Open Source Summit Japanは、日本で開催される大規模なカンファレンスで、オープンソース エコシステムが一堂に会します。技術者やオープンソース リーダー企業が、コラボレーションと情報共有のために、そして最新のオープンソース技術を学ぶために、あるいは革新的なオープン ソリューションを使った競争力の付け方を見つけるために集結します。
Open Source Summitは、今日のオープンソースに影響を与える最も重要な技術、トピック、および問題をカバーするイベントの集まりで構成される、カンファレンス アンブレラです。
Open Source Summit Japan is the leading conference in Japan connecting the open source ecosystem under one roof, providing a forum for technologists and open source industry leaders to collaborate and share information, learn about the latest in open source technologies and find out how to gain a competitive advantage by using innovative open solutions.
Open Source Summit is a conference umbrella, composed of a collection of events covering the most important technologies, topics, and issues affecting open source today.
Become a sponsor
Open Source Summitとのパートナーシップは、さまざまなオープンソース コミュニティとひとつの屋根の下で交流するユニークな機会を提供します。オープンソースコードとコミュニティ貢献者のためのプレミアイベントを後援するチャンスをお見逃しなく。
Partnering with Open Source Summit provides a unique opportunity to connect with a variety of open source communities under one roof! Don’t miss your chance to sponsor THE premier event for open source code and community contributors.

The Onsite Experience
何千人もの参加者がOpen Source Summit Japanに参加し、お互いから学び合い、未来に目を向けます。開発者、アーキテクト、システム管理者、コミュニティ マネージャー、学生の方に限らず、どなたでも参加でき、さまざまな体験ができます。たとえば….
革新的なオープン ソリューションの最新情報を学び、競争力を強化
you’ve been waiting
for this
Thousands of attendees come to Open Source Summit Japan to learn from each other and celebrate what’s next. Whether you’re a developer, architect, sysadmin, community manager, student, or something in-between, you’ll…
Face-to-face problem-solving, discussions, and collaboration
Learn about the latest trends in open source and open technologies
Access to leading experts that will help guide you through a complex OS environment
Gain a competitive advantage by learning about the latest in innovative open solutions
Discover what industry-leading companies and projects are working on and where technologies are headed
Explore career opportunities with the world’s leading technology companies
Noriaki Fukuyasu is currently VP of Japan Operations at The Linux Foundation. Noriaki brings experience from previous roles at Finantix, Turbolinux, Zend Japan and Turbolinux India. He holds a 1998 – 2001 MA in International Relations, International Development at Nagoya University. With a robust skill set that includes Business Development, Marketing, Eto, Linux, Platform and more.
Dan Cauchy is the General Manager of Automotive at The Linux Foundation and the Executive Director of Automotive Grade Linux, a cross-industry effort to build an open software platform for automotive applications. Cauchy has over 22 years of experience spanning the automotive, telecom, networking, and mobile business verticals. Prior to his current position, he was the VP and GM of MontaVista’s Automotive Business Unit (acquired by Mentor). During this period, Cauchy served on the Board of Directors of the GENIVI Alliance and was responsible for the creation of the GENIVI Compliance Program, which he chaired for three years. He also has extensive startup experience and served as the Director of Product Management at Atrica (acquired by Nokia-Siemens Networks) and the Director of Architecture and Strategy at BlueLeaf Networks (now Picarro). Cauchy also previously held senior management and engineering leadership positions at Cisco Systems, Newbridge Networks (acquired by Alcatel), and Nortel.
Jim’s career spans three of the largest technology trends to rise over the last decade: mobile computing, cloud computing and open source software. Today, as executive director of The Linux Foundation, he uses this experience to accelerate innovation in technology through the use of open source and Linux.
At The Linux Foundation, Jim works with the world’s largest technology companies, including IBM, Intel, Google, Samsung, Qualcomm, and others to help define the future of computing on the server, in the cloud, and on a variety of new mobile computing devices. His work at the vendor-neutral Linux Foundation gives him a unique and aggregate perspective on the global technology industry.
Jim has been recognized for his insights on the changing economics of the technology industry. His writing has appeared in Businessweek, Wired, and other top technology journals, and he is a regular keynote speaker at industry events. He advises a variety of startups, including Splashtop, and sits on the boards of the Global Economic Symposium, Open Source For America, and Chinese Open Source Promotion Union.
