Open Source Summit Japan

This event has passed. Please visit the upcoming Open Source Summit Japan.

An aqua green color succulent in close-up alongside pebbles

健康と安全のための要件 Health & Safety

Last Update: October 13, 2022

このページは定期的に更新され、このイベントに関するオンサイトのヘルス&セーフティ プロトコルに関する情報が提供されます。参加者の健康と安全は引き続き最優先事項です。私たちはCOVID-19を引き続き監視し、会場、地域(都道府県/地方自治体)、厚生労働省、およびWHOのガイドラインを参考にして、オンサイトの安全と要件に関して最善かつ最も多くの情報に基づいた決定を行います。

This page will be updated regularly with information on our onsite health and safety protocols for this event. Our attendees’ health and safety remain our top priority as we continue to monitor COVID-19 and look to venue, local, state, MHLW, and WHO guidelines to make the best and most informed decisions around onsite safety and requirements.











  • 政府発行または政府準拠のデジタル ワクチン接種確認アプリ(ClearやVaxYesなど)
  • 政府機関、公衆衛生機関、またはその他の認可されたワクチン提供者によって発行された物理的な(またはデジタルの)COVID-19 ワクチン接種カード、記録、または証明書(写真でも可)。

ワクチン接種証明書には、ワクチン接種を受けた個人の名前と、その他の個人識別情報(生年月日やパスポート番号など)、接種を受けたワクチンの製造業者名、およびワクチン接種日が記載されている必要があります。また、記録を発行している公式の情報源の名前(たとえば、公衆衛生機関、政府機関、またはその他の認可されたワクチン提供者)も含める必要があります 。



  • 検査は、イベント会場における検査結果提示の24時間前以降に実施されたPCR、NAAT、または抗原検査でなければなりません。
  • また、検証済みのプロバイダー (eMed など) を通じて監督付き在宅検査を受けることもできます。検証済みプロバイダーは、検査結果の陰性を示す検査証明書を発行できます。検査証明書のない無監督の在宅検査は無効です。
  • 検査結果には、あなたの名前と検査の日時が含まれている必要があります。

最寄りの機関で予約を希望する人のために、地域別のプロバイダー リストがまもなく共有されます。






快適なソーシャル ディスタンス レベルを示すウェアラブル インジケータ―

イベント参加者は、自分にとって快適なソーシャル ディスタンス レベルを示せるウェアラブル インジケータ―を身につけることができます(任意だが推奨)。参加者の方は、お互いの快適なソーシャル ディスタンスを尊重してください。


Mask Mandate

At this time, masks will be required to be worn at the event due to the venue’s policy. If this changes, the mask mandate will be updated to a mask recommendation, and all registered participants will be notified.

Masks must be worn over the nose and mouth and must be made of a tight-knit, non-permeable material. KN95 or N95 masks are recommended. Cloth masks are acceptable. Bandanas, scarves, and gators are not permitted to be used as masks.

Masks do not need to be worn when in outdoor spaces and while actively eating food and beverage indoors when socially distanced from others. Speakers are not required to wear masks while presenting talks.

Vaccine OR Negative COVID-19 Test Requirement

Proof of COVID-19 vaccination OR a Negative COVID-19 Test is required to attend in person. Please read detailed requirements for each below. 

Proof of Vaccination

If you are showing proof of vaccination to attend in person, you will need to show that you are ‘fully vaccinated’ against the COVID-19 virus. Fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks (14 full days) after the final dose (1 of 1, or 2 of 2) of a vaccine approved for emergency or full use by the World Health Organization. View the most up-to-date list of accepted vaccines here. There is no booster vaccine requirement for the event.

The following are acceptable forms of proof of full vaccination: 

  • Government-issued or government-compliant digital vaccination verification app (such as Clear or VaxYes)
  • Physical (or digital photocopy of) COVID-19 vaccination card, record, or certificate issued by a government agency, public health agency, or other authorized vaccine provider (a photo will also suffice).

The proof of vaccination record must show the name of the vaccinated individual along with one other personal identifier (such as date of birth or passport number), name of the manufacturer for vaccine received, and date(s) of vaccination. It must also include the name of the official source issuing the record (e.g., public health agency, government agency, or other authorized vaccine provider).

Negative COVID-19 Test

In lieu of proof of vaccination, participants may instead show proof of a negative COVID-19 test administered by a verified provider to enter the event. 

  • The test must be a PCR, NAAT, or Antigen test taken within 24 hours of presenting the test results onsite at the event. 
  • You may also take a proctored at-home test through a verified provider (such as eMed) that provides a certified lab report with a negative test result. Unproctored at-home tests without lab certified results will not be accepted.
  • The test results must include your name and the date and time of the test. 

A list of local providers will be shared shortly for those that would like to make local appointments.

The negative test requirements to enter Japan may differ from our event requirements shown above. If you are using a negative test in lieu of vaccination to enter the country, you must also review and adhere to Japanese Border Measure requirements.

