KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe

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CNCF-hosted Co-located Event Speaker Guide


Thank you for speaking at a CNCF-hosted co-located event at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023, taking place on 18 April at the RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

This is the official event speaker guide for CNCF-hosted co-located event speakers presenting in person in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Please bookmark this page for easy reference and continue to check back as the event gets closer as we will be adding additional speaker information (such as on-site details) as they become available. If you have any additional questions not covered by the speaker guide, please email the CNCF-hosted co-located events team.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Timing of sessions and room locations are subject to change.

Please click through the tabs on this page to access information.

important dates + deadlines

  • Travel Fund Request Deadline: Thursday, 23 February
  • Speaker Registration Deadline: Tuesday, 21 March
    • You should have received registration information in your speaker notification email. Please email the CNCF-hosted co-located events team if you need this information sent to you again.
  • Upload Bio + Headshot to Sched.com Deadline: Tuesday, March 21
  • Pre-approval Deadline for Pre-record Upload (last day to decide and inform if you are pre-recording): Sunday, 19 March
  • Pre-record Upload Deadline: Friday, 24 March (requires pre-approval)
  • Finalized Schedule Date: Friday, 31 March
  • AV Requests Due: Tuesday, 4 April
  • Presentation Upload to Sched Deadline: Thursday, 13 April
  • Event Date: Tuesday, 18 April

code of conduct

Please read and abide by our code of conduct, which is strictly enforced. We ask that speakers especially review and are careful to be inclusive in the words and images used during their presentation.

registration and Health + Safety

Accepted CNCF-hosted co-located event speakers now receive a complimentary All-Access In-Person ticket, providing free access to all CNCF-hosted co-located events AND KubeCon + CloudNativeCon. Likewise, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon speakers will also receive the All-Access In-Person ticket.

Your in-person speaker registration serves as confirmation that you will be speaking and has a deadline date of Tuesday, 21 March.

You should have received registration details in your acceptance email. If you need this information sent to you again, please contact the CNCF-hosted co-located events team. If you are not registered by Tuesday, 21 March, there is a possibility that your speaking slot will be replaced by one on our waiting list, so please do so promptly.

Any co-speakers or panelists that are part of the original CFP submission will also receive a complimentary all access in-person ticket.

Please review the event’s health and safety page here.

Event Content leads

Cody Liskh

  • ArgoCon Europe

Evi Harmon

  • CiliumCon Europe
  • Cloud Native Wasm Day Europe
  • Kubernetes Batch + HPC Day Europe

Lindsay Gendreau

  • Cloud Native Telco Day Europe
  • Istio Day Europe
  • Linkerd Day Europe
  • Observability Day Europe

Brienne Alves

  • Kubernetes on Edge Day Europe

visa letter requests

If you require a visa letter, please register for the event, and then complete the visa letter request form.

speaker travel funding

If you requested travel funding as a part of your proposal and have not submitted your request, please do so as soon as possible. You can access the form here. The deadline for travel funding applications is Tuesday, 14 March.

Note: Talk acceptance does not guarantee travel funding.

Schedule, Timing + Speaker Profiles

The schedule will be announced on Thursday, 9 March, and will be posted on our website using Sched.com.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Timing of sessions, and room locations, are subject to change.

Session Timing (refer to the co-located event schedule for your session’s timing):

  • Lightning Talks are brief 5-minute presentations, maximum of 1 speaker (2-4 slides, no Q&A)
  • Full-length presentations are 25 minutes, 1 or 2 speakers presenting a topic (including 5-min Live Q&A)
  • Panel Discussions are 35-minutes of discussion amongst 3-5 speakers (including 10-min Live Q&A)

promote your talk

Once the CNCF-hosted co-located event schedule is announced, we’d appreciate you spreading the word about the event. Please see the Co-located Event Speaker Marketing Toolkit for sample tweets, email content, graphics & more!

Note: If you’d like to get the “short link” to your session, this can be found on your session’s Sched.com page, just below the title, to the left of the “Tweet” and “Share” buttons.

