriate messages from the public chat that were posted by other users.

Booth Chat Best Practices

  • Use the public chat to keep attendees informed about what you are offering in the booth and give previews of what to expect each day. 
  • Moderate your public chat and live office hour Q+A in your booth to create a more engaging conversation. Post questions and answers on specific topics. Invite guests to share their pain points or future developments they would like to see and respond to their challenges. Attendees are more likely to join in on an ongoing, lively conversation than being the first to post a message.
  • Be patient and give attendees time to explore your booth on their own before reaching out to them.
  • Coordinate with other virtual booth staff internally who is talking to whom to avoid sending multiple messages to the same person.
  • End conversations with a call-to-action such as inviting attendees to check out further information on the topic that was discussed. 
  • Post a closing message in your public chat. Whether you are done for the day or at the end of the event, be sure to let attendees know when you are not available in the virtual booth and how to contact you outside of the exhibit hours.
  • Be courteous in all communications and adhere to the event’s Code of Conduct. All public chats will be monitored.

Chat Records

The booth chat history and live office hour Q+A chat history can’t be exported. If you would like to save them, please take screenshots or copy the messages out of the chat windows. Private 1:1 messages and group messages can’t be exported but are available to view on your personal “My Messages” tab at the top of each page for as long as the event platform is open (closes on September 23, 2022).      

Virtual Lead Reports

All attendees accessing a virtual booth in Accelevents are captured as leads and their contact information will be provided to the sponsor unless they opt out of sharing their data with sponsors in their event platform profiles. Lead reports can be accessed in Accelevents at any time during the event and up to 30 days after the event. After the platform closes, this data will no longer be available. Lead capture is restricted to virtual booths. Attendee information will not be shared for any keynote or breakout sessions or special offer submissions.  

Accessing Virtual Lead Reports  

All booth staff can download real-time lead reports through the event platform. Further details coming soon.   

Lead Report Data

You may export your leads in real-time during the event.  The following attendee information will be included in the lead report: 

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Email address
  • Physical address incl. country, city, state, zip code/postal code
  • Job Function
  • Industry

For privacy reasons, phone numbers will NOT be included in the lead reports.    

Nurturing Your Leads

Turning leads into customers takes time and dedication. Analyze the available data in the lead reporting portal carefully and develop a lead nurturing strategy specific to the attendees and the content they interacted with within your booth. One size does not fit all. Following up in a timely manner with personalized and relevant content is key to stay on top of the minds of prospective customers. 

Best Practices for Post-Event Follow-Up Emails:

  • Use an email address affiliated with your company (e.g. 
  • If using a personal account, clearly identify that the sender is employed by your company (e.g. “Hi, I’m Jane with XYZ Company”)
  • Indicate how you came into possession of the attendee’s email address (e.g. “You are receiving this email because you visited our booth at Open Source Summit North America”)
  • Provide targeted content based on the attendee data that you’ve gathered instead of sending generic boilerplate messages. Personalize emails whenever possible.
  • Don’t bombard attendees with messages. Receiving too many emails is one of the top reasons for recipients to unsubscribe. Find a balance between staying in consistent contact and giving recipients time to digest your information.

GDPR & Data Privacy
All Linux Foundation events are fully GDPR compliant. By registering and attending this event, all participants agree to the Linux Foundation’s Privacy Policy and the event terms and conditions which include the following language:

In order to facilitate networking and business relationships at the event, you may choose to visit a third party’s booth or virtual booth or to access sponsored content. You are never required to visit third-party booths or to access sponsored content. When visiting a booth (e.g. by clicking on a third party’s logo in the exhibit hall or exhibitor directory, and any actions within the booth thereafter including viewing resources), accessing swag or virtual swag provided by sponsors, or by participating in sponsored activities, the third party will receive some of your registration data. This data includes your first name, last name, title, company, address, email, standard demographics questions (i.e. job function, industry), and details about the sponsored content or resources you interacted with. If you choose to interact with a booth or virtual booth or access sponsored content, you are explicitly consenting to receipt and use of such data by the third-party recipients, which will be subject to their own privacy policies.