On-Site Vaccine & Negative COVID Test Verification

Participants will need to show either proof of vaccination or proof of a negative COVID-19 test and a government-issued photo ID to enter the event. 

Daily ID Checks

On subsequent days of the event, every participant will need to show their ID to verify their identity to enter the event.

Wearable Indicators of Social Distance Comfort Levels

We will provide a wearable indicator of social distance comfort levels for event participants to wear onsite (optional but encouraged). Participants are asked to be respectful of each other’s comfort level on social distance.


他の国から日本に旅行する場合は、次の入国要件entry requirements)に従う必要があります。



  1. ワクチン接種の証明
    • 証明書は、政府または公的機関によって発行されたものでなければなりません。
    • ワクチン接種証明書の具体的な情報が日本語または英語で記載されている必要があります。
    • 証明書には、世界保健機関 (WHO) の緊急使用リストに記載されている次のワクチンのいずれかを3回接種したことが明確に示されている必要があります。
  2. 出発前のCOVID-19陰性検査結果証明書
    • 有効な予防接種証明書を持っていない日本人を含むすべての参加者は、出発の72時間以内に検査を受ける必要があります。


Japanese COVID-19 Border Measures

If you are traveling to Japan from another country you must adhere to the following entry requirements.

Step 1:

You have 2 options when entering Japan

  1. Proof of Vaccination
    • The certificate must be issued by a government or public institution
    • Specific information on your proof of vaccination must be indicated in Japanese or English
    • The certificate must clearly show that you have received 3 doses of any of the following vaccines on the Emergency Use Listing of the World Health Organization (WHO)
  2. COVID-19 Negative Test Result Certificate before departure.
    • All entrants including Japanese citizens who do not have a valid vaccination certificate must be tested within 72 hours of departure.
Step 2: 

Everyone must submit a Questionnaire at Japanese quarantine. Travelers are strongly encouraged to use Fast Track to simplify Japan entry procedures.



  • ワクチン接種またはCOVID-19検査陰性の要件
  • 屋内におけるマスク着用義務と、積極的飲食の抑制
  • 必要な健康および安全プロトコルを示すイベント サイネージ
  • 展示会場の通路を広くし、ブースの間隔を空ける。イベント参加者に対し、ブース周辺に密集しないように、また、常にブースの参加者数が限られるように求める
  • 参加者ごとにバッジ チェックイン ステーションを清掃するなど、会場のすべてのタッチポイントに対して厳格な清掃と消毒を行う
  • できるかぎり包装済みの食品と飲料を提供する
  • 講演者の交代時に講演者用マイクを消毒する
  • 会場の随所に衛生ステーションを設置する
  • 参加者に個人用のボトル入り手指消毒剤とウェット ティッシュを提供する



Please expect some, if not all, to be in place at 2022 in-person events as well. 

  • Vaccine or negative COVID-19 test requirement 
  • Mask mandate while indoors and not actively eating and drinking
  • Event signage indicating required health and safety protocols 
  • Wider aisles in the exhibit hall with booths spaced apart. Event participants are asked to not crowd around booths and to limit the number of attendees at a booth at any given time.
  • Rigorous onsite cleaning and sanitizing of all touch points including cleaning of each badge check-in station between participants
  • Pre-packaged food and beverages where possible
  • Sanitized microphones between each speaker’s use
  • Plentiful sanitation stations onsite 
  • Personal hand sanitizer bottles and wipes available for participants

At a minimum, we will be following all mandated venue, municipality, and MHLW guidelines. This list, and all protocols, are subject to change as the fluid COVID-19 situation changes.







ワクチン接種証明とは、世界保健機関(WHO)が緊急使用または完全使用を承認したワクチンの最終接種(1回のみ必要であれば1回、2回必要であれば2回)から2週間(丸14日)経過した状態を指します。ブースター ワクチン接種の証明は必要ありません。


ワクチン接種が不完全で、2回接種ワクチンの1つしか受けていない、またはWHOに承認されていないワクチンを接種している場合は、イベントに参加するために COVID-19検査陰性証明を提示する必要があります。

ここで質問の回答が得られない場合、追加の質問はどこに問い合わせればよいですか? までお問い合わせください。


I have been vaccinated, do I need to provide a negative COVID-19 test?

A negative COVID-19 test result is only required to be shown by those that cannot show proof of full vaccination.

How often will I need to provide my negative COVID-19 test results?

A negative COVID-19 test result is only required to be shown one time, at the initial entry to the event in order to pick up your badge.

What defines proof of vaccination to enter the event?

Proof of vaccination is defined as two weeks (14 full days) after the final dose (1 of 1, or 2 of 2) of a vaccine approved for emergency or full use by the World Health Organization. We do not require proof of booster vaccines.

I only received part of a COVID vaccine, or the vaccination I received was not approved by the WHO, what should I do?

If you have an incomplete series and only received one of a two-shot vaccine, or your vaccine was not one approved for use by the WHO, you will need to present a negative COVID-19 test to enter the event.

Who can I contact with additional questions if my questions aren’t answered here?

You can contact us at

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