AV Details + Requirements

Please note the following technical requirements:

  • All speakers must supply their own computers and adapters to use during their talk.
  • Presentation slides should be formatted in 16:9.
  • The room will include a screen, projector, and (2) microphones; panelists will each receive their own microphones.
  • If you require any additional AV, please email the CNCF-hosted co-located events team with those needs by Tuesday, 4 April. CNCF will make every effort to accommodate additional AV needs; however, final approval for additional AV requests will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Pre-Recording Information

Virtual speakers* will pre-record their talks. There is no Q+A for pre-recorded talks.
*Virtual speakers must be pre-approved

Some suggested tools to use for recording are Quicktime, Google Hangouts, Zoom, a screen recorder, or something similar. The recording should show your slides/screen as well as your presentation using a picture-in-picture style format.

Ensure you have stable internet access. A hardwired connection is preferable for your recording. If a hardwired connection is not available, turn devices off that could affect your connectivity during your presentation, and make sure that anyone else in the house is not on devices and/or consuming bandwidth.

The video requirements are as follows:

  • Video Codec: h.264 (MUST)
  • Video File Format: MP4 (MUST)
  • Resolution: 1920×1080 (MAXIMUM)
  • What Frame Rate: 29.97 (MAXIMUM)
  • What Bitrate settings: 3mbps to 4mbps (NO LARGER THAN)
  • What audio codec: AAC @ 256k (NO HIGHER THAN)
  • Audio File Format: MP3 (MUST)
  • Size Limit for final output 1.5GB per 60 min (MAXIMUM)
  • Files must be no larger than 1.5gb per 1hr of video. If we receive larger files, we will compress them to the size specs we require.

We have multiple options for uploading your pre-recorded presentation:

  • Share your file with the CNCF Co-located Events Team (link to cncfcolocatedevents@linuxfoundation.org) or let us know if you have an alternate method (DropBox, file sharing service, etc.)
    • Before sharing, save your presentation file using the following naming format: Colocatedevent_SessionTitle_YourName_Dateofsession_version#_
    • Example: TelcoDay_How_to_share_video_files_JohnSmith_50621_v1.mp4

In order to mitigate technical risks, we are not allowing speakers to present a virtual talk live. If you have been pre-approved as a virtual speaker, you must upload the recording by Friday, 24 March at 23:59 Pacific Standard Time. This is a hard deadline. If you cannot meet this deadline we may have to cancel your session.

day-Of Logistics

Please be aware that you should arrive at your room no later than 15-minutes before your session begins and visit the AV booth to ensure you get both audio and your laptop setup before your talk is scheduled to begin.

Presentation Details

All speakers are required to submit their final presentation slides ahead of the event. In addition to providing a hard copy for accessibility purposes, we find that adding the presentations before the event helps to drive interest in attending the session. The deadline for presentation upload to Sched.com is Thursday, 13 April.

To upload slides:

  • Log in to your speaker profile through Sched.com or via the mobile site
  • On the top of the page click “Manage and Promote Your Session”
  • Click “Add Presentation”
  • Click in the “Select a File” box and add the PDF document (note: there is a 50MB size limit)
  • Click “Upload” and your slides will automatically be saved

We have also designed an optional PowerPoint template for our speakers. Use of this template is not required but we welcome you to use it for your convenience. Please note that your presentation slides should be uploaded in PDF-format to Sched.com and must be formatted in 16:9 with a 50MB size limit:

PowerPoint Templates

Please see the CNCF style guide which covers things like abbreviating Kubernetes as K8s not K8 or K8S. Use of any trademark or logo is subject to the trademark policy available at https://www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage. If you have any questions about trademarked logos, please email info@cncf.io.

Inclusive Speaker Orientation online course

The Linux Foundation, in collaboration with the National Center for Women in Technology (NCWIT), has created an online course designed to teach the viewer about inclusion, diversity, and unconscious bias. It is strongly encouraged by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation that all of our speakers watch the course to learn tips/tools to use when speaking to encourage inclusivity in presentations and messaging.

Contact us

If you have any other platform, speaker, or schedule-related questions, please contact the CNCF-hosted co-located events team.