Kate Stewart works with the safety, security and license compliance communities to advance the adoption of best practices into embedded open source projects. She has launched the ELISA and Zephyr Projects, as well as supporting other embedded projects. With more than 30 years of experience in the software industry, she has held a variety of roles in software development, architecture, and product management, primarily in the tooling and embedded ecosystem working with international teams.
Masashige Mizuyama Representative Director, EVP, CTO, New Business, Cabin/Interior Solution, Intellectual Property, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
Masashige Mizuyama joined Panasonic in 1988, then known as Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
He had been engaged in Operating System Development, Software Architecture Development, System Architecture Development.- 2005-2012 Chief Architect and Director, Mobile phone development
- 2013-2016 CTO, Infotainment Business
- 2017- CTO, Automotive Business
Hatsumi Iino (Haishima) Sr. Manager, Future Society and Technology Unit, Fujitsu Ltd., & LF Edge Board Member
Hatsumi is the Senior Manager of the Future Society and Technology Unit at Fujitsu Ltd. She is currently responsible for leading to create of Edge Domain business architecture and responsible for open source development and strategy.
Her previous roles included director positions in both Product Planning and Business Management of a global photonic business. She was assigned to Texas US for more than 8 years and her main business has been for big Service Operators in the US market.
She has a BS in Mathematical Statistics and resides in Kawasaki city, Japan, with her husband and 21year old Daughter. She and her family are supporters of the Japanese Professional Succor team Frontale.
Dan Lorenc is co-founder and CEO of Chainguard, a leading software supply chain security company. He started projects like Minikube, Skaffold, and Kaniko to make containers easy and fun, then got so worried about the state of OSS supply-chains he helped found the Tekton and Sigstore projects to make it easier to build and use containers securely; as well as SLSA to create a common language for software security and supply chain integrity.
Shuji Hashimoto received the B.S., M.S. and Dr. Eng. Degrees in Applied Physics from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1970, 1973, and 1977, respectively. He was an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, Toho University from 1979. In 1991 he moved to Waseda University as a Professor of the Department of Applied Physics.
In Waseda University he served as the Director of the Humanoid Robotics Institute for ten years from 2000. During 2006-2010 he was the Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering. He was appointed and served as the Senior Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost of the University from 2010 to 2018. He has been one of the leaders of the Gundam Global Challenge since 2014. Currently he is a Professor Emeritus and Research Advisor of Waseda University since his retirement in 2018. He joined XELA Robotics as the CEO in April, 2019.
His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, “KANSEI” Information Processing, Sound and Image Processing and Meta-Algorithm. He is a member of major academic societies including IEEE, IEICE and RSJ. He has served as Vice President of International Computer Music Association (ICMA), Director of IEEE Tokyo Branch, Director of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers, Chairman of Human Communication Group of IEICE. Currently, Vice President of the Japanese Facial Society, Fellow of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Fellow of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan. -
Takao Indoh has been working for support service of Linux system in Fujitsu since 2001, especially working for crash dump for mission critical server, and has also committed several open source communities relevant to crash dump framework, LKCD(Linux Kernel Crash Dump), diskdump, kdump, and so on. Also working for other OSS, for example OpenStack.

「Open Source Summitは、プロジェクト間で意見を交換したり、オープンソースコ ミュニティの人々に会ったりできる、重要で基本的な集いの場です。」
“Open Source Summit is a fundamental gathering place for exchanging ideas across projects and meeting all of the people who make open source communities work.”
Schedule at-a-glance
Sessions will be held in the Japan Standard Time Zone (UTC+09:00).
12月5日(月) Monday, December 5 | 8:00 – 9:00 コンチネンタル ブレックファスト&受付 Continental Breakfast & Registration 9:00 – 12:00 基調講演&分科会セッション Keynote & Breakout Sessions 12:00 – 13:00 ランチ Lunch 13:00 – 17:30 分科会セッション Breakout Sessions |
12月6日(火) Tuesday, December 6 | 8:00 – 9:00 コンチネンタル ブレックファスト&受付 Continental Breakfast & Registration 9:00 – 12:00 基調講演&分科会セッション Keynote & Breakout Sessions 12:00 – 13:00 ランチ Lunch 13:00 – 17:30 分科会セッション Breakout Sessions |