Sponsor Showcase Booth Crawl
Tuesday, December 5
Time: 6:10 – 7:45pm
Location: Sponsor Showcase in Hall A
Everyone is invited to join their fellow attendees after sessions conclude for drinks, canapés, networking, and the opportunity to check out the latest and greatest sponsor products and technologies!

Explore the Open StarTer Village board game!
Two dedicated tables will be available for gameplay during this evening. Claire Cheng, a contributor to the development of this open-source board game, will be present to guide and assist you in learning the rules.
The goal of Open StarTer Village is to help people with different skills understand the value of open-source culture, as well as to showcase the real applications of open source in our daily lives. We expect players can find the projects they are passionate. We can make a better world by engaging more and diverse contributors into the open source ecosystem! A trial play takes about 1 hour. To learn more about the game, please visit their website.